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5) 経済学において、総合がほとんどなされていないこと







5) Too Little Synthesis in Economics

My fifth criticism is there is too little synthesis in economics, not only with matter outside traditional economics, but also within economics. I have posed before two different business school classes the following problem. I say, "You have studied supply and demand curves. You have learned that when you raise the price, ordinarily, the volume you can sell goes down, and when you reduce the price, the volume you can sell goes up. Is that right? That's what you've learned?" They all nod yes. And I say, "Now tell me several instances when, if you want the physical volume to go up, the correct answer is to increase the price." And there's this long and ghastly pause. And finally, in each of the two business schools in which I've tried this, maybe one person in fifty could name one instance. They come up with the idea that, under certain circumstances a higher price acts as a rough indicator of quality and thereby increases sales volumes.

This happened in the case of my friend, Bill Ballhaus. When he was head of Beckman Instruments, it produced some complicated product where, if it failed, it caused enormous damage to the purchaser. It wasn't a pump at the bottom of an oil well, but that's a good mental example. And he realized that the reason this thing was selling so poorly, even though it was better than anybody else's product, was because it was priced lower. It made people think it was a low-quality gizmo. So he raised the price by twenty percent or so, and the volume went way up.

But only one in fifty can come up with this sole instance in a modern business school - one of the business schools being Stanford, which is hard to get into. And nobody has yet come up with the main answer that I like. Suppose you raise that price and use the extra money to bribe the other guy's purchasing agent? (Laughter). Is that going to work? And are there functional equivalents in economics - microeconomics - of raising the price and using the extra sales proceeds to drive sales higher? And, of course, there are a zillion, once you've made that mental jump. It's so simple.

One of the most extreme examples is in the investment management field. Suppose you're the manager of a mutual fund, and you want to sell more. People commonly come to the following answer: You raise the commissions, which, of course, reduces the number of units of real investments delivered to the ultimate buyer, so you're increasing the price per unit of real investment that you're selling the ultimate customer. And you're using that extra commission to bribe the customer's purchasing agent. You're bribing the broker to betray his client and put the client's money into the high-commission product. This has worked to produce at least a trillion dollars of mutual fund sales.

This tactic is not an attractive part of human nature, and I want to tell you that I pretty completely avoided it in my life. I don't think it's necessary to spend your life selling what you would never buy. Even though it's legal, I don't think it's a good idea. But you shouldn't accept all my notions because you'll risk becoming unemployable. You shouldn't take my notions unless you're willing to risk being unemployable by all but a few.

I think my experience with my simple question is an example of how little synthesis people get, even in advanced academic settings, considering economic questions. Obvious questions, with such obvious answers. Yet, people take four courses in economics, go to business school, have all these I.Q. points, and write all these essays, but they can't synthesize worth a damn. This failure is not because the professors know all this stuff and they're deliberately withholding it from the students. This failure happens because the professors aren't all that good at this kind of synthesis. They were trained in a different way. I can't remember if it was Keynes or Galbraith who said that economics professors are most economical with ideas. They make a few they learned in graduate school last a lifetime. (Laughter).



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ミルボルドがそのことで惑わされるのはちがうと思います。彼のようにものごとを正確に考える必要がでてくるずっと以前は、我々の祖先はいわゆる「適応度地形」(fitness landscape)によって、槍を投げたり、駆け回ったり、角を曲がったりといったやりかたを覚えるように強いられてきたのです。ですから、彼はそんなにおどろくべきではありません。しかし、その隔たりはずいぶんと極端なので、不条理だと感じているのは理解できます。





My friend, Dr. Nat Myhrvold, who's the chief technology officer at Microsoft, is bothered by this. He's a Ph.D. physicist and knows a lot of math. And it disturbs him that biology could create a neural apparatus that could do automatic differential equations at fast speed - and, yet, everywhere he looks, people are total klutzes at dealing with ordinary probabilities and ordinary numbers.

By the way, I think Myhrvold's wrong to be amazed by that. The so-called fitness landscape of our ancestors forced them to know how to throw spears, run around, turn corners, and what have you long before they had to think correctly like Myhrvold. So I don't think he should be so surprised. However, the difference is so extreme that I can understand how he finds it incongruous.

At any rate, mankind invented a system to cope with the fact that we are so intrinsically lousy at manipulating numbers. It's called the graph. Oddly enough, it came out of the Middle Ages. And it's the only intellectual invention of the monks during the Middle Ages I know of that's worth a damn. The graph puts numbers in a form that looks like motion. So it's using some of this primitive neural stuff in your system in a way that helps you understand it. So the Value Line graphs are very useful.

The graph I've distributed is on log paper - which is based on the natural table of logarithms. And that's based on the elementary mathematics of compound interest - which is one of the most important models there is on earth. So there's a reason why that graph is in that form.

And if you draw a straight line through data points on a graph on log paper, it will tell you the rate at which compound interest is working for you. So these graphs are marvelously useful....

I don't use Value Line's predictions because our system works better for us than theirs - in fact, a lot better. But I can't imagine not having their graphs and their data. It's a marvelous, marvelous product....



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Of course, Warren had a professor/mentor - Ben Graham - for whom he had a great affection. Graham was so academic that when he graduated from Columbia, three different academic departments invited him into their Ph.D. programs and asked him to start teaching immediately as part of the Ph.D. program: (those three departments being) literature, Greek and Latin classics, and mathematics.

Graham had a very academic personality. I knew him. He was a lot like Adam Smith - very preoccupied, very brilliant. He even looked like an academic. And he was a good one. And Graham, without ever really trying to maximize the gaining of wealth, died rich - even though he was always generous and spent thirty years teaching at Columbia and authored or coauthored the best textbooks in his field.

So I would argue that academia has a lot to teach about worldly wisdom and that the best academic values really work.









You don't have to know it all. Just take in the best big ideas from all these disciplines. And it's not that hard to do.

I might try and demonstrate that point by (using the analog of) the card game of contract bridge. Suppose you want to be good at declarer play in contract bridge. Well, you know the contract - you know what you have to achieve. And you can count up the sure winners you have by laying down your high cards and your invincible trumps.

But if you're a trick or two short, how are you going to get the other needed tricks? Well, there are only six or so different, standard methods. You've got long suit establishment. You've got finesses. You've got throw-in plays. You've got crossruffs. You've got squeezes. And you've got various ways of misleading the defense into making errors. So it's a very limited number of models.

But if you only know one or two of those models, then you're going to be a horse's patoot in declarer play.

Furthermore, these things interact. Therefore, you have to know how the models interact. Otherwise, you can't play the hand right.

Similarly, I've told you to think forward and backward. Well, great declarers in bridge think, "How can I take the necessary winners?" But they think it through backwards, (too. They also think,) "What could possibly go wrong that could cause me to have too many losers? And both methods of thinking are useful. So (to win in) the game of life, get the needed models into your head and think it through forward and backward. What works in bridge will work in life.

That contract bridge is so out of vogue in your generation is a tragedy. China is way smarter than we are about bridge. They're teaching bridge in grade school now. And God knows the Chinese do well enough when introduced to capitalist civilization. If we compete with a bunch of people that really know how to play bridge when our people don't, it'll be just one more disadvantage we don't need.



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チャーリー・マンガーの「砂金掘り」に関連する話題で、先日読んだ本に興味をひいた箇所がひとつあったので、引用してご紹介します。本の題名は『とんでもなく面白い 仕事に役立つ数学』です。








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引用元はいつもの『Poor Charlie's Almanack』です。本講演については、編集者のピーター・カウフマン氏(Peter Kaufman)が他講演と重複する内容を適宜編集しています。






A Lesson on Elementary, Worldly Wisdom, Revisited
Stanford Law School
April 19, 1996

What I'm going to try to do today is to extend the remarks I made two years ago at the U.S.C. Business School.... You were assigned a transcript of my U.S.C talk. And there's nothing I said then that I wouldn't repeat today. But I want to amplify what I said then.

[It's] perfectly clear … that if Warren Buffett had never learned anything new after graduating from the Columbia Business School, Berkshire would be a pale shadow of its present self. Warren would have gotten rich - because what he learned from Ben Graham at Columbia was enough to make anybody rich. But he wouldn't have the kind of enterprise Berkshire Hathaway is if he hadn't kept learning.

How do you get worldly wisdom? What system do you use to rise into the tiny top percentage of the world in terms of having sort of an elementary practical wisdom?

I've long believed that a certain system - which almost any intelligent person can learn - works way better than the systems that most people use. As I said at the U.S.C. Business School, what you need is a latticework of mental models in your head. And you hang your actual experience and your vicarious experience (that you get from reading and so forth) on this latticework of powerful models. And, with that system, things gradually get to fit together in a way that enhances cognition.



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Well, let me do it for you. Is this a low-priced store or a high-priced store? (Laughter). It's not going to have a runaway success in a strange city as a high-priced store. That would take time. Number two, if it's moving $500 million worth of furniture through it, it's one hell of a big store, furniture being as bulky as it is. And what does a big store do? It provides a big selection. So what could this possibly be except a low-priced store with a big selection?

But, you may wonder, why wasn't it done before, preventing its being done first now? Again, the answer just pops into your head: it costs a fortune to open a store this big. So, nobody's done it before. So, you quickly know the answer. With a few basic concepts, these microeconomic problems that seem hard can be solved much as you put a hot knife through butter. I like such easy ways of thought that are very remunerative. And I suggest that you people should also learn to do microeconomics better.



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3) 物理学に対する羨望








3) Physics Envy

The third weakness that I find in economics is what I call physics envy. And, of course, that term has been borrowed from penis envy as described by one of the world's great idiots, Sigmund Freud. But he was very popular in his time, and the concept got a wide vogue.

One of the worst examples of what physics envy did to economics was cause adoption of hard-form efficient market theory. And then, when you logically derived consequences from this wrong theory, you would get conclusions such as it can never be correct for any corporation to buy its own stock. Because the stock price, by definition, is totally efficient, there could never be any advantage. QED. And they taught this theory to some partner at McKinsey when he was at some school of business that had adopted this crazy line of reasoning from economics, and the partner became a paid consultant for the Washington Post. And Washington Post stock was selling at a fifth of what an orangutan could figure was the plain value per share by just counting up the values and dividing. But he so believed what he'd been taught in graduate school that he told the Washington Post it shouldn't buy their own stock. Well, fortunately, they put Warren Buffett on the board, and he convinced them to buy back more than half of the outstanding stock, which enriched the remaining shareholders by much more than a billion dollars. So, there was at least one instance of a place that quickly killed a wrong academic theory.

It's my view that economics could avoid a lot of this trouble that comes from physics envy. I want economics to pick up the basic ethos of hard science, the full attribution habit, but not the craving for an unattainable precision that comes from physics envy. The sort of precise, reliable formula that includes Boltzmann's constant is not going to happen, by and large, in economics. Economics involves too complex a system. And the craving for that physics-style precision does little but get you in terrible trouble, like the poor fool from McKinsey.

I think that economists would be way better off if they paid more attention to Einstein and Sharon Stone. Well, Einstein is easy because Einstein is famous for saying, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no more simple.” Now, the saying is a tautology, but it's very useful, and some economist - it may have been Herb Stein - had a similar tautological saying that I dearly love: “If a thing can't go on forever, it will eventually stop.”

Sharon Stone contributed to the subject because someone once asked her if she was bothered by penis envy. And she said, “Absolutely not. I have more trouble than I can handle with what I've got.” (Laughter).

When I talk about this false precision, this great hope for reliable, precise formulas, I am reminded of Arthur Laffer, who's in my political party, and who takes a mistaken approach, sometimes, when it comes to doing economics. His trouble is his craving for false precision, which is not an adult way of dealing with his subject matter.

The situation of people like Laffer reminds me of a rustic legislator - and this really happened in America. I don't invent these stories. Reality is always more ridiculous than what I'm going to tell you. At any rate, this rustic legislator proposed a new law in his state. He wanted to pass a law rounding pi to an even 3.2 so it would be easier for the school children to make the computations. Well, you can say that this is too ridiculous, and it can't be fair to liken economics professors like Laffer to a rustic legislator like this. I say I'm undercriticizing the professors. At least when this rustic legislator rounded pi to an even number, the error was relatively small. But once you try to put a lot of false precision into a complex system like economics, the errors can compound to the point where they're worse than those of the McKinsey partner when he was incompetently advising the Washington Post. So, economics should emulate physics' basic ethos, but its search for precision in physics-like formulas is almost always wrong in economics.




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2) 根源的なものに完全に従属する、というハード・サイエンスにおけるエートスに則っていない




2) Failure To Follow The Fundamental Full Attribution Ethos of Hard Science

What's wrong with the way Mankiw does economics is that he grabs from other disciplines without attribution. He doesn't label the grabbed items as physics or biology or psychology, or game theory, or whatever they really are, fully attributing the concept to the basic knowledge from which it came. If you don't do that, it's like running a business with a sloppy filing system. It reduces your power to be as good as you can be. Now Mankiw is so smart he does pretty well even when his technique is imperfect. He got the largest advance any textbook writer ever got.

But, nonetheless he'd be better if he had absorbed this hard science ethos that I say has been so helpful to me.

I have names for Mankiw's approach, grabbing whatever you need without attribution. Sometimes I call it “take what you wish,” and sometimes I call it “Kipplingism.” And when I call it Kipplingism, I'm reminding you of Kippling's stanza of poetry, which went something like this: “When Homer smote his blooming lyre, he'd heard men sing by land and sea, and what he thought he might require, he went and took, the same as me.” Well that's the way Mankiw does it. He just grabs. This is much better than not grabbing. But it is much worse than grabbing with full attribution and full discipline, using all knowledge plus extreme reductionism where feasible.



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A special version of this man with a hammer syndrome is terrible, not only in economics but practically everywhere else, including business. It's really terrible in business. You've got a complex system, and it spews out a lot of wonderful numbers that enable you to measure some factors. But there are other factors that are terribly important, [yet] there's no precise numbering you can put to these factors. You know they're important, but you don't have the numbers. Well, practically everybody (1) overweighs the stuff that can be numbered because it yields to the statistical techniques they're taught in academia, and (2) doesn't mix in the hard-to-measure stuff that may be more important. That is a mistake I've tried all my life to avoid, and I have no regrets for having done that.

The late, great, Thomas Hunt Morgan, who was one of greatest biologists who ever lived, when he got to Caltech, had a very interesting, extreme way of avoiding some mistakes from overcounting what could be measured and undercounting what couldn't. At that time, there were no computers, and the computer substitute then available to science and engineering was the Friden calculator, and Caltech was full of Friden calculators. And Thomas Hunt Morgan banned the Friden calculator from the biology department. And when they said, “What the hell are you doing, Dr. Morgan?” he said, “Well, I am like a guy who is prospecting for gold along the banks of the Sacramento River in 1849. With a little intelligence, I can reach down and pick up big nuggets of gold. And as long as I can do that, I'm not going to let any people in my department waste scarce resources in placer mining.” And that's the way Thomas Hunt Morgan got through life.

I've adopted the same technique, and here I am in my eightieth year. I haven't had to do any placer mining yet. And it begins to look like I'm going to get all the way through, as I'd always hoped, without doing any of that damned placer mining. Of course, if I were a physician, particularly an academic physician, I'd have to do the statistics, do the placer mining. But it's amazing what you can do in life without the placer mining if you've got a few good mental tricks and just keep ragging the problems the way Thomas Hunt Morgan did.



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1) 致命的なまでに相互に関連していないこと。これは「かなづちを手にした人」症候群をひき起こし、数え上げられるものを重視しがちになる。




Okay, now it's time to extend criticism instead of praise. We've recognized that economics is better than other soft science academic departments in many ways. And one of the glories of civilization. Now it's only fair that we outline a few things that are wrong with academic economics.

What's Wrong with Economics?

1) Fatal Unconnectedness, Leading To Man-with-a-Hammer Syndrome, Often Causing Overweighing What Can Be Counted

I think I've got eight, no nine objections, some being logical subdivisions of a big general objection. The big general objection to economics was the one early described by Alfred North Whitehead when he spoke of the fatal unconnectedness of academic disciplines, wherein each professor didn't even know the models of the other disciplines, much less try to synthesize those disciplines with his own.

I think there's a modern name for this approach that Whitehead didn't like, and that name is “bonkers.” This is a perfectly crazy way to behave. Yet economics, like much else in academia, is too insular.

The nature of this failure is that it creates what I always call man-with-a-hammer syndrome. And that's taken from the folk saying: To the man with only a hammer, every problem looks pretty much like a nail. And that works marvelously to gum up all professions and all departments of academia and, indeed, most practical life. The only antidote for being an absolute klutz due to the presence of a man-with-a-hammer syndrome is to have a full kit of tools. You don't have just a hammer. You've got all the tools. And you've got to have one more trick. You've got to use those tools checklist-style because you'll miss a lot if you just hope that the right tool is going to pop up unaided whenever you need it. But if you've got a full list of tools and go through them in your mind, checklist-style, you will find a lot of answers that you won't find any other way. So limiting this big general objection that so disturbed Alfred North Whitehead is very important, and there are mental tricks that help do the job.



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Let me begin by discussing the obvious strength of academic economics. The first obvious strength, and this is true of a lot of places that get repute, is that it was in the right place at the right time. Two hundred years ago, aided by the growth of technology and the growth of other developments in the civilization, the real output per capita of the civilized world started going up at about two percent per annum, compounded. And before that, for the previous thousands of years, it had gone up at a rate that hovered just a hair's-breadth above zero. And, of course, economics grew up amid this huge success. Partly it helped the success, and partly it explained it. So, naturally, academic economics grew. And, lately, with the collapse of all the communist economies, as the free market economies or partially free market economies flourished, that added to the reputation of economics. Economics has been a very favorable place to be if you're in academia.

Economics was always more multidisciplinary than the rest of soft science. It just reached out and grabbed things as it needed to. And that tendency to just grab whatever you need from the rest of knowledge if you're an economist has reached a fairly high point in N. Gregory Mankiw's new textbook. I checked out that textbook I must have been one of the few businessmen in America that bought it immediately when it came out because it had gotten such a big advance. I wanted to figure out what the guy was doing where he could get an advance that great. So this is how I happened to riffle through Mankiw's freshman textbook. And there I found laid out as principles of economics: Opportunity cost is a superpower, to be used by all people who have any hope of getting the right answer. Also, incentives are superpowers.

And lastly, the tragedy of the commons model, popularized by my longtime friend, UCSB’s Garrett Hardin. Hardin caused the delightful introduction into economics - alongside Smith’s beneficent invisible hand - of Hardin’s wicked evildoing invisible foot. Well, I thought that the Hardin model made economics more complete, and I knew when Hardin introduced me to his model, the tragedy of the commons, that it would be in the economics textbooks eventually. And, low and behold, it finally made it about twenty years later. And it’s right for Mankiw to reach out into other disciplines and grab Hardin’s model and anything else that works well.

Another thing that helped economics is that, from the beginning, it attracted the best brains in soft science. Its denizens also interacted more with the practical world than was at all common in soft science and the rest of academia, and that resulted in very creditable outcomes like the three cabinet appointments of economics Ph. D. George Schultz and the cabinet appointment of Larry Summers. So this has been a very favored part of academia.

Also, economics early on attracted some of the best writers of language in the history of the Earth. You start out with Adam Smith. Adam Smith was so good a thinker and so good a writer that, in his own time, Emmanuel Kant, then the greatest intellectual in Germany, simply announced that there was nobody in Germany to equal Adam Smith. Well, Voltaire, being an even more pithier speaker than Kant, which wouldn’t be that hard, immediately said, “Oh well, France doesn’t have anybody who can even be compared to Adam Smith.” So economics started with some very great men and great writers.

And then there have been later great writers like John Maynard Keynes, whom I quote all the time and who has added a great amount of illumination to my life. And finally, even in the present era, if you take Paul Krugman and read his essays, you will be impressed by his fluency. I can’t stand his politics; I’m on the other side. But I love this man’s essays. I think Paul Krugman is one of the best essayists alive. And so, economics has constantly attracted these fabulous writers. And they are so good that they have this enormous influence far outside their economic discipline, and that’s very uncommon in other academic departments.


(『マンキュー経済学 I.ミクロ編(第3版)』第1章 経済学の十大原理より)

第1原理: 人々はトレードオフ(相反する関係)に直面している
第2原理: あるものの費用は、それを得るために放棄したものの価値である[機会費用]
第3原理: 合理的な人々は限界原理に基づいて考える
第4原理: 人々はさまざまなインセンティブ(誘因)に反応する

第5原理: 交易(取引)はすべての人々をより豊かにする
第6原理: 通常、市場は経済活動を組織する良策である
第7原理: 政府が市場のもたらす成果を改善できることもある

第8原理: 一国の生活水準は、財・サービスの生産能力に依存している
第9原理: 政府が紙幣を印刷しすぎると、物価が上昇する


Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos



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エートス: アリストテレス倫理学で、習慣的、持続的な性状を意味し、行為の習慣によって獲得したものをいう。








Next, my personal education history is interesting because its deficiencies and my peculiarities eventually created advantages. For some odd reason, I had an early and extreme multidisciplinary cast of mind. I couldn't stand reaching for a small idea in my own discipline when there was a big idea right over the fence in somebody else's discipline. So I just grabbed in all directions for the big ideas that would really work. Nobody taught me to do that; I was just born with that yen. I also was born with a huge craving for synthesis. And when it didn't come easily, which was often, I would rag the problem, and then when I failed, I would put it aside, and I'd come back to it and rag it again. It took me twenty years to figure out how and why cult conversion methods worked. But the psychology departments haven't figured it out yet, so I'm ahead of them.

But anyway, I have this tendency to want to rag the problems. Because WWII caught me, I drifted into some physics, and the Air Corps sent me to Caltech, where I did a little more physics as part of being made into a meteorologist. And there, at a very young age, I absorbed what I call the fundamental full attribution ethos of hard science. And that was enormously useful to me. Let me explain that ethos.

Under this ethos, you've got to know all the big ideas in all the disciplines more fundamental than your own. You can never make any explanation that can be made in a more fundamental way in any other way than the most fundamental way. And you always take with full attribution to the most fundamental ideas that you are required to use. When you're using physics, you say you're using physics. When you're using biology, you say you're using biology. And so on and so on. I could early see that that ethos would act as a fine organizing system for my thought. And I strongly suspected that it would work really well in the soft sciences as well as the hard sciences, so I just grabbed it and used it all through my life in soft science as well as hard science. That was a very lucky idea for me.

Let me explain how extreme that ethos is in hard science. There is a constant, one of the fundamental constants in physics, known as Boltzmann's constant. You probably all know it very well. And the interesting thing about Boltzmann's constant is that Boltzmann didn't discover it. So why is Boltzmann's constant now named for Boltzmann? Well, the answer is that Boltzmann derived that constant from basic physics in a more fundamental way than the poor forgotten fellow who found the constant in the first place in some less fundamental way. The ethos of hard science is so strong in favor of reductionism to the more fundamental body of knowledge that you can wash the discoverer right out of history when somebody else handles his discovery in a more fundamental way. I think that is correct. I think Boltzmann's constant should be named for Boltzmann.

At any rate, in my history and Berkshire's history, Berkshire went on and on into considerable economic success while ignoring the hard-form efficient markets doctrine once very popular in academic economics and ignoring the descendants of that doctrine in corporate finance where the results became even sillier than they were in economics. This naturally encouraged me.

Finally, with my peculiar history, I'm also bold enough to be here today because, at least when I was young, I wasn't a total klutz. For one year at the Harvard Law School, I was ranked second in a very large group, and I always figured that, while there were always a lot of people much smarter than I was, I didn't have to hang back totally in the thinking game.



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When you talk about liberal use of credit, the derivative game was just unbelievable. The things people would agree to, thinking they were making money. For sure, they had these corporate finance types who did this work showing from the risk management department, the exposure of the firm. You want to talk about childish, high IQ childish. This is right up there. It’s hard to think of anything much worse. I suppose the eighth husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor or something would be competing for similar honors of cognition.

What they did was, they said, ‘Well, financial outcomes in securities markets must be plottable on a normal curve,’ - [a] so-called Gaussian curve, named for probably the greatest mathematician that ever lived. Gauss must be turning over his grave now with what’s happening. Of course, the math was very helpful because you could come up with numbers and results that would make people feel confident with what they were doing. There was only one trouble with the math: The assumption was wrong. Financial outcomes in securities markets are not plottable. It is not a law of God that outcomes in securities prices will fall over time on a curve and [follow] reality according to Gauss’s curve. Quite the contrary, the tails are way fatter. Warren and I always knew this by doing what might be called Monte Carlo simulation in our heads, just roughly. We could just see it didn’t fit, too many extreme things happened that the math didn’t correctly predict, and so we just thought they were all damn fools. Of course, we never bothered to learn the math. We used to sit at Salomon when they made these presentations in the risk management crowd with all these figures, all the daily trading and the disaster, blah blah blah and so forth. We would just roll eyes at one another that grown men could be doing this. And yet we were only two when the whole culture was into this craziness. People were actually making decisions about how much risk to take, based on the application of correct math, based on an assumption that wasn’t true. And by the way, people gradually knew it wasn’t true. But by that time they had gotten so enculturated in the math and they were so good at it they couldn’t give it up. It’s like a friend of mine who said he couldn’t give up the Catholic Church, he’s too invested in it. You know he’s 75 years old. We all get that way with our best-loved ideas, and it happens to people who get ideas about risk management. So there was just a lot of serious irrationality.




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This brings us to a final reality check for our business plan. We will, once more, think in reverse like Jacobi. What must we avoid because we don’t want it? Four answers seem clear:

First, we must avoid the protective, cloying, stop-consumption effects of aftertaste that are a standard part of physiology, developed through Darwinian evolution to enhance the replication of man’s genes by forcing a generally helpful moderation on the gene carrier. To serve our ends, on hot days, a consumer must be able to drink container after container of our product with almost no impediment from aftertaste. We will find a wonderful no-aftertaste flavor by trial and error and will thereby solve this problem.

Second, we must avoid ever losing even half of our powerful trademarked name. It will cost us mightily, for instance, if our sloppiness should ever allow sale of any other kind of “cola,” for instance, a “peppy cola.” If there is ever a “peppy cola,” we will be the proprietor of the brand.

Third, with so much success coming, we must avoid bad effects from envy, which is given a prominent place in the Ten Commandments because envy is so much a part of human nature. The best way to avoid envy, recognized by Aristotle, is to plainly deserve the success we get. We will be fanatic about product quality, quality of product presentation, and reasonableness of prices, considering the harmless pleasure it will provide.

Fourth, after our trademarked flavor dominates our new market, we must avoid making any huge and sudden change in our flavor. Even if a new flavor performs better in blind taste tests, changing to that new flavor would be a foolish thing to do. This follows because, under such conditions, our old flavor will be so entrenched in consumer preference by psychological effects that a big flavor change would do us little good. And it would do immense harm by triggering in consumers the standard deprival super-reaction syndrome that makes “take-aways” so hard to get in any type of negotiation and helps make most gamblers so irrational. Moreover, such a large flavor change would allow a competitor, by copying our old flavor, to take advantage of both (1) the hostile consumer super-reaction to deprival and (2) the huge love of our original flavor created by our previous work.

Well, that is my solution to my own problem of turning $2 million into $2 trillion, even after paying out billions of dollars in dividends. I think it would have won with Glotz in 1884 and should convince you more than you expected at the outset. After all, the correct strategies are clear after being related to elementary academic ideas brought into play by the helpful notions.

How consistent is my solution with the history of the real Coca-Cola company? Well, as late as 1896, twelve years after the fictional Glotz was to start vigorously with two million 1884 dollars, the real Coca-Cola Company had a net worth under $150,000 and earnings of about zero. And thereafter, the real Coca-Cola Company did lose half its trademark and did grant perpetual bottling franchises at fixed syrup prices. And some of the bottlers were not very effective and couldn’t easily be changed. And the real Coca-Cola Company, with this system, did lose much pricing control that would have improved results, had it been retained. Yet, even so, the real Coca-Cola Company followed so much of the plan given to Glotz that it is now worth about $125 billion and will have to increase its value at only eight percent per year until 2034 to reach a value of $2 trillion. And it can hit an annual physical volume target of 2.92 trillion servings if servings grow until 2034 at only six percent per year, a result consistent with much past experience and leaving plenty of plain-water ingestion for Coca-Cola to replace after 2034. So I would guess that the fictional Glotz, starting earlier and stronger and avoiding the worst errors, would have easily hit his $2 trillion target. And he would have done it well before 2034.



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チャーリー・マンガーの伝記『投資参謀マンガー』を読んだのは10年ぐらい前のことです。当時は節約生活にも慣れてきて、この本を読むために隣町の図書館まで自転車をこいで行ったものです。チャーリーのことは「ウォーレン・バフェットの右腕」ぐらいとしか知らなかったのですが、「実はすごい人」らしき文章をどこかで読み、この本にも目を通しておきたいと考えました。急いでページを繰ったので図書館で読み終えましたが、帰宅の時刻が迫ってきたころに読んだ文章が、チャーリーの講演"Practical Thought About Practical Thought?"の翻訳でした。これはコカ・コーラ社をモデルにして、巨大企業を一から作り上げるにはどうしたらよいか思考実験したものです。読了直後には文章の価値をまったく理解できず、「チャーリー・マンガーとは、こじつけめいた話をする人なんだな」と感じました。

それから10年たちました。理解はとぼとぼ、実践はまだまだ、の調子ですが、この文章は自分なりに翻訳してみたいと想いつづけてきました。今回が第1回目のこのシリーズでは、"Practical Thought About Practical Thought?"を何回かにわけて翻訳します。参考にすべき同書が手元にないので誤訳や珍訳が続出するかと思いますが、ご勘弁ください。

非公式な講話 1996年7月20日

Practical Thought About Practical Thought?
An Informal Talk, July 20, 1996






時としてプロの助言を買うことがあるように、何かを考える際に他人に頼りっぱなしだと、自分のわかるわずかな範囲を超えてしまえば、様々な災難を背負いこむ羽目になるでしょう。こみいった調整が困難なだけではありません。劇作家ジョージ・バーナード・ショーの作品に登場する人物のせりふを思い起こさせるような事態にも直面します。「結局のところ、あらゆる職業は部外者に対して仕組まれた陰謀なのだ」。実のところ、この登場人物はショーが毛嫌いしていたものを、そのときは控えめにみていたのです。たいていの場合、特定の領域のプロが助言者として、不正な行為を意識的に行うわけではありません。そうではなく、無意識にバイアスが働くことによって問題を生じさせています。彼の経済的な動機付けは顧客のものとは異なっているので、 顧客の目的を達成するという意味で、正しく認識できなくなってしまうのです。また次の警句が示している心理的な欠陥も、のしかかってくるでしょう。「手持ちの道具がかなづちだけだと、あらゆるものが釘に見える」。


The title of my talk is “Practical Thought About Practical Thought?” - with a question mark at the end. In a long career, I have assimilated various ultrasimple general notions that I find helpful in solving problems. Five of these helpful notions I will now describe. After that, I will present to you a problem of extreme scale. Indeed, the problem will involve turning start-up capital of $2 million into $2 trillion, a sum large enough to represent a practical achievement. Then, I will try to solve the problem, assisted by my helpful general notions. Following that, I will suggest that there are important educational implications in my demonstration. I will so finish because my objective is educational, my game today being a search for better methods of thought.

The first helpful notion is that it is usually best to simplify problems by deciding big “no-brainer” questions first.

The second helpful notion mimics Galileo's conclusion that scientific reality is often revealed only by math as if math was the language of God. Galileo's attitude also works well in messy, practical life. Without numerical fluency, in the part of life most of us inhabit, you are like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

The third helpful notion is that it is not enough to think problems through forward. You must also think in reverse, much like the rustic who wanted to know where he was going to die so that he'd never go there. Indeed, many problems can't be solved forward. And that is why the great algebraist Carl Jacobi so often said, “Invert, always invert.” And why the Pythagorean thought in reverse to prove that the square root of two was irrational number.

The fourth helpful notion is that the best and most practical wisdom is elementary academic wisdom. But there is one extremely important qualification: You must think in a multidisciplinary manner. You must routinely use all the easy-to-learn concepts from the freshman course in every basic subject. Where elementary ideas will serve, your problem solving must not be limited, as academia and many business bureaucracies are limited, by extreme balkanization into disciplines and subdisciplines, with strong taboos against any venture outside assigned territory. Instead, you must do your multidisciplinary thinking in accord with Ben Franklin's prescription in Poor Richard: “If you want it done, go. If not, send.”

If, in your thinking, you rely entirely on others, often through purchase of professional advice, whenever outside a small territory of your own, you will suffer much calamity. And it is not just difficulties in complex coordination that will do you in. you will also suffer from the reality evoked by the Shavian character who said, “In the last analysis, every profession is a conspiracy against the laity.” Indeed, a Shavian character, for once, understated the horrors of something Shaw didn't like. It is not usually the conscious malfeasance of your narrow professional adviser that does you in. Instead, your troubles come from his subconscious bias. His cognition will often be impaired, for your purposes, by financial incentives different from yours. And he will also suffer from the psychological defect caught by the proverb: “To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”

The fifth helpful notion is that really big effects, lollapalooza effects, will often come only from large combinations of factors. For instance, tuberculosis was tamed, at least for a long time, only by routine, combined use in each case of three different drugs. And other lollapalooza effects, like the flight of an airplane, follow a similar pattern.



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おなじみの『Poor Charlie's Almanack』ではチャーリー・マンガーの前半生が記されており、短い大学時代に接した物理学の話題にも触れています。短いですが、チャーリーらしさが凝縮されている一節をご紹介します。(日本語は拙訳)


In 1941, as the war raged across the Atlantic, Charlie graduated from Central High School and left Omaha for the University of Michigan. There he chose mathematics as his major, drawn by the appeal of numerical logic and reason. He also discovered physics after enrolling in a basic course to fulfill an academic requirement for science. Charlie was fascinated by the power of physics and its boundless reach. In particular, he was impressed by the process followed by physicists, such as Albert Einstein, to address the unknown. Physics-like problem solving was to become a passion for Charlie and is a skill he considers helpful in framing the problems of life. He has often stated that anyone who wants to be successful should study physics because its concepts and formulas so beautifully demonstrate the powers of sound theory.


どのようにモデルを使うのか(Seeking Wisdom)

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物事を的確に理解するにはモデルをつかうのがよい、というのはチャーリー・マンガーが繰り返し主張していることです。「モデル」については、過去記事「チャーリー・マンガーのMultiple Mental Models」などでも取り上げていますが、別の説明として今回はおなじみの『Seeking Wisdom』から引用します。(日本語は拙訳)





A model is an idea that helps us better understand how the world works. Models illustrate consequences and answer questions like “why” and “how”. Take the model of social proof as an example. What happens? When people are uncertain they often automatically do what others do without thinking about the correct thing to do. This idea helps explain “why” and predict “how” people are likely to behave in certain situations.

Models help us avoid problems. Assume that we are told that the earth consists of infinite resources. By knowing the idea about limits, we know the statement is false. Someone gives us an investment proposal about a project that contradicts the laws of physics. How much misery can be avoided by staying away from whatever doesn't make scientific sense?

If a model agrees with reality, it is most likely true. One idea from biology that agrees with reality is that “people on average act out of self-interest.” But not the idea that “people's personalities can be evaluated by using the Rorschach ink-blot test.” It can't predict people's personalities. Ask: What is the underlying big idea? Do I understand its application in practical life? Does it help me understand the world? How does it work? Why does it work? Under what conditions does it work? How reliable is it? What are its limitations? How does it relate to other models?
Charles Munger gives an example of a useful idea from chemistry - autocatalysis:

If you get a certain kind of process going in chemistry, it speeds up on its own. So you get this marvelous boost in what you're trying to do that runs on and on. Now, the laws of physics are such that it doesn't run on forever. But it runs on for a goodly while. So you get a huge boost. You accomplish A - and, all of a sudden, you're getting A + B + C for awhile.




What can help us see the big picture? How can we consider many aspects of an issue? Use knowledge and insights from many disciplines. Most problems need to be studied from a variety of perspectives. Charles Munger says, “In most messy human problems, you have to be able to use all the big ideas and not just a few of them.”

The world is multidisciplinary. Physics doesn't explain everything; neither does biology or economics. For example, in a business it is useful to know how scale changes behavior, how systems may break, how supply influences prices, and how incentives cause behavior.

Since no single discipline has all the answers, we need to understand and use the big ideas from all the important disciplines - mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, psychology, and rank and use them in order of their reliability.



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