ラベル ハワード・マークス の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル ハワード・マークス の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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When everyone believes something is risky, their unwillingness to buy usually reduces its price to the point where it’s not risky at all. Broadly negative opinion can make it the least risky thing, since all optimism has been driven out of its price.



In good times - perhaps emulating Warren Buffett – investors talk about how much they’d like to see the stocks they own decline in price, since it would allow them to add to positions at lower levels. But when prices collapse, the chance to average down is usually a lot less welcome ... and a lot harder to act on.

Investors can be tempted to sell during corrections like this one. Oftentimes emotional behavior is cloaked in intelligent-sounding rationalizations like “it’s important to sell down to your comfort level.” But the valid reasons to sell are principally because you feel fundamentals have deteriorated or because the price has risen enough. Selling to get more comfortable as prices fall (just like buying for that purpose in a rising market) has nothing to do with the relationship between price and value.


It’s desirable that everything in a well-diversified portfolio performs well - The truth is, if all the holdings were to perform well in one scenario, they could all perform poorly in another. That means the benefits of diversification wouldn’t be enjoyed. It shouldn’t be surprising - or totally disappointing - to have some laggards in a portfolio that’s truly well-diversified.



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It's Not Easy [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)










The most outstanding characteristic of first-level thinkers - and of the investing herd - is that they like things with obvious appeal. These are the things that are easy to understand and easy to buy. But that's unlikely to be the path to investment success. Here's how I put it in "Everyone Knows" (April 2007):

What's clear to the broad consensus of investors is almost always wrong.

First, most people don't understand the process through which something comes to have outstanding moneymaking potential. And second, the very coalescing of popular opinion behind an investment tends to eliminate its profit potential.

Take, for example, the investment that "everyone" believes to be a great idea. In my view by definition it simply cannot be so.

* If everyone likes it, it's probably because it has been doing well. Most people seem to think outstanding performance to date presages outstanding future performance. Actually, it's more likely that outstanding performance to date has borrowed from the future and thus presages sub-par performance from here on out.

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the price has risen to reflect a level of adulation from which relatively little further appreciation is likely. (Sure it's possible for something to move from "overvalued" to "more overvalued," but I wouldn't want to count on it happening.)

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the area has been mined too thoroughly - and has seen too much capital flow in - for many bargains to remain.

* If everyone likes it, there's significant risk that prices will fall if the crowd changes its collective mind and moves for the exit.

Superior investors know - and buy - when the price of something is lower than it should be. And the price of an investment can be lower than it should be only when most people don't see its merit. Yogi Berra is famous for having said, "Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore; it's too crowded." It's just as nonsensical to say, "Everyone realizes that investment's a bargain." If everyone realizes it, they'll have bought, in which case the price will no longer be low.



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オークツリーの会長ハワード・マークスが少し前にレターを公開していました。今回の題名は"Risk Revisited Again"です。今回は書下ろしではなく、何回か前に発表した文章を改訂した文章(過去記事など)になっています。投資におけるリスク管理の手引きとしていっそう質を高めたエッセイだと思います。また基本的に同じ文章をくりかえしたことは、彼が自分の見解を強調したいゆえにとった手段だとうけとめました。今回は、改訂元のレターに対して追加された部分から一部を引用します。(日本語は拙訳)

Risk Revisited Again [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


Risk exists only in the future, and it's impossible to know for sure what the future holds. Expectations are often formulated on the basis of what happened in the past, but the events of the past must be taken with a substantial grain of salt. No ambiguity is evident when we view the past. Only the things that happened happened. But that definiteness doesn't mean the process that creates outcomes is clear-cut and dependable. Many things could have happened in each case in the past, and the fact that only one did happen understates the potential for variability that existed. What I mean to say (inspired by Nicolas Nassim Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness) is that the history that took place is only one version of what it could have been. If you accept this, then the relevance of history to the future is much more limited than many believe to be the case. [Along these same lines, Peter Bernstein wrote the following in his November 2001 newsletter: We like to rely on history to justify our forecasts of the long run, but history tells us over and over again that the unexpected and the unthinkable are the norm, not an anomaly. That is the real lesson of history.]


People overestimate their ability to gauge risk and understand mechanisms they've never before seen in operation. In theory, one thing that distinguishes humans from other species is that we can figure out that something's dangerous without experiencing it. We don’t have to burn ourselves to know we shouldn't sit on a hot stove. But in bullish times, people tend not to perform this function. Rather than recognize risk ahead, they tend to overestimate their ability to understand how new financial inventions will work.



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Liquidity [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


Usually, just as a holder's desire to sell an asset increases (because he has become afraid to hold it), his ability to sell it decreases (because everyone has also become afraid to hold it). Thus (a) things tend to be liquid when you don't need liquidity, and (b) just when you need liquidity most, it tends not to be there. (In the 2014 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Letter, released early this month, Warren Buffett expresses his dislike for "substitutes for cash that are claimed to deliver liquidity and actually do so, except when it is truly needed.") The truth is, things often seem more liquid when you buy than when you go to sell.






But it may not be a good idea to always sit with a large amount of cash so as to be able to provide liquidity and scoop up bargains in a once-a-decade crash. This may equate to sub-optimizing. It would have paid off in 1990-91, 2001-02 and 2008-09, but what about the other 19 years in the last 25?

A high degree of concern over illiquidity can push investors to avoid it to excess. For example, institutions whose realities could permit a long-term investment approach sometimes decide to invest only in things they can get out of quickly. Is this prudence, or merely sub-optimizing? Is it done in response to a threat that has a reasonable likelihood of materializing, or to a crisis while it is fresh in memory ("fighting the last war")? Is it realistic, or the result of an irrational desire to be able to turn the whole portfolio into cash in short order? Or is it done in orders to always be able to comply with a sell order from the boss or the investment committee? Liquidity is a good thing (everything else being equal). But is it smart to require that a portfolio be able to provide more liquidity than is ever likely to be called on? Let's remember that liquidity isn't free. There's usually a cost, and it comes in the form of return forgone.

I think the best way to deal with the issue of liquidity is to think of the portfolio in terms of layers ranging from highly liquid to totally illiquid. The appropriate size for each layer at a given point in time is a function of each investor's specific situation, as well as the position of the market in its cycle.

In sizing those layers, it's clear that no investor should shoulder more illiquidity than its realities permit, as happened in 2008 with serious consequences for some endowments. Portfolios may be required to (a) meet their owners' needs for current cash with which to operate, (b) fund capital drawdowns at a time when lock-up funds aren't making distributions, or (c) enable the owners to avoid having to sell assets at depressed prices. Thus portfolio liquidity should be set so these needs can be met in bad times.

But how bad is bad? Should the portfolio have to respond to the last bad year, the average of the last five bad years, the worst year ever... or something worse? These decisions require judgment.



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The Lessons of Oil (Oaktree Capital Management) [PDF]


Turning to the second aspect of "the failure of imagination" and going beyond the inability of most people to imagine extreme outcomes, the current situation with oil also illustrates how difficult it is to understand the full range of potential ramifications. Most people easily grasp the immediate impact of developments, but few understand the "second-order" consequences . . . as well as the third and fourth. When these latter factors come to be reflected in asset prices, this is often referred to as "contagion." Everyone knew in 2007 that the sub-prime crisis would affect mortgage-backed securities and homebuilders, but it took until 2008 for them to worry equally about banks and the rest of the economy.





2 件のコメント:
ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、最後の引用です。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)



あくまでも一般論になりますが、最後に指摘しておきたいことがあります。それは、リスク管理は不可欠であるものの、リスク回避を目標としてめざすのは適切ではないという点です。その理由は単純です。リスクを回避すれば、たいていの場合、リターンを回避することと同じ意味になります。リスクを受け入れるだけで利益が得られると期待すべきではありません。しかし、リスクをとらなければ利益を期待することもできません。 (p.14)

Taken together these six observations convince me that Charlie Munger's trenchant comment on investing in general - "It's not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid." - is profoundly applicable to risk management. Effective risk management requires deep insight and a deft touch. It has to be based on a superior understanding of the probability distributions that will govern future events. Those who would achieve it have to have a good sense for what the crucial moving parts are, what will influence them, what outcomes are possible, and how likely each one is. Following on with Charlie's idea, thinking risk control is easy is perhaps the greatest trap in investing, since excessive confidence that they have risk under control can make investors do very risky things.

Thus the key prerequisites for risk control also include humility, lack of hubris, and knowing what you don't know. No one ever got into trouble for confessing a lack of prescience, being highly risk-conscious, and even investing scared. Risk control may restrain results during a rebound from crisis conditions or extreme under-valuations, when those who take the most risk generally make the most money. But it will also extend an investment career and increase the likelihood of long-term success. That's why Oaktree was built on the belief that risk control is "the most important thing."

Lastly while dealing in generalities, I want to point out that whereas risk control is indispensable, risk avoidance isn't an appropriate goal. The reason is simple: risk avoidance usually goes hand-in-hand with return avoidance. While you shouldn't expect to make money just for bearing risk, you also shouldn't expect to make money without bearing risk.

攻めと守り、あるいは資金を失う不安と機会を逃す心配のバランスをうまくとることは、投資家の仕事です。今日の段階では、利益を追求するよりも損失を防ぐほうに意識を向けることが重要だと私は感じています。この3年間、オークツリーで唱えていた文句は「前進せよ、ただし注意深く」でした。今となってはその言葉を繰り返す上で、最後の言葉をなおさら強調したいものです。「ただし注意深く」と。 (p.15)

It's the job of investors to strike a proper balance between offense and defense, and between worrying about losing money and worrying about missing opportunity. Today I feel it's important to pay more attention to loss prevention than to the pursuit of gain. For the last three years Oaktree's mantra has been "move forward, but with caution." At this time, in reiterating that mantra, I would increase the emphasis on those last three words: "but with caution."



0 件のコメント:
ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、さらに引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







・安全な資産からなるポートフォリオに対して「リスキーな」資産を少しばかり加えると、分散度が増していっそう安全になることがあります。この件を指摘したことで、ウィリアム・シャープ[俗に言うノーベル経済学賞の受賞者]は大きな貢献を果たしました。 (p.12)

The first is that risk is counterintuitive.

・The riskiest thing in the world is the widespread belief that there's no risk.

・Fear that the market is risky (and the prudent investor behavior that results) can render it quite safe.

・As an asset declines in price, making people view it as riskier. it becomes less risky (all else being equal).

・As an asset appreciates, causing people to think more highly of it, it becomes riskier.

・Holding only "safe" assets of one type can render a portfolio under-diversified and make it vulnerable to a single shock.

・Adding a few "risky" assets to a portfolio of safe assets can make it safer by increasing its diversification. Pointing this out was one of Professor William Sharpe's great contributions.


ポートフォリオを構成するにあたって、リスクをきちんと管理すると同時に、利益が得られるように考慮することは、見事な功績と言えます。しかしほとんどの場合、努力の痕跡は見えないまま終わります。リスクが生じて損失を出すのは潮が引いたときだけで、時々しか起こらないからです。 (p.13)

The third is that risk is often hidden and thus deceptive. Loss occurs when risk - the possibility of loss - collides with negative events. Thus the riskiness of an investment becomes apparent only when it is tested in a negative environment. It can be risky but not show losses as long as the environment remains salutary. The fact that an investment is susceptible to a serious negative development that will occur only infrequently - what I call "the improbable disaster" - can make it appear safer than it really is. Thus after several years of a benign environment, a risky investment can easily pass for safe. That's why Warren Buffett famously said, "... you only find out who's swimming naked when the tide goes out."

Assembling a portfolio that incorporates risk control as well as the potential for gains is a great accomplishment. But it's a hidden accomplishment most of the time, since risk only turns into loss occasionally … when the tide goes out.



0 件のコメント:
ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、もう少し引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。また前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

不十分なリターンにとどまる原因は、実は2つ考えられます。ひとつめは、高いリターンを狙ったものの、まずいできごとによって阻まれること。もうひとつは、低いリターンを狙ってそのとおりになることです。言いかえると、投資家が直面している大きなリスクは、ひとつではなくて2つあることになります。それは資金を失うリスクと機会を逃すリスクです。どちらかひとつであれば排除できますが、両方はできません。どちらかを回避することばかり気にしていると、もう片方の餌食になろうと身を差し出しているかもしれません。 (p.7)

There are actually two possible causes of inadequate returns: (a) targeting a high return and being thwarted by negative events and (b) targeting a low return and achieving it. In other words, investors face not one but two major risks: the risk of losing money and the risk of missing opportunities. Either can be eliminated but not both. And leaning too far in order to avoid one can set you up to be victimized by the other.


その一方で投資家は、価格が担っている中核的な役割に対してますます敏感になっています。本質的に最もリスキーなのは、購入する資産に対して(その質に関わらず)払いすぎることです。ですからリスクを抑える最善の方法は、とんでもないほど安値でしか払わないことです(その質に関わらず)。安値はすなわち「安全余裕」を生み出します。「リスクをコントロールした投資」とは、まさにそれがすべてだと言えます。価値評価リスクに対抗するのは簡単です。投資家自身をコントロールできるかどうかに大きくかかっているからです。ファンダメンタルに対して価格が高すぎれば、買うのをやめればよいだけです。「高いとわかって買う人など、いるでしょうかね」と思える人は、テック・バブル時代に買っていた人たちのことを思い出してください。 (p.11)

There are many ways for an investment to be unsuccessful. The two main ones are fundamental risk (relating to how a company or asset performs in the real world) and valuation risk (relating to how the market prices that performance). For years investors, fiduciaries and rule-makers acted on the belief that it's safe to buy high-quality assets and risky to buy low-quality assets. But between 1968 and 1973, many investors in the "Nifty Fifty" (the stocks of the fifty fastest-growing and best companies in America) lost 80-90% of the money. Attitudes have evolved since then, and today there's less of an assumption that high quality prevents fundamental risk, and much less preoccupation with quality for its own sake.

On the other hand, investors are more sensitive to the pivotal role played by price. At bottom, the riskiest thing is overpaying for an asset (regardless of its quality), and the best way to reduce risk is by paying a price that's irrationally low (ditto). A low price provides a "margin of safety," and that's what risk-controlled investing is all about. Valuation risk should be easily combatted, since it's largely within the investor's control. All you have to do is refuse to buy if the price is too high given the fundamentals. "Who wouldn't do that?" you might ask. Just think about the people who bought into the tech bubble.



4 件のコメント:
ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"より、さらに引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先は、前回の投稿で示してあります。(日本語は拙訳)


2012年に投資した資金を2014年に確かめてみるとしましょう。(どれだけ)失われたかどうかはわかりますが、その投資がリスキーだったのかどうかは判断できません。損失を出す可能性とは、投資した時点での問題だからです。たとえ話を続けると、たとえば明日の天気は雨かもしれないし、ちがうかもしれない。しかし明日の天気が雨の確率は今日の時点でどの程度かは、明日になって起こることが教えてくれるわけではありません。この降雨リスクのたとえ話は、損失リスクを語る上でもってこいの相似だと思います(完全なものではないことはよくわかっていますが)。 (p.2)

While writing the original memo on risk in 2006, an important thought came to me for the first time. Forget about a priori; if you define risk as anything other than volatility, it can't be measured even after the fact. If you buy something for $10 and sell it a year later for $20, was it risky or not? The novice would say the profit proves it was safe, while the academic would say it was clearly risky, since the only way to make 100% in a year is by taking a lot of risk. I'd say it might have been a brilliant, safe investment that was sure to double or a risky dart throw that got lucky.

If you make an investment in 2012, you'll know in 2014 whether you lost money (and how much), but you won't know whether it was a risky investment - that is, what the probability of loss was at the time you made it. To continue the analogy, it may rain tomorrow, or it may not, but nothing that happens tomorrow will tell you what the probability of rain was as of today. And the risk of rain is a very good analogue (although I'm sure not perfect) for the risk of loss.


・将来のできごとに影響しうる要因が数多くあることは、だれもが重々承知しています。政策の実施や、個人消費における意思決定、商品(コモディティー)価格の変化などです。しかしそれらを予測するのは困難です。ですから、それらすべての要因を含めた上で検討できる人がいるとは、とても思えません。(この分類は、ドナルド・ラムズフェルドが言い表した「無知の知」に相当すると言われたことがあります。知らぬを知る、ということですね) (p.2)

On the other hand, I'm solidly convinced the future isn't knowable. I side with John Kenneth Galbraith who said, "We have two classes of forecasters: Those who don't know - and those who don't know they don't know." There are several reasons for this inability to predict:

・We're well aware of many factors that can influence future events, such as governmental actions, individuals' spending decisions and changes in commodity prices. But these things are hard to predict, and I doubt anyone is capable of taking all of them into account at once. (People have suggested a parallel between this categorization and that of Donald Rumsfeld, who might have called these things "known unknown": the things we know we don't know.)

最後の項目[未訳; 因果関係の弱さ]は検討に値するものです。物理学は科学ですので、だから電気のエンジニアは、このスイッチを入れればあの灯りが毎回付くことを保証できるわけです。しかし経済学には「お粗末な科学」と呼ばれるだけの理由があります。事実、立派な科学とは言えないものです。この数年間のうちに、次のような現象を観察する機会がありました。金利水準がほぼ0%になっても、GDPは力強く反転しなかったこと。また連銀も債券買入れを減らしたものの、金利上昇にはつながらなかったこと。これらは、ほぼ一致した見方には沿わない結果でした。経済学や投資では人間の行動がカギとなる役割を果たすので、自然科学のように「ああすれば、こうなる」と言い切ることはできません。原因とそれがもたらす影響の関係性が弱いので、結果は不確かなものとなります。言いかえると、そこにリスクが生じるわけです。

将来に影響を及ぼす要因はほぼ無限にありますし、多数の事象はランダムに生じます。そしてつながりの弱さを考えると、「将来のできごとを一貫して予測することはどうやってもかなわない」というのが私の強く信じるところです。特にトレンドと平均の重大な乖離を、有用な水準まで正確に予測することは、いかなる方法を以ってしてもできないと考えます。 (p.2)

That last point deserves discussion. Physics is a science, and for that reason an electrical engineer can guarantee you that if you flip a switch over here, a light will go on over there... every time. But there's good reason why economics is called "the dismal science," and in fact it isn't much of a science at all. In just the last few years we've had opportunity to see - contrary to nearly unanimous expectations - that interest rates near zero can fail to produce a strong rebound in GDP, and that a reduction of bond buying on the part of the Fed can fail to bring on higher interest rates. In economics and investments, because of the key role played by human behavior, you just can't say for sure that "if A, then B," as you can in real science. The weakness of the connection between cause and effect makes outcomes uncertain. In other words, it introduces risk.

Given the near-infinite number of factors that influence the future, the great deal of randomness present, and the weakness of the linkages, it's my solid belief that future events cannot be predicted with any consistency. In particular, predictions of important divergences from trends and norms can't be made with anything approaching the accuracy required for them to be helpful.



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Risk Revisited (Oaktree Capital Management) [PDF]


恒久的な損失とは、価格の変動幅や騰落とは大きく異なるものです。価格の下落局面(downward fluctuation)は、定義上それは一時的なものですが、投資家が待ち続け、やがて取って返せば大きな問題にはなりません。恒久的な損失、つまりそこから反転しないものは、2つの理由のどちらかによって生じます。ひとつは下降中に投資家が売却してしまい、下落を一時的でないものとして確定させることです。つまり投資家が確信を失ったり、みずからに許された投資期間によるものだったり、緊急の金銭的理由だったり、感情が高まることで起きるものです。もうひとつの理由は、投資自体が本質的な理由によって回復できない場合です。価格変動を乗り切ることはできます。しかし、確定させた損失は絶対に取り消せません。(p.1)

However, while volatility is quantifiable and machinable - and can also be an indicator or symptom of riskiness and even a specific form of risk - I think it falls far short as "the" definition of investment risk. In thinking about risk, we want to identify the thing that investors worry about and thus demand compensation for bearing. I don't think most investors fear volatility. In fact, I've never heard anyone say, "The prospective return isn't high enough to warrant bearing all that volatility." What they fear is the possibility of permanent loss.

Permanent loss is very different from volatility or fluctuation. A downward fluctuation - which by definition is temporary - doesn't present a big problem if the investor is able to hold on and come out the other side. A permanent loss - from which there won't be a rebound - can occur for either of two reasons: (a) otherwise-temporary dip is locked in when the investor sells during a downswing - whether because of a loss of conviction; requirements stemming from his timeframe; financial exigency; or emotional pressures, or (b) the investment itself is unable to recover for fundamental reasons. We can ride out volatility, but we never get a chance to undo a permanent loss.



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Dare to Be Great II (Oaktree Capital Management) [PDF]


Or as Charlie Munger told me, "It's not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid." In other words, anyone who thinks it can be easy to succeed at investing is being simplistic and superficial, and ignoring investing's complex and competitive nature.

その答えは明白ではないかもしれませんが、必須なことではあります。つまり、他のほとんどの投資家が保有しているポートフォリオとは異なった構成をとらなければならない点です。他人のポートフォリオと同じようであれば、うまくいくかもしれませんし、反対にダメかもしれません。ただし、他人と違う結果を出すことはできません。もし人より優れたいのであれば、人と違っていることが絶対に必要です。最上位の成績をめざすには群衆から離れることが不可欠です。そうするには様々な方法があります。一般的でないニッチな市場で活動するやりかた、他人が見いだせなかったり、好まなかったり、危険なので手を出さないものを買うやりかた、これは見逃せないと群衆が考える人気者から遠ざかるやりかた、逆張りのタイミングで市場に参入するやりかた、とびぬけた成績をあげると予想する少数の銘柄に集中投資するやりかた、などがあります。 (p.2)

The answer may not be obvious, but it's imperative: you have to assemble a portfolio that's different from those held by most other investors. If your portfolio looks like everyone else's, you may do well, or you may do poorly, but you can't do different. And being different is absolutely essential if you want a chance at being superior. In order to get into the top of the performance distribution, you have to escape from the crowd. There are many ways to try. They include being active in unusual market niches; buying things others haven't found, don't like or consider too risky to touch; avoiding market darlings that the crowd thinks can't lose; engaging in contrarian cycle timing; and concentrating heavily in a small number of things you think will deliver exceptional performance.



Most great investments begin in discomfort. The things most people feel good about - investments where the underlying premise is widely accepted, the recent performance has been positive and the outlook is rosy - are unlikely to be available at bargain prices. Rather, bargains are usually found among things that are controversial, that people are pessimistic about, and that have been performing badly of late.

But it isn't easy to do things that entail discomfort. It's no coincidence that distressed debt has been the source of many successful investments for Oaktree; there's no such thing as a distressed company that everyone reveres. In 1988, when Bruce Karsh and I organized our first fund to invest in the debt of companies seemingly at death's door, the very idea made it hard to raise money, and investing required conviction - on the clients' part and our own - that our analysis and approach would mitigate the risk. The same discomfort, however, is what caused distressed debt to be priced cheaper than it should have been, and thus the returns to be consistently high.


In 1936, the economist John Maynard Keynes wrote in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, "Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally" [italics added]. For people who measure success in terms of dollars and cents, risk taking can pay off when gains on winners are netted out against losses on losers. But if reputation or job retention is what counts, losers may be all that matter, since winners may be incapable of outweighing them. In that case, success may hinge entirely on the avoidance of unconventional behavior that's unsuccessful.


Alan Greenspan warned of "irrational exuberance" in December 1996, but the stock market continued upward for more than three years. A brilliant manager I know who turned bearish around the same time had to wait until 2000 to be proved correct . . . during which time his investors withdrew much of their capital. He wasn't "wrong," just early. But that didn't make his experience any less painful.



Charlie Munger was right about it not being easy. I'm convinced that everything that's important in investing is counterintuitive, and everything that's obvious is wrong. Staying with counterintuitive, idiosyncratic positions can be extremely difficult for anyone, especially if they look wrong at first. So-called "institutional considerations" can make it doubly hard.

Investors who aspire to superior performance have to live with this reality. Unconventional behavior is the only road to superior investment results, but it isn't for everyone. In addition to superior skill, successful investing requires the ability to look wrong for a while and survive some mistakes. Thus each person has to assess whether he's temperamentally equipped to do these things and whether his circumstances - in terms of employers, clients and the impact of other people's opinions - will allow it . . . when the chips are down and the early going makes him look wrong, as it invariably will. Not everyone can answer these questions in the affirmative. It's those who believe they can that should take a chance on being great.



0 件のコメント:

Investor Howard Marks on Luck, Risks and the Job that Got Away (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)


仕事をする中で彼がいくらか学んだことは、[昔の勤め先である]シティバンクが[1970年前後に]「ニフティー・フィフティー」を重視する政策をとったことで、「アメリカで最高の諸企業に投資して多額の損失を出したこと」だった。その後同社は「アメリカで最悪の諸企業に投資し、多額の利益をあげた」。マークスはさらに付け加えた。「何を買ったかではなく、いくら払ったのか。投資で成功するこの理由がわかるまでに、いつまでも時間をかけてはいられません」。質の高い資産は割高となりやすいため、まずい投資となりうる、とマークスは指摘する。逆に質の悪い資産は安値で買えるため、良い投資となりうるのだ。オークツリーが今日手がけるもので、債務不履行(か寸前の)債券(Distressed debt)は最大の割合を占めている。「当社はその領域で一貫して大きな成功をおさめてきた」とマークスは言う。


What his career experience so far had told him was that with its Nifty 50 policy, Citibank had invested in "the best companies in America and lost a lot of money." Then it invested in "the worst companies in America and made a lot of money," Marks noted, adding that "it shouldn't take you too long to figure out that success in investing is not a function of what you buy. It's a function of what you pay." An asset of high quality, Marks pointed out, can be overpriced and be a bad investment; an asset of low quality can be bought cheaply and be a good investment. Distressed debt is the lion's share of what Oaktree handles today, and Marks said the company has been enormously successful - consistently so - in that area.

"Our return over the past 25 years has been 23% a year. And 95% of our outcomes are positive," he noted, adding that Oaktree has raised about 50 funds over the same period and never had one that lost money. "It's not a crapshoot like - if you'll pardon the expression - venture capital, where you invest in 10 companies but if one of them turns out to be Google, you're a success."


Another metaphor for successful investing which Marks is fond of citing is based on his many years in California. He compared an investment portfolio to a house located in an earthquake zone. "The house might have a structural flaw. And you might live in that house for 30 years and it doesn't fall down. But that doesn't prove it doesn't have a flaw - it only means it wasn't tested." Marks said that the important question about a portfolio is not if it made money when the market went up, but if it would have stayed intact if the market went down: "Has the investment professional been prudent, farsighted and versatile enough to include risk controls at the same time as upside potential?"



0 件のコメント:

<質問者> そのことから本質的な哲学的疑問が浮かび上がります。投資において運はどのような役割を果たすのでしょうか。

<マークス> 運というのはきわめて重要なものです。能力や勤勉さ、根気はどれも非常に大切です。しかし幸運も欠かせないものです。優れた分析や決断をすることで成功する確率を限界まで高めることはできます。しかしそれらがいつでも働くとは限りません。この世界は平穏な場所ではないので、偶然が重要な役割を果たします。私が大学で最初に学んだことは、投資において生じた結果からは判断の良否を見分けることはできないというものでした。偶然や運が関わるためです。

<質問者> だれが本当にすぐれた投資家でだれがそうでないのか、どうすれば言えるのでしょうか。

<マークス> 私がよく好んで指摘することですが、歯を治療したり、病気の診断をしたり、法務上の各種手続きをしたりということは自分自身ではやりませんね。だからこそ、投資の世界においても他の分野と同じように腕のいいプロを雇うべきなのです。それは容易なことではないからです。いや、訂正しましょう、平均でよいなら簡単です。インデックス・ファンドに投資したり、平均的な投資信託を一式そろえれば平均点はとれます。しかし私にとって投資で成功するとは、平均点ではなくて平均以上の成績をあげることです。これも、先のことがむずかしい理由の一部となっています。私は「第二段階」と呼んでいますが、投資とは「二重に考える」ことが要求される心理的な行動です。他人の考えをしのぐことが必要であり、さらにほとんどのことが直観に反するからです。このことは、橋梁を建設したりテニスをするといった実体を伴う活動には当てはまりません。心理的・感情的な複雑さの点でそこまでの水準を必要としないからです。

<質問者> しかしその話題ですが、ウィンブルドンのようなグランドスラムのテニス・トーナメントで勝つには平均では足りないと思いますがどうですか。

<マークス> テニスが投資と違う点は、まず第一に幸運をそれほど必要としないことです。ロジャー・フェデラーのようなプロの選手は肩やひじ、臀部や脚部をどう動かせばどのようにボールが進んでいくかを精確に把握しています。しかし投資の世界では違います。結果を完璧に予想することはできませんし、結果の信頼性も高くありません。もうひとつ違う点は、フェデラーがゲーム中にウィナーを狙っていることです。ウィナーにならずに容易に返球されるようであれば、ナダルに思い知らされるからです。しかしあなたと私で勝負する場合、私がウィナーをとろうとがんばる必要はありません。ミスをしないやりかたでも勝てるからです。ボールが継続するようゲームをつづけるだけです。20回もつづけるうちにあなたのほうがボールをネットにかけるかコートの外に打つだろうとわかっているので、私としては毎回きちんと打ち返します。ですから私はウィナーを狙う必要はなく、ミスしないように努めればよいだけです。このことは、我々がオークツリー[ハワードが会長を務める資産運用会社]でモットーとするものでもあります。適格な投資を多数実行し、そのどれもが火を噴かない。これが我々の望むことです。つまり敗者を出さないようにすれば、あとは勝者がうまくやってくれます。

<質問者> それはご自身が投資するポートフォリオでも同じですか。

<マークス> 私が投資する際には保守的にやっています。オークツリーが成功することで私が得られる同社の持ち分や収入、またオークツリー・ファンドに対する投資は相当大きなものです。ですから、自分の投資のリスク度合いを引き上げる必要性はまったく感じていません。最大の利益を得ようと有り金すべてを投資して一時たりとも寝かさない、と感じる類いの人間ではありません。流動性を確保し、信頼に足るポートフォリオを持つことで大いなる安心を得ています。金融危機が起こる前は、私は自己資金のほぼ全額を財務省証券に投じ、オークツリーには投資していませんでした。それによって完全に安全なリターンとして約6%が確保されていました。今日では、1年から5年満期の財務省証券に投資したければ1%のリターンしか得られません。税金とインフレを考慮すると損失が出るため、そのリターンでは不十分です。ですから、アクティブに運用する分を増加させたというのが私の答えです。しかし最大限に積極的とまでは至っていません。世界中のみなさんと同じように、やむを得ずリスク・カーブを移動させました。ただし私の場合は注意深くですが。

That leads us to an essential philosophical question. What's the role of luck in investing?
Luck is extremely important. Skill, hard work and perseverance are all very important. But you need luck, too. Sure, you can maximize your chances of success by doing good analysis and making good decisions. But that doesn't mean they're going to work all the time, since the world is not an orderly place and randomness plays an important part. One of the first things I learned at university is that you can't tell from the outcome whether a decision was a good investment decision or a bad investment decision because of the role of random and luck.

So how can we even tell who's really a good investor and who's not?
I always like to point out that nobody does their own dental work, or their medical work, or their own legal work. Therefore, in investing, like in any other field, you should hire a skilled professional because it's not easy. Let me correct that: it's easy if you want to do average. You can buy an index fund or a portfolio of average mutual funds and you get average results. But success in investing for me is not to be average; it's to be above average. That's the part that is hard. Investing is a mental activity in which you have to double think at what I call the second level, since your job is to out-think the others and most things are counterintuitive. That's not true in a physical activity like bridge building or tennis, for example, in which you don't have that level of psychological and emotional complexity.

But then again, to win a grand slam tennis tournament like Wimbledon it's also not enough to be average.
First of all, unlike in investing, there's not that much luck in tennis. A pro like Roger Federer knows exactly where the ball is going to go when he moves his shoulder, his elbow, his hip and his legs in a certain way. But in investing that's not true. Outcomes aren't fully predictable or dependable. And there's more: When Federer plays he tries to hit winners. If he does not hit a winner and gives an easy return, Nadal will stuff it down his throat. But when you and I play together, I don't have to try to hit winners. I can beat you by not hitting losers. I'm just going to keep the ball in play. I put it every time back knowing that if I can do it twenty times you're finally going to hit the ball into the net or off the court. So I don't have to hit a winner. I only have to avoid hitting a loser. And that's our motto at Oaktree Capital, too. We want to make a large number of competent investments and have none of them to blow up. And if we avoid the losers, the winners take care of themselves.

Is that also true for your personal investment portfolio?
I am a conservative investor. My ownership of Oaktree Capital and the income I derive from Oaktree's success and my investments in Oaktree funds is very substantial. So I've never felt the need to press up my risk exposure. I am not one of these people who feel that every dollar has to be fully employed at maximum return every minute. I derive a lot of comfort from having liquidity and a dependable portfolio. Before the crisis, I used Treasuries for virtually all my money that was not invested in Oaktree. That allowed me to get a return of around 6% with total safety. Today, if I want to invest in Treasuries with one to five year maturities I only get 1%. That's not enough because after taxes and inflation I lose money. So the answer is that I have increased my active investments. I'm still not maximally aggressive. By necessity, like everybody else in the world, I've moved out the risk curve - but in my case with caution.





0 件のコメント:

≪In the end, the devil usually wins≫ (Finanz und Wirtschaft)

<質問者> 今回の強気相場がつづく中で、投資家が注意しなければならないリスクとはなんでしょうか。

<マークス> 投資におけるリスクは何かと質問されたら、「資金を失うこと」とお答えになるでしょう。ところが投資におけるリスクは実際には2つあります。ひとつは資金を失うこと、もうひとつが好機を逸することです。どちらかであれば排除することができますが、両方同時には排除できません。そこで問題になるのが、2つのリスクに対してどのように身を処すべきかです。積極果敢にやるか、堅く守りに入るか、それともそのあいだを進むか。この状況からは、あるコメディー映画が思い浮かびます。そこでは登場人物の男が一体どうしようか悩んでいます。彼の右肩には白いローブをまとった天使が腰かけており、こう話しかけてきます。「やめておきなさい。思慮が足りない。良い考えでないどころか、正しくもない。これはやっかいなことになりますよ」。一方、反対の肩にはピッチフォーク[3本歯の農具]を手にした赤いローブの悪魔が座っています。悪魔はこうささやきかけます。「やるんだ。今やっとけば金持ちになれるぞ」。たいていの場合、結局勝つのは悪魔のほうです。「慎重、熟慮、善行」は古来より伝わる教えです。しかし金持ちになりたいという欲望と争えば、恐慌状態の時期を除けばたいていは欲望のほうが勝ちをおさめます。バブルが形成され、バーニー・マドフが金を集めたような詐欺が起こるのはそのためです。

<質問者> 悪魔の口車に乗せられないためにはどうすればよいのでしょうか。

<マークス> 私はこの業界に入って45年以上になります。その間、さまざまな経験をしてきました。それに加えて、感情に左右されやすい性格ではありません。実際、私が知っているすばらしい投資家は感情に流されない人ばかりです。感情的な人は、お祭り騒ぎをする他人たちが値段をつり上げた天井で買ってしまい、みんなが意気消沈して値段がさがった底値で売ってしまうものです。他人と同じように動き、甚だしい状況のときに間違ったことを毎度のようにくりかえします。だからこそ、投資で成功するための最重要な基準として感情に流されないことが含まれるのです。感情に流されてしまう人は、自分の資金で投資すべきではありません。この一言に尽きます。すばらしい投資家のほとんどの人は「逆張り」と呼ばれる姿勢を実践しています。これは他の大勢がやることの逆をやることを意味しますが、その実態は極度な状況下でも適切な行動をとるという意味です。感情に流されずに理性的にやることは、逆張りを実践していく上での基本的な要件のひとつです。

What are the risks investors should be aware of as this bull market goes on?
If I ask you what's the risk in investing, you would answer the risk of losing money. But there actually are two risks in investing: One is to lose money and the other is to miss opportunity. You can eliminate either one, but you can't eliminate both at the same time. So the question is how you're going to position yourself versus these two risks: straight down the middle, more aggressive or more defensive. I think of it like a comedy movie where a guy is considering some activity. On his right shoulder is sitting an angel in a white robe. He says: ≪No, don't do it! It's not prudent, it's not a good idea, it's not proper and you'll get in trouble≫. On the other shoulder is the devil in a red robe with his pitchfork. He whispers: ≪Do it, you'll get rich≫. In the end, the devil usually wins. Caution, maturity and doing the right thing are old-fashioned ideas. And when they do battle against the desire to get rich, other than in panic times the desire to get rich usually wins. That's why bubbles are created and frauds like Bernie Madoff get money.

How do you avoid getting trapped by the devil?
I've been in this business for over forty-five years now, so I've had a lot of experience. In addition, I am not a very emotional person. In fact, almost all the great investors I know are unemotional. If you're emotional then you'll buy at the top when everybody is euphoric and prices are high. Also, you'll sell at the bottom when everybody is depressed and prices are low. You'll be like everybody else and you will always do the wrong thing at the extremes. Therefore, unemotionalism is one of the most important criteria for being a successful investor. And if you can't be unemotional you should not invest your own money, period. Most great investors practice something called contrarianism. It consists of doing the right thing at the extremes which is the contrary of what everybody else is doing. So unemtionalism is one of the basic requirements for contrarianism.



0 件のコメント:

Getting Lucky (Oaktree) [PDF]







The point is that we assemble our portfolios, and future events determine whether our performance will be rewarded or punished. People whose expectations are borne out generally make money, and those whose aren't lose. That process sounds very fact-based, meritocratic and luck-free, and thus dependable. But that's only the case on average and in the longest-term sense.

- Sometimes, even though an investor's projections may be far too optimistic relative to what he should have expected - a.k.a. "wrong" - the investor is bailed out by unforeseeable positive developments, or even by non-fundamentally based price appreciation. Either way, the stock rises and the investor is applauded. I'd say he was "right for the wrong reason" (or "lucky").

- Alternatively, a prudent, skillful investor may formulate a reasonable view of the future, only to see the world go off the rails and his investments fail. He might be described as "wrong for the wrong reason" (or "unlucky").

- An investor may take an appropriately cautious stance - let's say toward tech stocks in 1997 or residential mortgage backed securities in 2005 - only to see an irrationally overpriced market become more so, as prices soar for years. He looks terrible, a victim of the old adage that "being too far ahead of your time is indistinguishable from being wrong."

- Further, in a special case of being wrong as to timing although perhaps not fundamentals, an investor may take a concentrated position in a laughably underpriced stock, using a huge amount of borrowed money. But before the expected appreciation can take place, a market crash brings on a margin call, and he's wiped out. As John Maynard Keynes said, "The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."

- Last year marked the passing of Joe Granville, a technical analyst whose warning in 1976 was followed by a 26% two-year decline, winning him respect and fame. But his next accurate call wouldn't come for 24 years, when he told people to sell tech stocks in 2000. Was it skill back in 1976, or a lucky call that turned out right when events went his way? Regardless, he became one of many in the investment business who get famous for having been "right once in a row."



0 件のコメント:

The Race Is On (Oaktree) (PDFファイル)







Certainly risk tolerance has been increasing of late; high returns on risky assets have encouraged more of the same; and the markets are becoming more heated. The bottom line varies from sector to sector, but I have no doubt that markets are riskier than at any other time since the depths of the crisis in late 2008 (for credit) or early 2009 (for equities), and they are becoming more so.

Is This a Sell Signal? If Not, Then What?

No, I don't think it's time to bail out of the markets. Prices and valuation parameters are higher than they were a few years ago, and riskier behavior is observed. But what matters is the degree, and I don't think it has reached the danger zone yet.

First, as mentioned above, the absolute quantum of risk doesn't seem as high as in 2006-07. The modern miracles of finance aren't seen as often (or touted as highly), and the use of leverage isn't as high.

Second, prices and valuations aren't highly extended (the p/e ratio on the S&P 500 is around 16, the post-war average, while in 2000 it was in the low 30s: now that's extended).

A rise in risk tolerance is something that should get your attention and focus your concentration. But for it to be highly worrisome, it has to be accompanied by extended valuations. I don't think we're there yet. I think most asset classes are priced fully - in many cases on the high side of fair - but not at bubble-type highs.




0 件のコメント:

The Role of Confidence (Oaktree) (PDFファイル)


If the economy continues to recover and the Fed's bond buying eases off, interest rates are likely to go further on the upside. But given the modest level of confidence at play, the markets should not turn out to be perilous. Most assets are neither dangerously elevated (with the possible exception of long-term Treasury bonds and high grades) nor compellingly cheap. It's easier to know what to do at the extremes than it is in the middle ground, where I believe we are today. As I wrote in my book, when there's nothing clever to do, the mistake lies in trying to be clever. Today it seems the best we can do is invest prudently in the coming months, avoiding aggressiveness and remembering to apply caution.




0 件のコメント:

Beyond Buffett: Four Other Investor Letters The Pros Are Reading (Forbes)



「弱気に見ている対象: 米国連邦政府」



"Investing today may well be harder than it has been at any time in our three decades of existence, not because markets are falling but because they are rising; not because governments have failed to act but because they chronically overreact; not because we lack acumen or analytical tools, but because the range of possible outcomes remains enormously wide; and not because there are no opportunities, but because the underpinnings of our economy and financial system are so precarious that the unabating risks of collapse dwarf all other factors."



2 件のコメント:

The Outlook for Equities (Oaktree Capital Management)








In the mid-1970s I was fortunate to happen upon one of the first of the time-worn pearls of wisdom that contributed so much to my education as an investor. It described the three stages of a bull market:

・the first, when a few forward-looking people begin to believe things will get better,
・the second, when most investors realize improvement is actually underway, and
・the third, when everyone's sure things will get better forever.

In “The Tide Goes Out,” written in March 2008, several months before the lows of the financial crisis, I applied the same thinking to the converse - the three stages of a bear market:

・the first, when just a few prudent investors recognize that, despite the prevailing bullishness, things won't always be rosy,
・the second, when most investors recognize things are deteriorating, and
・the third, when everyone's convinced things can only get worse.

Hindsight always makes it clear what was going on at a particular point in time. It's a snap now to say the second quarter of 2007 marked the third stage of a bull market: no one could think of a way to lose money. And in the fourth quarter of 2008 (for credit) and the first quarter of 2009 (for equities), we were certainly in the third stage of a bear market: most people thought the financial system was about to collapse, and securities that had halved in price could do nothing but halve again.

But the study of market history only makes us better investors if it teaches us how to assess conditions as they are, rather than in retrospect. When I wrote “Deja Vu All Over Again” a year ago, it was my feeling that equities were in the first stage of a bull market. Experience had been so bad for so long - and the level of disinterest was so high - that only a few investors thought equities could ever catch on again. Those low expectations, when combined with modest fundamental and psychological improvement, gave the S&P 500 a return of about 13% over the year since that memo was written.

So now we have a somewhat improved fundamental environment, a generally more optimistic group of investors, and stock prices that are a fair bit higher. No one should say the likelihood of improvement is entirely unrecognized today, as would have to be the case for this to still be stage one. I think the existence of improvement is generally accepted, but that acceptance is neither extremely widespread nor terribly overdone. Thus I'd say we're somewhere in the first half of stage two. Pessimist no longer control market prices, but certainly neither have carefree optimists taken over.



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Arguably the eight pages of this memo leading up to this point are there for the sole purpose of establishing that when investors are sanguine risk is high, and when investors are afraid risk is low. Today there's no question about it: investors are highly aware of the uncertainties attaching to the sluggish recovery, fiscal imbalance and political dysfunction in the U.S.; the same or worse in Europe; lack of growth in Japan; slowdown in China; resulting problems in the emerging markets; and geopolitical tensions. If the global crisis was largely the product of obliviousness to risk - as I'm sure it was - it's reassuring that there is little risk obliviousness today.

Sober attitudes on the part of investors should be a source of comfort, since in normal times we would expect them to bring down asset prices to the point where they're attractive. The problem, however, is that while few people are thinking bullish today, many are acting bullish. Their pro-risk behavior is having its normal dangerous impact on the markets, even in the absence of pro-risk thinking. I've become increasingly conscious of this inconsistency in recent months, and I think it is the most important issue that today's investors have to confront.

What's the reason for this seeming inconsistency between thoughts and actions? The answer is simple. These people aren't buying because they want to, but because the feel they have to. In the past I've referred to them as "handcuff volunteers."