ラベル ウォーレン・バフェット の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル ウォーレン・バフェット の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし利益がある程度減少したとしても、それらの事業は基本的に現金を生み出してくれます。そして2枚目のスライドに進みますが、バークシャーではきわめて強固な基盤を維持しています。これからも常にそれを守っていきますが、当社は単にそれを基本な方針としています。当社では一般の人たちと保険契約を結んでいます。ある程度は専門に特化しており、業界のリーダーでもあります。主たる事業ではないものの、定期金賠償商品も販売しています。たとえばだれかがひどい事故に遭ったとき、たいていは自動車事故ですが、10年から50年間などの期間にわたって援助が必要になります。それがこの商品です。




(Warrren Buffett 01:28:13)

But basically these businesses will produce cash even though their earnings decline somewhat. And if we'll go to part two, at Berkshire, we keep ourselves in an extraordinary strong position. We'll always do that - that's just fundamental. We insure people. We're a specialist to some extent and a leader. It's not our main business, but we sell structured settlements. That means somebody gets in a terrible accident, usually an auto accident, and they're going to require care for 10, 30, 50 years.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:03)

And their family or their lawyer is wise enough, in our view, to rather than take some big cash settlement to essentially arrange to have money paid over the lifetime of the individual to take care of their medical wills, bills, or whatever it may be. And we're large. We've got many, many, many people that in effect have staked their well-being on the promises of Berkshire to take care of them for, like I say, I mean, 50 years or longer into the future.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:42)

And, now, I would never take real chances with money, of other people's money under any circumstances. Both Charlie and I come from a background where we ran partnerships. I started mine in 1956 for really seven either actual family members or the equivalent. And Charlie did the same thing six years later. And we never, neither one of us, I think, I know I didn't, and I'm virtually certain the same is true of Charlie, neither one of us ever had a single institution investment with us.

(Warren Buffett 01:30:23)

I mean, every single bit of money we managed for other people was from individuals, people with faces attached to them, or entities, or money with faces attached to them. So we've always felt that our job is basically that of a trustee, and hopefully a reasonably smart trustee in terms of what we were trying to accomplish. But the trustee aspect has been very important. And it's true for the people with the structured settlements. It's true for up and down the line. But it's true for the owners very much too. So we always operate from a position of strength.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> それではざっと見ていきましょう。ここにベッキー[・クイック。ウォーレンご指名の有名ニュースキャスター]の電子メール・アドレスがありますので、わたしが話したことなどについてご質問のある方は、電子メールでお知らせください。ベッキーは受け取った質問の山と格闘した末に、いくつかを選び出して順番を決めてくれるはずです。今回わたしが話したことであれば長くてもかまいませんので、遠慮なしに彼女へ送ってください。本総会が公式の部へ進行した間にも、彼女の電子メールアドレスは掲げておきます。





(Warrren Buffett 01:25:20)

So we will just now take a quick look. And I see we've got the Becky's email address. So if you have questions on what I've said or other things, you can email these questions. And she is back there probably sort of a madhouse trying to handle questions coming in and pick out the ones she's going to prioritize. But feel free to, anything I've talked about so far, to send a long to her, and we'll keep her address up when I later hold the formal part of the meeting too.

(Warrren Buffett 01:26:03)

Very briefly in terms of Berkshire, in the first quarter, if you'll put up... Do we have the slides on that? There we are. Our operating earnings were... And there's much more about this in the 10-Q, and it's really not worth spending any real time on. But the operating earnings for the first quarter have no meaning whatsoever in terms of forecasting what's going to happen the next year.

(Warrren Buffett 01:26:34)

And I don't know the consequences of shutting down the American economy. I know eventually it will work, whatever we do. We may make mistakes. We will make mistakes, and during this talk and later on, I'm not going to be second- guessing people on this because nobody knows for sure what any alternative action would produce or anything short.

(Warrren Buffett 01:27:06)

But what we do know is that for some period, certainly during the balance of the year, but it could go on a considerable period of time, who knows, but our operating earnings will be less, considerably less than if the virus hadn't come along. I mean, that's just it. It hurts some of our businesses a lot. I mean, you shut down. Some of our businesses effectively have been shut down.

(Warrren Buffett 01:27:41)

It affects others much less. Our three major businesses of insurance and the BNSF railroad, railroad and our energy business, those are our three largest by some margin. They're in a reasonably decent position. They will spend more than their depreciation. So some of the earnings will go, along with depreciation, will go toward increasing fixed assets.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかしわたしの考えでは、普通株に取り組む場合にだけ根本的に有利な点があります。わたしは残りの人生をアメリカに賭けるつもりですし、バークシャーを引き継いでくれる人にもそうしてほしいと願っています。わたしどもは2つの異なるやりかたをとっています。ある企業全体を買収するやりかたと、企業の一部を買うやりかたです。




(Warren Buffett 01:22:44)

But you are dealing with something fundamentally advantageous, in my view, in only common stocks. I will bet on America the rest of my life. And I hope my successors at Berkshire do it. Now, we do it in two different ways. We do it by buying entire businesses, and we buy parts of businesses.

(Warren Buffett 01:23:09)

And I would like to emphasize that... Well, I'd like to give you a few figures that will tie in from our activities in the first quarter and also what we've done in April. We are not right about... We do try to pick the businesses that we think we understand. We don't buy the S&P 500. And we like to buy the entire businesses when we buy them, but we don't get a chance to do that very often. Most of the best businesses are not available for sale in their entirety.

(Warren Buffett 01:23:53)

But we don't mind in the least buying partial interest in businesses. And we would rather own 6% or 7% or 8% of a wonderful company and regard it as a partnership interest, essentially, in that company. And then we get an opportunity to do that through marketable securities. And sometimes we get more opportunities than others.

(Warren Buffett 01:24:24)

And with that, I hope I've convinced you to bet on America. Not saying that this is the right time to buy stocks if you mean by "right," that they're going to go up instead of down. I don't know where they're going to go in the next day, or week, or month, or year. But I hope I know enough to know, well, I think I can buy a cross section and do fine over 20 or 30 years. And you may think that's kind of, for a guy, 89, that that's kind of an optimistic viewpoint. But I hope that really everybody would buy stocks with the idea that they're buying partnerships in businesses and they wouldn't look at them as chips to move around, up or down.




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<ウォーレン・バフェット> すぐれた営業担当者とは、自分自身のバカらしい行動に信念を抱いている人ばかりです。つまりそのこと自体が、すぐれた営業パーソンを形作る一部分になっています。わたしの人生でも、その手のことを数多くやってきたはずです。しかし同じことを何度も繰り返すのは、それこそ人間だからです。それゆえに、法律家は同じことを何度も証人に言わせます。すると証人席へ呼ばれるまでに、彼ら証人は「はじめからそうだった(あるいは、そうではなかった)」と信じこむようになるのです。

(Warren Buffett 01:22:21)

Most good salespeople believe their own baloney. I mean, that's part of being a good salesperson. And I'm sure I've done plenty of that in my life too, but it's very human if you keep repeating something often enough. That's why lawyers have the witnesses keep saying things over and over again, that by the time they get on the witness stand, they'll believe it whether it was true in the first place or not.






0 件のコメント:

<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし申し上げておきましょう。もしもアメリカに賭けることにして、その持ち株を何十年間と保有し続ければ、米国債を保有するよりもはるかにずっと良い成績をおさめられると、わたしは考えています。そして助言者、すなわち「あの農夫が次になにをわめき立てるのかを教えてくれる人」の世話になるよりも、はるかに良い成績をあげられるでしょう。実のところ不要な助言や、「妙案かもしれないが、少なくとも助言者自身は独自のものだと思い込んでいる」助言など、そういったものに対して支払われている報酬は莫大な金額にのぼっています。しかし本当のことを言えば、事業の周りで売買するだけでは、卓越した成績をすべての人にもたらすことはできません。



(Warren Buffett 01:20:51)

But I will tell you, if you bet on America and sustain that position for decades, you're going to do better than, in my view, far better than owning Treasury securities or far better than following people who tell you that what the farmer's going to yell out next... There's huge amounts of money that people pay for advice they really don't need and for advice where the person giving it could be very well-meaning in it and believe their own line. But the truth is that you can't deliver superior results to everybody by just having them trade around a business.

(Warren Buffett 01:21:39)

If you bought into a business, it's going to deliver what the business produces. And the idea that you're going to outsmart the person next to you, or the person advising you can outsmart the person sitting next to you is, well, it's really the wrong approach.

(Warren Buffett 01:21:57)

So find businesses. Get a cross section. And in my view, for most people, the best thing to do is to own the S&P 500 index fund. People will try and sell you other things because there's more money in it for them if they do. And I'm not saying that that's a conscious act on their part.



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(Warren Buffett 01:20:09)

If you really had a farm, and you had this neighbor, and one day he offered you $2,000 an acre, and the next day he offers you $1,200 an acre, and maybe the day after that he offers you $800 an acre, are you really going to feel that at $2,000 an acre when you had evaluated what the farm would produce, are you going to let this guy drive you into thinking, "I better sell because this number keeps coming in lower all the time"? It's a very, very, very important matter to bring the right psychological approach to owning common stocks.




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(Warren Buffett 01:19:06)

But you can't bet unless you're willing and have an outlook to independently decide that you want to own a cross section of America, because I don't think most people are in a position to pick single stocks; a few may be, but on balance, I think people are much better off buying a cross section of America and just forgetting about it. If you'd done that, if I'd done that when I'd got out of college, it's all I had to do to make 100 for 1 and then collect dividends on top of it, which increased, would increase substantially over time.

(Warren Buffett 01:19:43)

The American tailwind is marvelous. American business represents, and it's going to have interruptions, and you're not going to foresee the interruption, and you don't want to get yourself in a position where those interruptions can affect you either because you're leveraged or because you're psychologically unable to handle looking at a bunch of numbers.



0 件のコメント:

<ウォーレン・バフェット> そこでは莫大なお金が動いています[投資助言、投資信託業界]。だから彼らはこう言います。「大切なことなのですよ。値段の動きについては私たちが考えますから、その考えをしっかり守ってください」。あるいは顧客みずからが「重要なちがいがあるはずだ」と自分に言い聞かせるかもしれません。しかし真実はこうです。もしもウィルスが伝わってくる以前から気に入った企業を保有していたのであれば、株価が変わったところで「売却せよ」と強要してくる人などいません。その企業を本当に気に入っており、経営陣を信頼して会社を任せるのであれば、事業に根本的な変化がないかぎり、株式には著しい強みがあります。そして株式を保有することでアメリカの未来に賭けることができます。もう少し後でバークシャーの業績報告をしますので、その際に事業や環境の変化について少々お話しします。

(Warren Buffett 01:18:11)

There's huge money it. So people tell you that it's important, and they know, and that you should pay a lot of attention to their thoughts about what price changes should be, or you tell yourself that there should be this great difference. But the truth is, if you owned the businesses you liked prior to the virus arriving, it changes prices, and it changes, but nobody's forcing you to sell. And if you really like the business, and you like the management you're in with, and the business hasn't fundamentally changed, and I'll get to that a little when I report on Berkshire, which I will soon, I promise, the stocks have an enormous advantage. And you can bet on America.




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<ウォーレン・バフェット> つまり、農地がもたらしてくれる可能性を考えるわけです。そこへ、隣りの農地を所有するおバカさんがやってきます、彼は、ある種の躁うつ病をかかえた呑み助でもあり、さらには大麻を少しやっているかもしれません。そんな彼があちこちに現れて、売買の呼び値を告げてくれます。ですからここではただ一つ、次のことを覚えておくだけで大丈夫です。「その隣人は私に尽くす人であり、私を導く人ではない」と。「その農地で儲けられる可能性がある」と自分で考えたからこそ、自分で買うのです(笑)。実際のところ、呼び値を出してもらう必要はありません。ジョン・D・ロックフェラーやアンドリュー・カーネギーといった人と取引する際には、呼び値はありませんでした。のちになってから呼び値が出てきましたが、基本的にはその事業を営むために買うわけですから、株式を買うときにも同じようにすればいいのです。しかしその際にさきほど述べた利点があるので、それが活かせます。つまり「こちらは聞く耳を持たないものの、呼び値を毎日提示してくれる隣人」のことです。彼の出す値段には上下動があるでしょう。高騰した[soaring]値段で買おうと言ってくる日もあります。そんなときに売りたいと思えば、そうしてください。


(Warren Buffett 01:16:19)

But you think about the potential of the farm, and now we get this idiot that buys the farm next to you, and on top of that, he's sort of a manic depressive and drinks, maybe smokes a little pot. So his numbers just go all over the place. Now, the only thing you have to do is to remember that this guy next door is there to serve you and not to instruct you. You bought the farm because you thought the farm had the potential. You don't really need a quote on it. If you bought in with John D. Rockefeller or Andrew Carnegie, and da, da, da, da, there were never any quotes. Well, there were quotes later on, but basically you bought into the business. And that's what you're doing when you buy stocks. But you get this added advantage that you do have this neighbor who you're not obliged to listen to at all who is going to give you a price every day. And he's going to have his ups and downs. And maybe he'll name a selling price that they'll buy at, and in which case you sell if you want to.

(Warren Buffett 01:17:34)

Or maybe he'll name a very low price, and you'll buy his farm from him. But you don't have to. And you don't want to put yourself in a position to where you have to. So stocks have this enormous inherent advantage of people yelling out prices all the time to you, and many people turn that into a disadvantage. And of course many people can profit in one way or another from telling you that they can tell you what this farmer's going to yell out tomorrow or next... your neighboring farmer's going to yell out tomorrow, or next week, or next month.





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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 今まさに資金を投じて農場を買おうとする瞬間を想像してみてください。このあたりの農地を、たとえば面積が160エーカーの農地を買おうとして、1株いや1エーカーあたりXドルで買ったとします。そのとき、隣接した土地の農夫もまったく同じ160エーカーの農地を所有しているとします。土地の形状も同じで、同じ質つまり土壌の質も同じ、いろいろな点で同一と考えてください。その同じ農地を所有する隣人はひどく変わった性格の持ち主で、毎日こんな風に語りかけてきます。「オレの農地を買わねえか。それとも、アンタの農地を売らねえか」。そして彼は売買ともに同じ値段の言い値を示してきます。



(Warren Buffett 01:14:28)

Imagine for a moment that you decided to invest money now, and you bought a farm. And the farmland around here, let's say you bought 160 acres, and you bought it at x per share, or per acre. And the farmer next to you had 160 identical acres, same contour, same quality, soil quality, so it was identical. And that farmer next door to you was a very peculiar character because every day that farmer with the identical farm said, "I'll sell you my farm, or I'll buy your farm at a certain price," which he would name.

(Warren Buffett 01:15:29)

Now, that's a very obliging neighbor. I mean, that's got to be a plus to have a fellow like that with the next farm. You don't get that with farms, you get it with stocks. You want 100 shares of General Motors, and then on Monday morning, somebody will buy you 100 shares or sell you another 100 shares at exactly the same price. And that goes on, I don't know, five days a week.

(Warren Buffett 01:15:58)

But just imagine if you had a farmer doing that. When you bought the farm, you looked at what the farm would produce. That was what went through your mind. You were saying to yourself, "I'm paying x dollars per acre. I think I'll get so many bushels of corn or soybeans on average, some years good, some years bad. And some years the price will be good. Some years the price will be bad," etc.



0 件のコメント:

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 株式というのは興味深いものです..、わたしどもは株式を事業の一部として常にとらえています。つまり「株式はある企業の小さな一部」という意味です。もし1789年に、そうするのは容易ではなかったと思いますが、少しばかりの貯蓄があれば小ぢんまりとした住宅を買えたかもしれません。




(Warren Buffett 01:12:03)

It's interesting that stocks offer, which, and stocks are a... We always look at stocks as just being a part of a business. I mean, stocks are a small part of a business. If in 1789 you'd saved a small amount of money and it wasn't easy to save, you might've bought with those savings, you might've bought a tiny, tiny plot of property.

(Warren Buffett 01:12:39)

Maybe you bought a house that could be rented to somebody, but you didn't really have the chance to buy in with 10 different people who were developing businesses, and who were presumably putting their own money in, and that would have the American tailwind behind. And of the 10, a reasonably high percentage would succeed in a way and earn decent returns, but those are the choices. You might have had to do with savings.

(Warren Buffett 01:13:23)

And they started offering bonds originally. And there again you got a limited return. But the return in those days may have been 5% or 6% or something of the sort. But you can't buy risk-free bonds. I mean, the yardstick for me is always the U.S. Treasury. And when somebody offers you quite a bit more than the U.S. Treasury, there's usually a reason. There's much more risk.

(Warren Buffett 01:13:50)

But going back to stocks, people bring the attitude to them too often that because they are liquid and quoted minute by minute that it's an important that you develop an opinion on them minute by minute. Now, that's really foolish when you think about. And that's something Graham taught me in 1949, I mean, that single thought, that stocks were parts of businesses and not just little things that moved around on charts or... Charts were very popular in those days, and whatever it may be.



0 件のコメント:

わたしの友人であるビル・ゲイツも、数年前にTED Talkに出演して同じ警告を出していました。彼の映像はたくさんの人が閲覧しています。しかしそこで語られていたのは、思いもよらないことが起こるだろうという現実についてでした。その手のことを論文で読むこともできますし、どういう事態になるのか議論するのも良いでしょう。そういえば、かつてソロモン[・ブラザーズ]の人たちがわたしにこんなことを言いました。「25シグマ[標準偏差]級の事象がなにか起こるようなものです。それが起こる確率は、宇宙が誕生して以来、一度きりの計算になります」と。ところが彼らの身のうえに、そのような出来事が1か月のうちに数回起こり、彼らは破産してしまいました。[LTCMの破綻のこと。ソロモン時代の参考記事はこちら]

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates (TED)



(Warren Buffett 01:10:14)

Now, my friend Bill Gates was delivering the same warning at a TED Talk some years back. And he's gotten a lot more views. But it just says something about the fact that you're going to get both from the blue, and you can read papers about them, and you can talk about what'll happen if some, as they used to, the fellows would say, Salomon used to tell me, some 25-sigma event comes along, and they'll then say that that'll happen once in the life of the universe. And then it happens to them a couple times in a month, and they go broke.

(Warren Buffett 01:10:52)

You just don't know what's going to happen. You know, at least in my view, you know that America's tailwind is not exhausted. You're going to get a fine result if you own equities over a long period of time. And the idea that equities will not produce better results than the 30-year Treasury bond, which yields one and a quarter percent now, it's taxable income. It's the aim of the Federal Reserve to have 2% a year inflation. Equities are going to outperform that bond. They're going to outperform Treasury bills. They're going to outperform that money you've stuck under your mattress.

(Warren Buffett 01:11:41)

I mean, they are a enormously sound investment as long as they're an investment and they're not a gambling device or something that you think you can safely buy on margin or whatever it may be.


2020年バークシャー株主総会(22)世界衛生安全保障指標(Global Health Security Index)

0 件のコメント:

<ウォーレン・バフェット> ここで話題に挙げておきたいことがあります。きょう持参してきた分厚い300ページのこの本は、2019年の10月に出版されたものです。ジョンズ・ホプキンズの..


2019 Global Health Security Index [PDF] (NTI)

サム[・ナン]がアーニーと連れだって、11月にわたしのところへ来てくれました。アーニーは少し前の連邦政府エネルギー省長官だった人物で、今はNTIのCEOを務めています。またサムとアーニーは共同会長でもあります。この報告書をまとめるのに尽力したベス・キャメロンも、わたしのところへ来ました。たしか去年の11月だったはずですが、この評価報告書を頂きました。ページをめくると、次のような書き出しがあります。300ページになる大著のはじめの一文です。「どの国から生じる生物的脅威であっても、自然的・作為的・偶発的を問わず、世界的な衛生や、国際的な安全保障や、世界中の経済に対してリスクとなり得る」 。



(Warren Buffett 01:07:42)

Now, I can't resist pointing out that in October of 2019, a large 300-page, I've got it right here, a book was brought out, and Johns Hopkins ...

(Warren Buffett 01:08:03)

And Johns Hopkins, one of the most respected institutions, country, Nuclear Threat Initiative, NTI, and the Intelligence Group at The Economist collaborated to evaluate the problems of the worldwide preparedness for pandemics, essentially.

(Warren Buffett 01:08:31)

And I think in November, Sam came out to see me with Ernie, more recent former Secretary of Energy who now is the CEO of NTI. He and Sam are co-chairmen, and Beth Cameron who did a lot of work on this report came out to see me. And they gave me in November I believe of last year, they gave me this appraisal. And the opening line, if you'll turn the page, this is the opening line of this 300-page tome: "Biological threats - natural, intentional, or accidental - in any country can pose risks to global health, international security, and the worldwide economy."

(Warren Buffett 01:09:24)

And this book was prepared in order to evaluate the preparedness of the various countries and rank them. We ranked pretty well, but all of us got a failing... All of the countries got a failing grade, basically.

(Warren Buffett 01:09:39)

Now, you would think with the prestige of Johns Hopkins and The Economist, along with people like Sam and Ernie, etc., that this would've gotten some attention. And, again, Sam... Turn to the next page. Sam and the others went on YouTube on October 24, 2019, and they have racked up, as of a couple days ago, 1,498 views.




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<ウォーレン・バフェット> わたしたちは、まさしく最悪の事態が起こることを想定しながら、バークシャーを経営してきました。問題がひとつ発生する場合だけでなく、複数の問題が同時に起こることも考えてきました。その際に、1件目の問題がつづきを引き起こすこともありますが、1件目とは独立して発生することも考えられます。みなさんは学校でゼロ(零)のかけ算を習ったはずです。何年生のときだったか覚えていませんが、おそらくわたしが通っていた時代よりも学習時期が早くなっているかと思いますが、5,6年生でしょうか。「いくつかの数字をかけ合わせるときに、ゼロを一つかけるだけで、解はゼロになる」という教えです。アメリカに吹く追い風をつかめるわけですから、借入金を使う理由はありません。しかし、その風に乗るための理由は、他にいくらでもあるはずです。

(Warren Buffett 01:06:58)

And we run Berkshire that way, we run it so that we literally try to think of the worst case of not only just one thing going wrong, but other things going wrong at the same time, maybe partly caused by the first, but maybe independent even of the first. You learned in, I don't know what grade now, probably earlier than when I went to school, but in fifth or sixth grade, that you can have any series of numbers times zero, and you just need one zero in there and the answer is zero, and there's no reason to use borrowed money to participate in the American tailwind, but there's every other reason to participate.



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バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主総会より、 今回はパンデミックなどの危機管理の重要性を啓蒙してきた人物の話題です。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> つづいて最近のニュースのなかから、みなさんがどこか興味を持つかもしれない話題を取り上げます。YouTubeに投稿された、ある映像の話です。投稿日が2015年6月17日付と、4年以上前のものです。サム・ナン氏という人物による映像です。彼は、米国に限らず世界的にみてもわたしがもっとも称賛してやまない人物の一人です。米国に対してかぎりないほどの献身をしてくれた、途方もない上院議員でした。議員を引退してからは報われぬ仕事に打ち込み、「核脅威イニシアティブ」(the Nuclear Threat Initiative)と呼ばれる団体を設立して率いてきました。ほとんどの方がその団体を知らないとは思います。実はわたしも少しだけ関わってきました。


(Warren Buffett 01:03:16)

I would like to context to the present news, point out something you may find kind of interesting. If you go to YouTube, you'll find on June 17th, of 2015, four-plus years ago, you'll find Sam Nunn, that was one of the people I admire the most in the United States and in the world, enormous patriot and tremendous senator, and he's carried on thankless work since leaving the Senate, and heading something called the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which most of you haven't heard of, but I've been slightly involved in it, Sam Nunn founded that.

(Warren Buffett 01:04:12)

And, the Nuclear Threat Initiative is simply organizations that are devoted to trying to reduce the chances of something of a nuclear chemical, biological, and now cyber nature, from either malevolent or accidental or whatever may be, from causing deaths to millions of Americans, and among the things that Sam co-founded it, but he's been the heart and soul of the organization subsequently, and he's talked about, worried about pandemics along with the nuclear threat for decades, and he's participated in war games where they play out various scenarios, including malevolent pandemics that could be started by the same kind of nut that sent the anthrax letters around the 9/11, a little after. Sam paired down this YouTube presentation, and I'm sure he's been on many others I just happened to look this one up, and talked about the dangers of a pandemic, and anybody should listen to Sam Nunn anytime he talks. So he said at that time, "Germs don't have borders," which we certainly learned in the last couple of months, and when I clicked on YouTube, if you'll go to the next, I found out that basically it had 831 views, and this was only a few days ago, I looked it up, but I don't know whether most of those views have just been the last few days or the last few months, I shouldn't say, because of the interest in pandemics, but it is hard to think about things that haven't happened yet. So we can experience, and when something like the current pandemic happens, it's hard to factor that in, and that's why you never want to use borrowed money, at least in my view, and then buy into investments.

Innovating an End to Pandemics (NTI)



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バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主総会より、 今回は株式などの市場に関する話題です。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)  



(Warren Buffett 01:00:59)

Now, let's move on now to a much broader subject, what I don't know. I don't know, and perhaps with a bias, I don't believe anybody knows what the market is going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. I know America is going to move forward over time, but I don't know for sure, and we learned this on September 10th, 2001, and we learned it a few months ago in terms of the virus. Anything can happen in terms of markets, and you can bet on America, but you got to have to be careful about how you bet, simply because markets can do anything.

(Warren Buffett 01:02:15)

On October, whatever it was in 1987, October 11th I believe, a Monday, markets went down 22% in one day. In 1914, they closed the stock market for about four months, after 9/11 closed the market for four days, we hustled to get it going again, but nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow. So when they tell you to bet on America, and I tell you that that's what's really gotten me through ever since I bought my first stock when I was 11, I mean I caught a huge, huge, huge tailwind in America, but it wasn't going to blow in my direction every single day, and you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.



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バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主総会より、 「米国史まとめ編」はここまでになります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> コロニアル・ウィリアムズバーグ[バージニア州にある野外博物館の街]を訪れてみるとわかりますが、わたしも数回行ったことがあり、1976年には実際にそこでジミー・カーターとジェラルド・フォード[どちらも元大統領]の論戦を観ました。しかし、[建国]当時は黒人にとって好ましい時代ではなかったですし、女性にとっても良い時代ではありませんでした。そうだとしても、1776年の宣言で「すべての人間が生まれながらにして平等なことは自明である」と信じた米国民がその実現をめざすという観点に立てば、その範疇に含まれる人たちの待遇が大幅に改善される可能性は、明らかに存在していました。その後、この国は発展を遂げ、良き社会を築いてきました。また、ときが経つとともにますます良くなることでしょう。次のスライドに進みますと、このスライドで順番が正しいか確認しますが、この場で振り返ってきたように、さまざまな事実の良し悪しをみてきたことで、はっきりわかるかと思います。1776年に謳われた大志を、実際のところ1776年の文書は現実を映したものではなく、大きな志を湛えた(たたえた)ものでしたが、この国の人々はその志を実現しようと力を尽くしてきました。道のりはまだ続きますが、かさねて申し上げておきます。次のスライドにあるとおり、決してアメリカの失敗に賭けてはいけません。

(Warren Buffett 59:02)

When you go to Colonial Williamsburg, I've been there a couple of times, as a matter of fact, I watched the debate between Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford there in the 1976, and it was not a great time to be black, it was not a great time to be a woman, and both of those categories still certainly got potential for significant improvement in terms of fulfilling that pledge made in 1776 about how we believe that it's self-evident that all men were created equal, but we have made progress, we are a better society, and we will, as the years go by. If you'll move to the next slide, and I believe that, and I think, let's see if I can get these slides in the proper order here. I believe that when you get through evaluating all of the qualitative facts, what we have done toward meeting the aspirations of what we wrote in 1776, what we wrote in 1776 wasn't a fact, but it was an aspirational document, and we have worked toward those aspirations, and we have a long way to go, but I'll repeat, if you move to the next slide, that never, never bet against America.




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(Warren Buffett 54:35)

It's interesting, in 1776, we said we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and yet 14 years later, a year after we really officially began the country in 1789, adopted a constitution. We found that more than 15% of the people in the country were slaves, and we wrestled with that, but when you say the word self-evident, that sort of sounds like you're saying any damn fool can recognize that, and you certainly say, he can argue maybe a little bit about life, and the pursuit of happiness, but I don't see how in the world anybody can reconcile liberty with the idea that 15% of the population was enslaved, and it took us a long time to at least partially correct that.

(Warren Buffett 56:08)

I mean it took a civil war, it took losing 6% of those people, males that were between 18 and 60 years of age, but we've moved in the right direction, we've got a long ways to go, but we've moved in the right direction now. In addition, going back again to that 1776 statement, that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator, et cetera.

(Warren Buffett 56:42)

I think it was self-evident to the 50% of the population that they were getting a fair deal for over half the lifetime of the country. It took 131 years until women were guaranteed the right to vote for our country's leaders, and then what's even more remarkable is that after we adopted them, the 19th amendment, 1920, it took 61 more years until a woman was allowed to join those eight males on the Supreme Court. I grew up thinking that the Supreme Court must have been somewhat ... said there had to be nine men, but at 61 years, so took 192 years before Sandra Day O'Connor was appointed to the court, and now you can say that there was a pipeline problem.

(Warren Buffett 58:06)

Half the population may have been women in 1920, but there weren't half the lawyers, or I think were 10% of the lawyers probably. So you can understand some delay, but 61 years is a long time to go and to pick 33 males in-between. If that was entirely by chance, then the odds against that fewer flipping coins is about eight billion to one, like I said, there was a pipeline problem, but it took us a long, long time, and it's not done yet, but I think it does give meaning to the fact that we are a better society with a lot of room to go, that we are a better society that existed in 1789.


独立宣言(1776 年)|About THE USA|アメリカンセンターJAPAN



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バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主総会より、ここからしばらくは平坦に感じられる話題が続きます。しかし、ウォーレン・バフェットがこのような話を続けている理由を想像してみると、彼が現在抱いている心境が浮き彫りになってくるように思えます。 前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし1929年に始まって、先ほど何がどうなったかお話ししたように、ダウ平均が380まで戻ってきた1954年までは、試練の時がつづきました。実のところ、人々にはあきらめが交じり、アメリカの可能性を見失っていました。よくよく考えてみれば初めのころと変わらずに、アメリカの発展を止めるものはなにもなかったのですが、ときに中断していたのかもしれません。



(Warren Buffett 52:16)

But you'd had this testing period between 1929 and well really certainly 1954, as indicated by what happened when it got back up to 380, you had this testing period, and people really they'd lost faith to some degree, they just didn't see the potential of what America could do. We found that nothing can stop America when you get right down to it, and it's been true all along, it may have been interrupted.

(Warren Buffett 53:04)

One of the scariest of scenarios, when you had a war with one group of States fighting another group of States, and it may have been tested again in the great depression, and it may be tested now to some degree, but in the end the answer is never bet against America, and that in my view is as true today as it was in 1789, and even was true during the civil war, and the depths of the depression.

(Warren Buffett 53:44)

Now, I'm now about to say something that, and don't change the slide yet, but I'm now about to say something that some of you will be tempted to argue with me about, but I would make the case that we are imperfect in a great, great, great many ways, but I would say, and if you pull up the next slide, that we are now a better country as well as an incredibly more wealthy country than we were in 1789. We're far, far, far from what we should be, will be, but we have gone dramatically in the right direction.



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<ウォーレン・バフェット> 上司だったベン・グレアムは、知りたい情報がいくつかあったので、ニューヨークの図書館へわたしを調べにやらせました。今となれば、彼自身がコンピューターを使って5分で入手できる程度の情報です。わたしがその情報をひっぱり出してくると、参考人だった彼は答弁に向かいました。この報告書の全部に目を通す必要はなかったのですが、今日お話しするくだりが545ページ目のどこに載っているか、覚えています。ベン・グレアムは、かつてわたしが出会った人の中で、もっとも頭の良かった三本指に入る人物です。彼は証券業界の中で大御所とみなされていました。1934年には、古典として知られている『証券分析』を書き著しました。そして1949年には、わたしの人生を変えた一冊『賢明なる投資家』を執筆しました。彼は驚異的な才人でした。


(Warren Buffett 50:17)

But Ben Graham, my boss, sent me over to the public library in New York to gather some information for him, something he could do in five minutes with a computer now, and I dug out something, and he went to testify, and on page 545 of this book, I knew where to look, I didn't have to go through it all, but the quote which I remember, and I remember because Ben Graham was one of the three smartest people I've met in my life, and he was the dean of people in securities business, he wrote the classic Security Analysis book in 1934, he wrote the book that changed my life, Intelligent Investor in 1949, he was unbelievably smart.

(Warren Buffett 51:09)

And when he testified, with the Dow at 404, he had one line in there right toward the start in his written testimony, and he said, "The stock market is high, looks high, it is high, but it's not as high as it looks." But he said, "It is high." And since that time, if we'll turn to the next slide, of course, we felt the American tailwind at full force, and the Dow, well let's see, when the Dow was ... it went down on Friday, but when we made the slide it was about 24,000 so you're looking at a market today that has produced $100 for every dollar, all you did was you had to believe in American just by a cross-section of America, you didn't have to read the Wall Street Journal, you didn't have to look up the price of your stock, you didn't have to pay a lot of money in fees to anybody, you just had to believe that the American miracle was intact.