ラベル チャーリー・マンガー の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル チャーリー・マンガー の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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That’s not to say what we did and the attitudes that we had are obsolete or won’t be useful, it’s just that their prospects are worse. There’s a rule of fishing that’s a very good rule. The first rule of fishing is “fish where the fish are”, and the second rule of fishing is “don’t forget rule number one.” And in investing it’s the same thing. Some places have lots of fish and you don’t have to be that good a fisherman to do pretty well. Other places are so heavily fished that no matter how good a fisherman you are, you aren’t going to do very well. And in the world we’re living in now, an awful lot of places are in the second category.

I don’t think that should discourage anyone. I mean life’s a long game, and there are easy stretches and hard stretches and good opportunities and bad opportunities. The right way to go at life is to take it as it comes and do the best you can. And if you live to an old age, you’ll get your share of good opportunities. It may be two to a lifetime, that may be your full share. But if you seize one of the two, you’ll be alright. Well with that pontification done, I’ll take questions.



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I think the incentive structure in investment management is very interesting. If you look at the people who have a ton of money from the past, like say the Massachusetts Investor Trust or something like that, which pioneered Mutual Fund investing in the early days after Mutual Funds were allowed. It was certainly a respectable and honorable place. But once it gets to be $700 billion or whatever it is, and hires a lot of young men and has a big staff and so forth…and young women too…and spreads its investment over 50 securities at least, the chances that it’s going to outperform the S&P average really shrinks to about zero. And of course they wondered what we’ll keep paying, whatever number of basis points Massachusetts Investor Trust’s management operation charges for the long-term, and they may feel under pressure and that their world is threatened.

Another place that’s threatened. Suppose you’re charging say 1 and 20, one percent off the top and twenty percent of profits…or even worse, two percent off the top and twenty percent of profits…and you’ve got $30 billion or so under management and an army of young ambitious people, all of whom want to get unreasonably rich very fast. What are your chances of doing better for your clients? Well the average entity that charges those fees, the chances the clients will do well is pretty poor. That’s the reason Warren won that bet against the hedge funds. Where he bet on the S&P averages and they bet on carefully selected bunch of geniuses charging very high fees. And of course the high fees will just kill you.

It’s so hard in a competitive world to get big advantages just buying securities, particularly when you’re doing it by the billion, and then you add the burden of very high fees and think that by working hard and reading a lot of sell-side research and so forth, that you’re going to do well. It’s delusional. It’s not good to face the world in a delusional way. And I don’t think, when Berkshire came up, we had an easier world than you people are facing this point forward, and I don’t think you’re going to get the kind of results we got by just doing what we did.



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<チャーリー・マンガー> 諸君が資金を託している人物も、その中に含まれていますね。我々には長い期間は残されていません。だからと言って、当社がうまくやれないとは言っていませんが(笑)、運用期間の点では実に興味深いものがありますね。



Charlie: Those include those who you’re invested with. We do not have a long runway. That doesn’t mean the company won’t do well, (laughter) but in terms of investment management runway, it’s rather interesting.

Berkshire Hathaway’s peculiar in that its directors are so old and its managers are so old. The only institution that exceeds Berkshire Hathaway and the Daily Journal in terms of old directors in office is the Mormon Church. (laughter) The Mormon church is run by a group of people and they have two wonderful qualities. There’s no paid clergy in the Mormon church. And the ruling powers in a group of males between about 85 and 100. And that system is more successful than any other church. No paid clergy and very old males. Obviously we are copying that system at Berkshire and the Daily Journal. (laughter) And we are so much older than the Berkshire directors who are also very old. Warren says we’re always checking to see how the young fellows are doing at the Daily Journal versus Berkshire.

It is slightly weird. But the world is…who would have guessed that the church with the best record for keeping people happy and so on and so on…(inaudible)…which is the Mormon church. Who would have guessed that it had no paid clergy, run only by males who are about 85 and up? Now that is a very odd result. I guess I should like odd results, because I’m sure as hell living a life of a lot of odd results. And I’m very surprised to be here. Somebody said, an old woman whom I liked, said at her 94th birthday party, “I’m very pleased to be here”, in fact she said, “I’m very pleased to be anywhere.” (laughter) Well that’s what it is, and it is weird.



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Charlie Munger: Full Transcript of Daily Journal Annual Meeting 2018 (Latticework Investing)


<チャーリー・マンガー> (前略)我々取締役会のひとりが、「どんな投資アドバイザーでも有するべき特質」を列挙していましてね。彼は、プロの投資家を選び出す後継担当者へその内容を伝えたところ、その人物は即座に半数をクビにしてしまいました。そのような異色の結果となった以上、[取締役の]ピーター・カウフマン本人から資産運用者を選定する際に使う「ファイブ・エース」方式を説明してもらおうと考えたわけです。それではピーター、よろしく。

<ピーター・カウフマン> 「飛び抜けたマネー・マネージャーとして推薦できるのは、どのような人物なのか」をご説明する上で、これから示す一連の条件を思い至りました。それらが的確なものであってほしいと思いますし、それにあてはまる当人のかたが、実際に決定をくだす人物へ結びつけてほしいとも思います。そうなれば私からではなく、その最終的な決定者からの話として受けとめるわけですから、より説得力が増すことでしょう。さて、私の考えた5つの条件に「ファイブ・エース」と名付けましたが、「ファイブ・エース」とはワイルドカードを使用するポーカーにおいて最強の役を指しています。


<チャーリー> それはもう、そのとおりですよ!(笑)

<ピーター> …さらには会場におられるマネー・マネージャーを雇っている方もおられます。もしマネー・マネージャーを雇う立場であれば、その人物を評価する上ですぐれた基本原理となります。

<チャーリー> そのとおり。しかし、雇った人の半数をクビにするには費用がかさむでしょうね(笑)。

<ピーター> しかし、もしみなさん自身がマネー・マネージャーであれば、この5つを「希求すべきことがら」とするほうが、たぶんもっと重要でしょう。「マネー・マネージャーとして、自分はどのような特質を持ち合わせるべきか」。まずは完璧に信用できる人物たるべきですし、「やります」と発言したことは実際に造作なくこなせなければなりません。手数料については、正負どちら側でも基本的に公正な体系を採用すべきです。そして競争の少ない領域をさがすべきです。というのは周知のように、謎を秘めている事業には余地が残されているからです。競争の激しい領域だとしたら、一体どのようなたぐいの余地が残っているでしょうか(質問21参照)。最後の5番目ですが、みなさんのなかには非常に幸運な方がたくさんおられます。「長期の投資期間」の欄には、「該当する」との印をつけられるでしょう。史上最高のマネー・マネージャーの方には、4つのエースしか当てはまらない人がいます。それは5番目に該当しないからです。

One of our directors came up with a list of qualities that any investment advisor should have. And he gave it to a future picker of professional investors, and the picker immediately fire half his picks. And I thought that was such a peculiar outcome that I’ll let Peter Kaufman share with you his ‘five aces’ system for picking an investment manager. Peter, go ahead.

Peter Kaufman: So I came up with this list in giving reference to a very exceptional money manager. And I not only wanted to give what I thought was the correct reference, I wanted the person that I was giving the reference to, to in turn be able to relate this above to the real shot-caller. So that a compelling narrative would be transferred from me directly to the ultimate shot-caller. So I came up with what I call the “five aces”. The five aces being the highest hand you can have in a wild card poker game.

Ace number one is total integrity. Ace number two is actual deep deep fluency on whatever it is you say you’re going to do on behalf of the client. Ace number three is a fee structure that is actually fair in both directions. Ace number four is an uncrowded investment space. Ace number five is a long run-way. Meaning that the manager is reasonable young in age. I further add that if you ever find a money manager who possesses all five of these characteristics, there are two things you should do. One, you should put money with them immediately. And number two, put as much money as you are allowed to put. Now I know we have money managers in the room, and we have…

Charlie: Do we ever! (laughter)

Peter Kaufman: And we have people who employee money managers who are in the room. If you employ money managers, this is an excellent formula to evaluate your money managers.

Charlie: Yeah, but it will cost you to fire half those you’ve hired..or you have hired. (laughter)

Peter Kaufman: But perhaps more importantly, if you’re a money manager, this should be your list of five aspirations. What characteristics should I seek as a money manager to possess? I should be completely trustworthy. I should have actual deep fluency in what I claim that I’m going to do. I should adopt a fee structure that’s generally fair in both directions. I should seek an uncrowded space because as we all know, in business where there’s mystery, there’s margin. What kind of margin are you going to have in a crowded space? (Note: See Question 21) And number 5, many of you in here, you’re very fortunate. You get to check that box for having a long runway. Some of the best money managers in history only get four out of these five aces because they don’t qualify for number five.




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<質問28> 1973年から1974年にかけて運営されていた投資パートナーシップの資産が半減したときには、何が起こったのですか。

<チャーリー> そう、すごく単純なことですよ。簡単そのものです。いい質問ですね、あれは教訓になりますから。私が運営していたパートナーシップの資産価値が、1年の間に50%下落したのです。市場としては40%程度下落しました。あのときの景気後退は30年に一度のものでしたよ。「市場を独占していた新聞社が、純利益の3,4倍で売られていた」ほどですからね。おっしゃるとおり、どん底のときには頂点から50%落ちましたよ。保有したバークシャー株がそれだけ下落したのは過去に3回ありましたね。


Question 28: What happened 1973 and 1974 when your investment firm lost over half?

Charlie: Oh, that’s very simple. That’s very easy. That’s a good lesson. That’s a good question. What happened is the value of my partnership where I was running, went down by 50% in one year. Now the market went down by 40% or something. It was a once in 30 year recession. I mean monopoly newspapers are selling at 3 or 4 times earnings. At the bottom tick, I was down from the peak, 50%. You’re right about that. That has happened to me 3 times in my Berkshire stock.

so I regard it as part of manhood. If you’re going to be in this game for the long pull, which is the way to do it, you better be able to handle a 50% decline without fussing too much about it. And so my lesson to all of you is conduct your life so that you can handle the 50% decline with aplomb and grace. Don’t try to avoid it. (applause) It will come. In fact I would say if it doesn’t come, you’re not being aggressive enough.




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The hardest idea you have ever destroyed? (Youtube)

<質問20> 以前に、「愛してやまないアイデアのひとつも葬っていない1年は、無為に過ごしただけの1年だ」とおっしゃっていました。また「質の追求」へと転身するのが困難だったウォーレン・バフェットを誘導された、という話も有名です。それでは、ご自身にとって捨て去るのがもっとも難しかったアイデアのことをご説明頂けますでしょうか。

<チャーリー> それはもう、愚かしいことを散々やらかしてきましたよ。そういったまずいアイデアを今も抱えているからこそ、それらを葬るのに忙しいわけです(笑)。数あるうちから一つに絞り込むのはむずかしいですね。しかし悪しきアイデアを葬り去るのは、実のところ楽しみながらやっていますよ。まあ言ってみれば、「元からのアイデアを葬ることは、我が定めだ」と考えているからです。古いアイデアのせいで新たな優れたアイデアを取り込めないことが、人生における主たる問題となっている人たちが実にたくさんいます。これぞ、人の世におけるお決まりの成り行きですね。ドイツの言い習わしに、「少年老い易く、学成り難し」というものがあります。これはだれもが直面する問題ですよ。「学成り難し」なのは、身についてしまった愚かなアイデアを取り除けないからです。




Question 20: You’ve said, “any year in which you don’t destroy one of your best loved ideas is a wasted year.” It’s well known that you helped coached Warren towards quality which was a difficult transition for him. I was wondering if you could speak to the hardest idea that you’ve ever destroyed.

Charlie: Well I’ve done so many dumb things. That I’m very busy destroying bad ideas because I keep having them. So it’s hard for me to just single out from such a multitude. But I actually like it when I destroy a bad idea because I think I’m on the…I think it’s my duty to destroy old ideas. I know so many people whose main problem of life, is that the old ideas displace the entry of new ideas that are better. That is the absolute standard outcome in life. There’s an old German folk saying, “We’re too soon old and too late smart.” That’s everybody’s problem. And the reason we’re too late smart is that the stupid ideas we already have, we can’t get rid of!

Now it’s a good thing that we have that problem, in marriage that may be good for the stability of marriage that we stick with our old ideas. But in most fields you want to get rid of your old ideas. It’s a good habit and it gives you a big advantage in the competitive game of life…other people are so very bad at it. What happens is, as you spout ideas out, what you’re doing is you’re pounding them in. So you get these ideas and then you start agitating them and saying them and so forth. And of course, the person you’re really convincing is you who already had the ideas. You’re just pounding them in harder and harder. One of the reasons I don’t spend much time telling the world what I think about how the federal reserve system should behave and so forth. Because I know that I’m just pounding the ideas into my own head when I think I’m telling the other people how to run things. So I think you have to have mental habits…

I don’t like it when young people get violently convinced on every damn cause or something. They think they know everything. Some 17 year old who wants to tell the whole world what ought to be done about abortion or foreign policy in the middle east or something. All he’s doing when he or she spouts about what he deeply believes is pounding the ideas he already has in, which is a very dumb idea when you’re just starting and have a lot to learn.

So it’s very important that habit of getting rid of the dumb ideas. One of things I do is pat myself on the back every time I get rid of the dumb idea. You could say, ‘could you really reinforce your own good behavior?’ Yeah, you can. When other people won’t praise you, you can praise yourself. I have a big system of patting myself on the back. Every time I get rid of a much beloved idea I pat myself on the back. Sometime several times. And I recommend the same mental habit to all of you. The price we pay for being able to accept a new idea is just awesomely large. Indeed a lot of people die because they can’t get new ideas through their head.



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デイリー・ジャーナル社の2017年株主総会でチャーリー・マンガーが交わした質疑応答から、二つめの引用です。今回は、チャーリーが残した指折りの知的成果である「とびっきり効果」(Lollapalooza effect)についてです。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<質問13> 現在起こっているできごとで、気にかかっていることは何ですか。またそれらを特定するために、とびっきり効果のような学際的アプローチをどのように使っておられますか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> かつて私は、心理学のことを何もわかっていなかったものです。しかしそれは自分の手抜かりだと気づき、心理学の主要な初級教科書を3冊買って通読しました。私が「とびっきり効果」という用語を生みだしたのは、その時分でした。もちろんですが、まるでなっていない心理学者よりも、チャーリー・マンガーたる自分のほうがうまくやれると考えましたよ。とびっきり効果はどの本にも書いておらず、みずから思いついたアイデアのひとつです。これは、3つや4つの動向が同一の状況下で同時に働いたときに生じます。線形ではない働きをみせたとき、とびっきりな効果が生じたと言えるわけですね。[参考記事]


Question 13: Question about Lollapalooza effects. What current event is causing you concern and how can you use that inter-disciplinary approach to spot them?

Charlie: Well, I coined that term the “Lollapalooza effect” because when I realized I didn't know any psychology and that was a mistake on my part, I bought the three main text books for introductory psychology and I read through them. And of course being Charlie Munger, I decided that the psychologists were doing it all wrong and I could do it better. And one of the ideas that I came up with which wasn't in any of the books was that the Lollapalooza effects came when 3 or 4 of the tendencies were operating at once in the same situation. I could see that it wasn't linear, you've got Lollapalooza effects.

But the psychology people couldn't do experiments that were 4 or 5 things happening at once because it got too complicated for them and they couldn't publish. So they were ignoring the most important thing in their own profession. And of course the other thing that was important was to synthesize psychology with all else. And the trouble with the psychology profession is that they don't know anything about ‘all else'. And you can't synthesize one thing you know with something you don't if you don't know the other thing. So that's why I came up with that Lollapalooza stuff. And by the way, I've been lonely ever since. (laughter) I'm not making any ground there. And by the way, I'm totally right.



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Billionaire Charlie Munger: Advice for Business and Life (2017) (Youtube)


Charlie Munger: Full Transcript of Daily Journal Annual Meeting 2017 (HTML)


<チャーリー・マンガー> ベン・グレアムならば、イスカル社を買うようなことはしませんでしたよ。簿価の5倍になる金額を支払うのは、グレアムのやりかたではなかったですからね。ウォーレンはグレアムのもとで学びましたが、その後もずっとうまく学んだわけです。私自身も上手に学んできました。このゲームのいいところは、際限なく学び続けられる点ですね。実際のところ、今でもそうしていますから。


Ben Graham would have never bought Iscar. He paid 5 times book or something for Iscar. It wasn’t in the Graham play. And Warren who learned under Graham, just, he learned better over time. And I’ve learned better. The nice thing about the game we’re in, is that you can keep learning. And we’re still doing it.

Imagine we’re in the press…for all of a sudden (buying) airline stocks? What have we said about the airline business? We thought it was a joke it was such a terrible business. And now if you put all of those stocks together we own one minor airline. We did the same thing in railroads, we said “railroads are no damn good, you know there’s too many of them, truck competition…” And we were right it was a terrible business for about 80 years. But finally they got down to four big railroads and it was a better business. And something similar is happening in the airline business.




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We typically only chase price when it is falling. Today though, a world awash in capital has found investors willing to pay ever higher prices. We, therefore, prefer to maintain Crescent’s conservative posture.

We believe the best course is to patiently read, speak to business managers, and just think. As Mr. Petty wrote and as we closed exactly a year ago, “The waiting is the hardest part.”


投資の世界では、こんな古いジョークがあります。新しく登場した巨大なビジネスの盛衰過程において、成長が鈍化して楽観的過ぎた見通しが実現不可能だったとわかると、成長株投資家は持ち株をGARP投資家(Growth At a Reasonable Price; 成長株を妥当な金額で買う)へ売却します。つづいてその株はバリュー投資家へ売られ、最終的にはどん底バリューを待ち受けていた連中の手にわたる、という筋書きです。それぞれの段階において買い手となる者は、「失望は一時的にすぎない、あるいは株価が下落したおかげで十分に割安になっている」と評価します。その際に、深刻な問題を抱えた「落下するナイフ」と、一時的に誤解されている割安な証券とを判別できること、それが決め手となります。

There is an old joke in the investment business that in the life cycle of a great new business, as growth slows and overly optimistic projections fail to materialize, growth investors sell to GARP (growth at a reasonable price) buyers, who sell to value investors, with the shares ultimately ending up in the hands of the deep value crowd. At each stage, the new buyers are making the assessment that the disappointment is temporary or that the stock price has declined enough to create a bargain. The trick is to be able to distinguish between the seriously troubled “falling knife” and the temporarily misunderstood undervalued security.



I regard it as a part of manhood. If you’re going to be in this game for the long haul which is the way to do it. You better be able to handle a 50% decline without fussing too much. Conduct your life so you can handle a 50% decline with aplomb and grace. Don’t try to avoid it. It will come. And if it doesn’t come I’d say your not being aggressive enough”.



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<質問> 投資上の助言として、「自分が知るものを買うこと」といつもおっしゃっていました。バフェットさんはテクノロジー通として有名ではありませんが、今ではテクノロジー企業に投資されていますし、たびたび話題にもあげられています。しかし、ツィートした件数はこの4年間で9件だけです(笑)。

<バフェット> あのツィートのほかは、僧院に通って修行していたものですから(笑)。

<質問> 「オマハの賢人」が「オマハのテクノロジー大御所」となったのはなぜですか。

<バフェット> (笑いながら)テクノロジー業界について、それほどは語っていないと思います。IBMには大きな投資をしましたが、うまくいきませんでした。資金を失ってはいませんが、強気相場だったことを考えると、大幅におくれをとりました。少し前からですが、アップル社の株を大量に保有しています。ある種の経済的特性の面で、同社は消費財を扱うほうの企業としてとらえています。同社の製品でできることや、他の人たちがある面において追い越そうと前進している可能性からすれば、同社にはテクノロジーに関する莫大な部分があります。保証はできませんが、2打数0安打でなくて1安打はできると思います。いずれわかることでしょう。



<マンガー> アップルの株を買ったのは、非常に良い兆候だと思いますよ。「正気でなくなった」か、「学習している」のどちらかを示していますね(笑)。私としては、「学習している」とする理由のほうを取りたいですが。

<バフェット> ええ、わたしもそちらですよ(笑)。

(PDFファイルのp.34。Yahoo! Finance映像では5:10:30)


Q. Your investment advice has always been to buy what you know. You are not known for being a tech guy, but you are now investing and talking more about tech companies. You’ve only tweeted nine times in the last four years.

Warren Buffett: It was either that or go to a monastery. I don’t think I’ve talked that much about tech companies. I made a large investment in IBM, which has not turned out that well. We haven’t lost money. In terms of the bull market we’ve been in, it has been a significant laggard. Fairly recently, we took a large position in Apple, which I do regard more as a consumer goods company in terms of certain economic characteristics. It has a huge tech component in terms of what that product can do or what other people might come along to do to leapfrog it in some way. I think I’ll end up being one for two instead of 0 for 2, but we will find out.

I make no pretense whatsoever of being on the intellectual level of some 15-year old that has an interest in tech. I may have some insights into consumer behavior. I certainly can get a lot of information on consumer behavior and then try to draw inferences as to what consumer behavior is likely to be in the future.

I will make some mistakes on marketable securities. I’ve made them in other areas other than tech. You will not bat 1000 no matter what industries you try to stick with. I know insurance pretty well, but I think I’ve lost money on insurance stocks once or twice over the years. You don’t bat 1000, but I’ve gained no real knowledge about tech since I was born actually.

Charlie Munger: I think it’s a very good sign that you bought Apple. It shows either one of two things. Either you’ve gone crazy or you’re learning. I prefer the learning explanation.

Warren Buffett: So do I, actually.



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<質問> ジェフ・ベゾスを称賛されていますが、なぜアマゾンへ投資しなかったのですか。

<バフェット> あまりにボンクラだったせいで、なにが起ころうとしているのかわかっていませんでした。ジェフのことはずっと以前から褒めたたえてきましたし、彼のすることも観察してきました。しかし、これほどの規模まで成功するとは思いもしませんでした。ましてAWSというクラウド・サービスによってできる商売の可能性は、考えもしませんでした。小売事業を育てる一方でテクノロジー業界を一変させる可能性について質問されていたら、「それは大穴狙いだ」と答えたと思います。同社の傑出した事業運営ぶりを過小評価していたのです。オンラインでやることを思い描くのもそうですが、それにはたくさんの能力が必要です。



<マンガー> 易々とですよ。同社の実行していることが非常に難しいものだったからです。その当時と同じように将来も順風満帆なのだろうか、まったくもって不明瞭でした。アマゾン社が到達した業績を読めなかったことは、寸分も後悔していないですね。それよりも別件のほうが容易でした。若干はポカをしたと思いますが。

<バフェット> (笑いながら)そちらの方面は追いかけないようにしましょうか(笑)。

<マンガー> グーグル社のことですよ。

<バフェット> (軽くうなづきながら)たしかに、いろいろと見逃しましたね 。

<マンガー> そう、これからもそうなりますよ(笑)。しかしウォーレン、ありがたいことにすべてを見逃してはいませんよ。これは我々の秘密ですが、全部は見逃していません(笑)。

<バフェット> 次の質問に進んだほうがいいですね(拍手)。チャーリーの話が具体的になってきましたから。

(PDFファイルのp.36。Yahoo! Finance映像では5:24:30)


Q. You admire Jeff Bezos. Why have you not invested in Amazon?

Warren Buffett: I was too dumb to realize what was going to happen. I admired Jeff for a long, long time and watched what he was doing. I did not think he could succeed on the scale he has or even think about the possibility of doing anything with Amazon web services or the cloud. If you asked me the chances that while he was building up the retail operation, he would also be doing something that was disrupting the tech industry - that would have been a longshot for me. I underestimated the brilliance of the execution. It is one thing to dream about doing this stuff online, but it takes a lot of ability.

You can read his 1997 annual report, and he laid out a roadmap. He has done it and done it in spades, and if you haven’t seen his interview with Charlie Rose three or four months ago - Charlierose.com, go to it and listen to it because you will learn a lot, at least I did.

The stock always looked expensive. I really never thought he would be where he is today. I thought he was really brilliant. I did not think he would be where he is today when I looked at it 3, 5, 8, or 12 years ago. Charlie, how did you miss it?

Charlie Munger: It was easy. What was done there was very difficult. It was not at all obvious that it was all going to work as well as it did. I don’t feel any regret about missing out on the achievements of Amazon. Other things were easier, and I think we screwed up a little.

Warren Buffett: We won’t pursue that line.

Charlie Munger: I meant Google.

Warren Buffett: We missed a lot of things.

Charlie Munger: And we will keep doing it. Luckily, we don’t miss everything, Warren. That’s our secret. We don’t miss them all.

Warren Buffett: We better move on. He may start getting specific.



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<質問> バークシャーの本源的価値は、これまでに複利換算で年間何パーセント増加してきましたか。また今後はどうなりそうですか。

<バフェット> 本源的価値は、過去にさかのぼる形でしか算出できません。しかし本来の定義はそうではなく、未来を向いています。つまり、現在から判定最終日までのあいだに創出されると予想した現金を、その期間において適切と思われる利率で割り引いた金額です。30年や40年間でみると、金利はとても広い幅で変動します。たとえば10年という期間をえらび、開始時期が[今から10年前の]2007年5月としたときに、「本源的価値が増加する割合は複利ベースでどうなるか」と問われれば、年間10%になるだろうと答えたと思います。しかし現実には、ありがたくない状況がやってきた期間でした。




<マンガー> 当社の現在の規模を考慮すると、過去にあげた栄光とくらべれば、今後のリターン率には陰りが生じるでしょうね。しかし以前からそう発言してきましたし、今やそれを証明している最中です(笑)。

<バフェット> チャーリー、そんな想いのまま人生お別れでいいのですか(笑)。

<マンガー> 当社の保有する事業は平均してみれば、たとえばS&P500各社の平均よりも高い投資価値があると思います。ですから、みなさんのような株主諸氏がひどい問題をかかえているとは思いませんね。

<バフェット> S&P500の各社を全体としてとらえると、株主志向の面では当社のほうが強いです。当社には、私企業のオーナーと同じようにものごとを決定する文化があります。これは多くの企業が持っていない贅沢品です。公開企業のCEOにお会いするたびに、いくつか質問をしています。そのひとつが、「会社全体を自分だけで保有しているとしたら、どのようにやりかたを変えますか」という質問です。たいていは、「あれをしたり、これをしたり、あるいは何とやら」といった答えが返ってきます。しかし、その相手から同じ質問を受けたとしたら、わたしならば次のように答えます。「自分たちだけで全株式を保有している場合にやることと、まったく同じように実行してきました」と(拍手)。

<マンガー> もうひとつ優位がありますよ。才気煥発であろうとする人は、世間に大勢います。しかし我々は、合理的でありつづけようとするだけです。これは大いなる優位ですね。利発であろうとするのは危険ですよ。賭けに出ているときは、なおさらです(拍手)。

(PDFファイルのp.11。Yahoo! Finance映像では1:26:00)


Q. At what rate has Berkshire compounded intrinsic value and at what rate can intrinsic value be compounded in the future?

Warren Buffett: Intrinsic value can only be calculated in retrospect, but the true definition would be the cash to be generated between now and judgment day discounted at an interest rate that seems appropriate at the time. That’s varied enormously over a 30 or 40-year period. If you pick out 10 years, and you’re back to May of 2007, we had some unpleasant things coming up. I’d say we’ve probably compounded intrinsic value about 10% annually since then.

I think that’s tough to achieve - almost impossible to achieve if we continue in this low interest rate environment. If you ask me to give the answer to the question - if I could only pick one statistic to ask you about the future before I gave the answer, I would not ask you about GDP growth or who was going to be president, I’d ask you what the interest rate is going to be over the next ten or twenty years on average. If you assume our present interest rate structure is likely to be the average, I would say it would be very difficult to get the 10%. If I were to pick for the whole range of probabilities on interest rates, I would say that that rate might be doable.

If you’d say we can’t continue these low interest rates for a long time, I’d ask you to look at Japan 25 years ago. We couldn’t see how their low interest rates could be sustained. We are still looking at the same thing - I don’t think it’s easy to predict the course of interest rates at all. Unfortunately, predicting interest rates is embedded in giving a good answer to you.

I’d say the chances of getting a terrible result in Berkshire are about as low as anything you could find. Chances of getting a sensational rate are also about as low as anything you could find. My best guess would be in the 10% range, but that assumes somewhat higher interest rates, not dramatically, but somewhat higher interest rates in the next 10 or 20 years than we experienced in the last seven years.

Charlie Munger: The future with our present size in terms of percentage rates of return is going to be less glorious than in the past. We keep saying that and now we are proving it.

Warren Buffett: Do you want to end on that note, Charlie?

Charlie Munger: I think we have a collection of businesses that on average has better investment values than say the S&P 500 average. I don’t think you shareholders have a terrible problem.

Warren Buffett: We do have more of a shareholder orientation than the S&P 500 as a whole. This company has a culture where decisions are made as a private owner would make them. That’s a luxury we have that many companies don’t have. One of the questions I ask the CEO of every public company that I meet: “What would you be doing differently if you owned it all yourself?”The answer is usually this, that and a couple of other things. If he would ask us, the answer is, we are doing exactly what we would be doing if we owned all the stock ourselves.

Charlie Munger: I think we have one other advantage. A lot of other people are trying to be brilliant. We are just trying to stay rational. It’s a big advantage. Trying to be brilliant is dangerous, particularly when you are gambling.




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<質問> お二人は、世界中の何百万もの人たちからとても尊敬され、敬愛されていらっしゃいます[上海から来た質問者]。さて質問が2つあります。ひとつめはEBITDA(エビッダー; 利払い税引き償却前利益)についてです。事業を評価するのにふさわしい指標ではないと断言されていますが、なぜでしょうか。ふたつめは、お二人が人生で後悔されたことはありますか。人生や家族、個人的あるいは仕事の上でひとつだけ違うことをしていたら、と思われることは何ですか。

<バフェット> 個人的な問題についてのお返事は期待されないほうがよいかと思います。仕事の話ですと、チャーリー[・マンガー]ともっと早くから出会えていれば、とは何度も話したことがあります。出会った時のわたしは29歳で、彼は35歳でした。それ以降は愉快なことばかりでした。もっと早くから付き合い始めていれば、ずっと楽しかっただろうと思います。実はそうなる機会はありました。同じ商店で働いていたのです。ただし時期がちがっていました。


<マンガー> この問題の恐ろしさや、事業評価に対してその用語をもたらした人々の嫌悪すべき性質について軽くお考えだったように思いますが、どうですかね。まるでリース物件の不動産を扱う仲介業者が、1000平方フィートの一連の部屋をリースしようとする際に、実際は2000平方フィート分だったと言い出すようなものですよ。尊敬に値する行動ではないですね。そのようなやりかたで、かの言葉も広く使われるようになったのです。しかし公正な心を持った人間であれば、減価償却費は費用だと考えますよ。

<バフェット> ウォール街にとっては、とても有益な考えです。

<マンガー> だから連中はそうするのですよ。株価倍率が低くなりますから。

<バフェット> 奇妙なのは、実際にそれが受け入れられた方法です。それはともかく、この用語がどのように使われ、自分たちが使ってみせて概念を売りこむ様子がありありと残されています。2%と20%が同じ種類のものとなるわけです。この用語が通用する間は、この用語で押し通していくでしょう。

<マンガー> 今やビジネス・スクールでも使っています。おぞましくもおぞましいことですよ(笑)。盗人がその用語を使うだけでもうんざりなのに、広まったことでビジネス・スクールも真似をするとなれば、好ましい結末にはならないですね(拍手)。

(PDFファイルのp.45。Yahoo! Finance映像では6:18:40)


Q. You are highly respected and loved by millions globally. You believe EBITDA (is not a good parameter to evaluate a business. Do you have regrets in life, one thing you would have done differently in life, family, personal or business, what is it?

Warren Buffett: I don’t think you should expect us to answer that on personal matters. In business, I’d say I wished I met Charlie earlier. We’ve had a lot of fun ever since I was 29 and he was 35. It would have been even more fun if we started many years earlier. We had a chance to. We worked in the same grocery store but not at the same time.

In respect to EBITDA, it’s the worst kind of expense. We love to talk about float and float is where you get the money first and have the expense later. Depreciation is where you spend the money first and then record the expense later. It’s reverse float. It’s not a good thing. It’s much better to buy a business, everything else being equal, and it has no depreciation because it has essentially no investment in fixed assets. EBITDA is a very misleading statistic that can be used in very pernicious ways.

Charlie Munger: I think you understated the horrors of the subject and the disgusting nature of the people that brought that term when I was in business. It would be like a leasing broker of real estate who has a 1,000 square feet suite to be leased and says there’s 2,000 feet in it - that’s not honorable behavior and that’s the way that term got into common usage. Nobody in his right mind would think depreciation is not an expense.

Warren Buffett: It’s very much in the interest of Wall Street.

Charlie Munger: That’s why they did it. It made the multiple seem lower.

Warren Buffett: What’s amazing is the way it’s accepted actually. It just illustrates how people use language and sell concepts that work to their own use. 2% and 20% has the same sort of thing. As long as it can get sold, it will get sold.

Charlie Munger: Now they use it in the business schools. That is horror-squared. It’s bad enough when the thieves are using the term, but when it gets so common that the business schools copy it, that’s not a good result.




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Well, this is enough uncredentialed musing for one breakfast meeting. If I am at all right, our present prosperity has had a stronger boost from common-stock-price-related "wealth effects", some of them disgusting, than has been the case in many former booms. If so, what was greater on the upside in the recent boom could also be greater on the downside at some time of future stock price decline. Incidentally, the economists may well conclude, eventually, that, when stock market advances and declines are regarded as long-lasting, there is more downside force on optional consumption per dollar of stock market decline than there is upside force per dollar of stock market rise. I suspect that economists would believe this already if they were more willing to take assistance from the best ideas outside their own discipline, or even to look harder at Japan.

Remembering Japan, I also want to raise the possibility that there are, in the very long term, "virtue effects" in economics - for instance that widespread corrupt accounting will eventually create bad long-term consequences as a sort of obverse effect from the virtue-based boost double-entry bookkeeping gave to the heyday of Venice. I suggest that when the financial scene starts reminding you of Sodom and Gomorrah, you should fear practical consequences even if you like to participate in what is going on.

Finally, I believe that implications for charitable foundations of my conclusions today, combined with conclusions in my former talk to foundation financial officers, go way beyond implications for investment techniques. If I am right, almost all U.S. foundations are unwise through failure to understand their own investment operations, related to the larger system. If so, this is not good. A rough rule in life is that an organization foolish in one way in dealing with a complex system is all too likely to be foolish in another. So the wisdom of foundation donations may need as much improvement as investment practices of foundations. And here we have two more old rules to guide us. One rule is ethical, and the other is prudential.

The ethical rule is from Samuel Johnson, who believed that maintenance of easily removable ignorance by a responsible officeholder was treacherous malfeasance in meeting moral obligation. The prudential rule is that underlying the old Warner & Swasey advertisement for machine tools: "The man who needs a new machine tool, and hasn't bought it, is already paying for it". The Warner & Swasey rule also applies, I believe, to thinking tools. If you don't have the right thinking tools, you, and the people you seek to help, are already suffering from your easily removable ignorance.



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Now, toss in with “febezzlement” in investment management about $750 billion in floating, ever- growing, ever-renewing wealth from employee stock options and you get lot more common-stock-related “wealth effect” driving consumption, with some of the “wealth effect” from employee stock options being, in substance, “febezzle” effect, facilitated by the corrupt accounting practice now required by standard practice.

Next, consider that each one-hundred-point advance in the S&P adds about $1 trillion in stock market value, and throw in some sort of Keynesian-type multiplier effect related to all “febezzlement”. The related macroeconomic “wealth effects”, I believe, become much larger than is conventionally supposed.

And aggregate “wealth effect” from stock prices can get very large indeed. It is an unfortunate fact that great and foolish excess can come into prices of common stocks in the aggregate. They are valued partly like bonds, based on roughly rational projections of use value in producing future cash. But they are also valued partly like Rembrandt paintings, purchased mostly because their prices have gone up, so far. This situation, combined with big “wealth effects,” at first up and later down, can conceivably produce much mischief. Let us try to investigate this by a “thought experiment”. One of the big British pension funds once bought a lot of ancient art, planning to sell it ten years later, which it did, at a modest profit. Suppose all pension funds purchased ancient art, and only ancient art, with all their assets. Wouldn’t we eventually have a terrible mess on our hands, with great and undesirable macroeconomic consequences? And wouldn’t the mess be bad if only half of all pension funds were invested in ancient art? And if half of all stock value became a consequence of mania, isn’t the situation much like the case wherein half of pension assets are ancient art?

My foregoing acceptance of the possibility that stock value in aggregate can become irrationally high is contrary to the hard-form “efficient market” theory that many of you once learned as gospel from your mistaken professors of yore. Your mistaken professors were too much influenced by “rational man” models of human behavior from economics and too little by “foolish man” models from psychology and real-world experience. “Crowd folly,” the tendency of humans, under some circumstances, to resemble lemmings, explains much foolish thinking of brilliant men and much foolish behavior --- like investment management practices of many foundations represented here today. It is sad that today each institutional investor apparently fears most of all that its investment practices will be different from practices of the rest of the crowd.



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Let me also take this occasion to state that my previous notion of three percent of assets per annum in waste in much institutional investment management related to stocks is quite likely too low in a great many cases. A friend, after my talk to foundation financial officers, sent me a summary of a study about mutual fund investors. The study concluded that the typical mutual fund investor gained at 7.25 percent per year in a fifteen-year period when the average stock fund gained at 12.8 percent per year (presumably after expenses). Thus, the real performance lag for investors was over five percent of assets per year in addition to whatever percentage per year the mutual funds, after expenses, lagged behind stock market averages. If this mutual fund study is roughly right, it raises huge questions about foundation wisdom in changing investment managers all the time as mutual fund investors do. If the extra lag reported in the mutual fund study exists, it is probably caused in considerable measure by folly in constant removal of assets from lagging portfolio managers being forced to liquidate stockholdings, followed by placement of removed assets with new investment managers that have high-pressure, asset-gaining hoses in their mouths and clients whose investment results will not be improved by the super-rapid injection of new funds. I am always having trouble like that caused by this new mutual fund study. I describe something realistically that looks so awful that my description is disregarded as extreme satire instead of reality. Next, new reality tops the horror of my disbelieved description by some large amount. No wonder Munger notions of reality are not widely welcome. This may be my last talk to charitable foundations.



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Charlie Munger on The Discount Rate (ValueWalk)

<質問> 根源的価値を算出する際に、割引率をどのように使っていますか。

<マンガー> そのようなやりかたで数式を使ってはいませんね。質的な各種の要因を考慮しているからです。ブリッジのハンドと同じで、さまざまなことを考慮にいれなければなりません[参考記事]。


<質問> ですが、企業の価値を判断するには...

<マンガー> 機会費用が大切ですね。それから無リスク金利も、要因のひとつではあります[参考記事の一例]。

<質問> 各企業に対して同じ利率を使うのですか。

<マンガー> もちろん違います。異なるビジネスには異なる利率を使いますね。それらはすべて価値の点から捉えた上で比較検討します。当然ながら、すぐれた企業に多めに払うのはOKです。米国ではお粗末な事業からでも儲けることはできますが、金を稼ぐという意味では骨の折れるやりかたです。ときに私たちも意図せずしてそうすることがありますが、あれは身内に無心するようなものですよ。できる限りの手は打ちますが、次のものを探そうなどとは考えていません。

Questioner: How do you use the discount rate to calculate intrinsic value?

Charlie Munger: We don't use numeric formulas that way. We take into account quality factors. It's like a bridge hand, you have to think about a lot of things.
There is never going to be a formula. If that worked, every mathematical person would be rich, but that's not the way it works.

Questioner: But you value a company…

Charlie Munger: Opportunity cost is crucial, and the risk free rate is one factor.

Questioner: Do you use the same rate for different businesses?

Charlie Munger: The answer is no, of course not, different businesses need different rates. They all are viewed in terms of value and weighed against one another. Of course we're OK paying more for a good business. In the US you can make money out of a lousy business. But it's a painful way to make money. Sometime we do it by accident, and in that case, it's like hitting up a relative, and we deal with those the best we can, but we're not looking for new ones.



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トマ・ピケティ[『21世紀の資本』の著者]も、バーニー・サンダース[民主党からの大統領予備選候補者]も、イカれ気味だというのが私の見方です。社会的平等に熱烈な人たちが何をもたらしたのか。ソ連と彼の国で起きた虐殺や、中国共産党支配が招いた大飢饉や、愛すべき北朝鮮もそうですよ。そういった悪しき先例を招いたわけですから、この種の情熱はどれも疑問に思いますね。平等を掲げていた中国では飢饉がありましたが、私有の権利を認めてからは生活水準が10倍向上しました。そのことで多大な不平等を生み出してはいます。サンダースはこの件についてまったくわかっていないのに、その考えを崇拝しているのですから。彼は一本気な人間[原文はJohnny One Note]なのですね。知性ある人間として、恥ずかしい人だと思います。ただし、我らが共和党にも彼より悪い人たちがいます。しかしそのような人たちのイカれかたは、少なくともサンダースとは違っています。サンダースの個人的な性質を考えると、一族のだれかと結婚させたいとは思いませんね。思弁家の一人として、彼はお粗末です。社会的平等は、ある効果を生みます。「得られる結果が相応なものであれば、人はその結果の違いを受け入れるものだ」とアリストテレスは言いました。タイガー・ウッズがあれほどに金持ちであるのは、だれでも承知しています。その一方、現在のアメリカで不相応に財産を得た人間とはだれでしょうか。[ビル・]ゲイツではないですし、起業家たちでもありません。相応ならぬ富を蓄えた一員に含まれる者、それは金融に携わる人たちです。だから彼らは妬まれているのですね。そしてその罪は、今こうして語っている人間にも当てはまります。何もせずに、もしくは非生産的な行動によって、不相応に多くの富を築くべきではないでしょう。不相応に富を成すことの問題を修正できれば、それは大きいと思います。通常の投資パートナーシップでは、含み益には課税されません。課税されない莫大な流動的資産が生み出されることは当然ながら腹立たしいですし、その実情を理解した人はそれ以上に感じるでしょうね。


Income inequality: "My attitude is that both [Thomas] Piketty and [Bernie] Sanders are a little nuts. People passionate about egality gave us the Soviet Union and all those murders and Communist China and the starvation and lovely North Korea. I am suspicious of all this passion that brings about such bad examples. China had egality and was starving but adopted property rights, and living standards increased 10x, but that created a lot of inequality. Sanders doesn't understand this at all and has a religion for it; he is 'Johnny One Note.' As an intellectual, Bernie is a disgrace. Now, I don't think he's any worse than some of our Republicans. But at least they're crazy in a different way. But I wouldn't have him [Bernie] marry into my family just for his personal traits. As thinker, he is bad. Egality has one effect: people will tolerate different outcomes, if the outcomes are deserved, according to Aristotle. People are understanding that Tiger Woods is so rich. Who is getting undeserved money in America now? Not Gates or creators of businesses. Financiers are among those who do receive undeserved wealth and have caused envy. Even the man talking [referring to himself] is guilty of this. We don't want a lot of undeserved wealth for doing nothing or acting counterproductively. Fixing undeserved wealth would be extraordinary. Normal investment partnerships pay no taxes on unrealized gains. Naturally, enormous liquid wealth created not taxed is resented and would be more so if people actually understood it."

"But inequality is the natural outcome of a successful, advancing civilization. What the hell is the guy at the top 1% to do? Is he the main problem? When you get rich, you finally realize how little power the rich really have - they will spend a lot and get practically nowhere. Piketty and Sanders are wrong, but undeserved wealth needs some attention."



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Coke on decline and does BRK's major holding in the stock provide cover for it?: "For many decades, the product was water and sugar, and it grew every year like the March of the Inevitable, but in recent years this declined, and in recent years Coke's vast offering and infrastructure with new products are growing. The power is really in that vast distribution network. It is still a strong company and will be respectable, but it is not like it used to be."



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Charlie Munger At The 2016 Daily Journal Corporation Meeting [FULL NOTES] (ValueWalk)


How to reduce errors in life: "Warren and I and [DJCO director J.P.] Guerin do two things. One, we spend a lot of time thinking. Our schedules are not crowded, and we look like academics more than businessmen. It is a soft life waiting for a few opportunities, and we seize them and are ok with waiting for a while and nothing happens. Warren is sitting on an empire, and all he has on his schedule is a haircut this week. He has plenty of time to think. Luckily so many of you groupies [attendees] are so obscure, you'll have plenty of time to think. Second, multitasking is not the highest quality thought man is capable of doing unless you're chief nurse of hospital. If not, be satisfied with life in shallows. I didn't have #2 plan; I wasn't going to dance lead in Bolshoi Ballet or stand on the mound in Yankee Stadium. The constant search for wisdom or opportunity is important. It applies to the personal life too. Most of you aren't going to have five or six opportunities to marry a wonderful person. Most of you aren't going to get one. Most of you get an ordinary chance, which leads to an ordinary result."