ラベル ウォーレン・バフェット の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル ウォーレン・バフェット の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



0 件のコメント:

<ウォーレン・バフェット> それは、ティノ・デ・アンジェリスという名の人間があらわれたときのことです[詐欺事件の首謀者]。たしかニュージャージー州のベイヨンだったと思いますが...









And when some guy named Tino De Angelis in, I think it was Bayonne, New Jersey -

In fact, I went to the annual meeting in 1964 of American Express after the scandal developed, and somebody asked if the auditor would step forward.

And the auditor from one of the big firms, which I won’t mention, came up to the microphone, and somebody said, “How much did we pay you last year?”

And the auditor gave his answer, and then the questioner said, “Well, how much extra would you have charged us to go over to Bayonne, which was ten miles away, and check whether there’s any oil in the tanks?” (Laughs)

So it - you know, here was something - a tiny little operation - some guy was calling him from a bar in Bayonne and telling him this phony stuff was going on, and they didn’t want to hear it. They shut their ears to it.

And then what emerged was one great company after this kind of, what they thought was a near-death experience. So it’s - we’re going to make mistakes.

I will guarantee you that we will get some unpleasant news at Berkshire. I don’t know what it’ll be, you know - the most important thing is we do something about it.

And there have been times when I procrastinated, and Charlie has been the one that jabs me into action. And so he’s performed a lot of services you don’t know about. (Laughter)



0 件のコメント:

<チャーリー・マンガー> それには賛成ですね。これからのウェルズ・ファーゴは、そういった悪事が露見しなかった場合よりも、いい企業になりますよ。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> あるいは「悪事を起こさなかった場合」よりも、良くなると思います。

<チャーリー> そのとおり。しかし、ハーヴェイ・ワインスタイン[映画『パルプ・フィクション』などのプロデューサー]もずいぶんと行動を改めたようですね(笑いと拍手)。



<ウォーレン> さきほど示したニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の1942年3月12日付紙面の裏側をみると、求人欄があります。その一部を占める大きめの欄には、「男性求む」と書いてあります。そして別の欄には「女性求む」とあります。






<チャーリー> あれは、今回のウェルズ・ファーゴよりもずっとひどかったですね。彼らが大昔にしたことは、実にひどいものでしたよ。ねえ。

<ウォーレン> そのとおりです。彼らは大成功していたので、引当金の見直しを怠っていました。そしてアメックスは、1963年の委託倉庫会社に関する分として数ドルしか確保しませんでした。その後はご存知のように、その会社がアメックス本体を没落させるのではないかと恐れるようになったのです。


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, I agree with that. I think Wells Fargo is going to be better going forward than it would have been if these leaks had never been discovered.

WARREN BUFFETT: Or happened.

CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, so I think it’s - it - but I think Harvey Weinstein has done a lot for improving behavior, too. (Laughter)

It was clearly an error, and they’re acutely aware of it and acutely embarrassed, and they don’t want to have it happen again.

You know, if I had to say which bank is more likely to behave the best in the future, it might be Wells Fargo, of all of them.

WARREN BUFFETT: This New York Times that I have here from March 12th, 1942, if you go toward the back of it, in the classified section, you have one big section that says, “Help Wanted Male,” and another one that says, “Help Wanted Female.”

You know, was the New York Times doing the right thing in those days? You know, I think the New York Times is a terrific paper. But people make mistakes.

And you know, the idea of classifying between - taking ads and saying, “Well, we’ll take them and divide them up between men and women, what jobs we think are appropriate,” or that the advertiser thinks is appropriate.

We do a lot of dumb things in this world. And GEICO, as I say, in the early 1970s, they just ignored - and you can do it in the setting of proper reserves, which mean they charged the wrong price to new customers because they thought their losses were less than they were.

And I’m sure some of that may have been a desire to please Wall Street or just because they didn’t want to face how things were going. But it came out incredibly stronger. You know, and now it’s got 13 percent of the households in the United States insured.

And it came out with an attention to reserves and that sort of thing that was heightened by the difficulties that they’d found themselves in where they almost went bankrupt. Forty-two -

CHARLIE MUNGER: It was a lot more stupid than Wells Fargo. It was really stupid what they did way back, right?

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. They had the world by the tail, and then they quit looking at the reserve development. But - and American Express was just picking up a few dollars by having the field warehousing company in 1963. And, you know, they were worried whether it was going to sink the company.



0 件のコメント:

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 当社はアメリカン・エキスプレスの株式を買いましたが、わたしがパートナーシップを運営していた時分に行った投資で、同社が最良のものでした。アメックス株を買ったのは1964年のことでした。「アメリカン・エキスプレス委託倉庫」という会社に関して、まちがったことを企んだ人がいたからです。















We bought our American Express stock - that was the best investment I ever made in my partnership years - we bought our American Express stock in 1964 because somebody was incented to do the wrong thing in something called the American Express Field Warehousing Company. We bought -

A very substantial amount of GEICO we bought that became half the - half of GEICO, for $40 million because somebody was incented to meet Wall Street estimates of earnings and growth. And they didn’t focus on having the proper reserves.

And that caused a lot of pain at American Express in 1964. It caused a lot of pain at GEICO in 1976. It caused a layoff of a significant portion of the workforce, all kinds of things. But they cleaned it up.

They cleaned it up, and look where American Express has moved since that time. Look at where GEICO has moved since that time.

So the fact that you are going to have problems at some very large institutions is not unique. In fact, almost every bank has - all the big banks have had troubles of one sort or another.

And I see no reason why Wells Fargo as a company, from both an investment standpoint and a moral standpoint going forward, is in any way inferior to the other big banks with which it competes on -

It - they made a big mistake. It cost - I mean, we still got - I mean we have a large, unrealized gain in it, but that doesn’t have anything to do with our decision-making. But the -

I like it as an investment. I like Tim Sloan as a manager, you know, and he is correcting mistakes made by other people.

I tried to correct mistakes at Salomon, and I had terrific help from Deryck Maughan as well as a number of the people at Munger, Tolles. And I mean, that is going to happen. You try to minimize it.

Charlie says that, “An ounce of prevention isn’t worth a pound of cure, it’s worth about a ton of cure.” And we ought to jump on everything. He’s pushed me all my life to make sure that I attack unpleasant problems that surface. And that’s sometimes not easy to do when everything else is going fine.

And at Wells, they clearly - and I don’t know exactly what - but they did what people at every organization have sometimes done, but it got accentuated to an extreme point.

But I see no reason to think that Wells Fargo, going forward, is other than a very, very large, well-run bank that had an episode in its history it wished it didn’t have.

But GEICO came out stronger, American Express came out stronger. The question is what you do when you find the problems.





0 件のコメント:

10. 「大きな過ち」を乗り越えて、ウェルズ・ファーゴは強くなる

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 次の質問は、アンドリューさん、いいですか。

<アンドリュー・ロス・ソーキン> ウォーレン、よろしくおねがいします。イリノイ州シカゴ在住のポール・スピーカー氏からの質問です。なお、彼は今日ここに参加しているはずだと思います。




<ウォーレン・バフェット> そうですね、ウェルズ・ファーゴの件ですが..








10. Wells Fargo will emerge stronger after its “big mistake”


ANDREW ROSS SORKIN: Hi Warren. This question comes from Paul Spieker (PH) of Chicago, Illinois. I believe he may be here today.

He writes, “One of your more famous and perhaps most insightful quotes goes as follows:

″‘Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.’

“In light of the unauthorized accounting scandal at Wells Fargo, of its admission that it charged customers for duplicate auto insurance, of its admissions that it wrongly fined mortgage holders in relation to missing deadlines caused by delays that were its own fault, of its admission that it charged some customers improper fees to lock in mortgage interest rates, of the sanction placed upon it by the Federal Reserve prohibiting it from growing its balance sheet, and of the more than recent $1 billion penalty leveled by federal regulators for the aforementioned misbehavior, if Wells Fargo company is a chronically leaking boat, at what magnitude of leakage would Berkshire consider changing vessels?”

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, well, Wells Fargo (Applause) -

Wells Fargo is a company that proved the efficacy of incentives, and it’s just that they had the wrong incentives. And that was bad.

But then they committed a much greater error - and I don’t know exactly how or who did it or when, but - ignoring the fact that they had a faulty incentive system which was incenting people to do things that were kind of crazy, like opening nonexistent accounts, et cetera.

And, you know, that is a cardinal sin at Berkshire. We know people are doing something wrong, right as we sit here, at Berkshire.

You can’t have 377,000 employees and expect that everyone is behaving like Ben Franklin or something out there. They - we - I don’t know whether there are ten things being done wrong as we speak, or 20, or 50.

The important thing is, we don’t want to incent any of that if we can avoid it, and if we find - when we find it’s going on, we have to do something about it. And that is absolutely the key to it.

And Wells Fargo didn’t do it, but Salomon didn’t do it. And the truth is, we’ve made a couple of our greatest investments where people have made similar errors.



0 件のコメント:

5. 買収したプレシジョン・キャストパーツ社が優良企業であることについて

<ウォーレン・バフェット> それでは次はジョナサン・ブランドさん、お願いします。

<質問: ジョナサン・ブランド> ウォーレン、そしてチャーリー、よろしくおねがいします。私からの質問です。現在の航空機業界における生産数の伸長ぶりからすると、プレシジョン・キャストパーツ社が売上及び利益の両面であまり成功していないとは、思いもよりませんでした。



<ウォーレン> ええ、それは...

<質問者> 結局のところ、買収してから2年が経過した今、同社の事業の見通しをどのように考えておられますか。

<ウォーレン> すみません、最後が聞こえなかったのですが。「見通し」ですか。

<質問者> 結局のところ、買収してから2年が経過して、長期的に見た同社の見通しを現在はどのように考えておられますか。

<ウォーレン> それは長期的にも、そしてほどほど短期的にも、優秀な企業だと思います。つまり...











<チャーリー・マンガー> それはたしかに、同社のような会社がほかにあるならば、明日にでもその会社を買いたいですね。

<ウォーレン> つまり、そういうことですね(笑)。


5. Precision Castparts is “a very good business”

WARREN BUFFETT: OK, Jonathan Brandt.

JONATHAN BRANDT: Hi Warren. Hi Charlie. Given the growth in airplane build rates, it seems surprising that Precision Castparts isn’t doing better on the top or bottom line.

I understand the issue with a bumpy transition from old to new programs, but I’ve also heard from industry sources that Precision’s market position is not as strong as it used to be amid intensifying competition and some technological disruption.

What does Precision need to do to solidify and strengthen its preeminent position with its aerospace customers so that it can deliver the growth you expected when Berkshire acquired it?


JONATHAN BRANDT: More generally, two years after the acquisition, what is your outlook for that business?

WARREN BUFFETT: Give me the last part again. The outlook.

JONATHAN BRANDT: More generally, two years after the acquisition, what is your updated outlook for that business longer term?

WARREN BUFFETT: Oh, longer term, I think - and in the reasonably shorter term - it’s a very good business. I mean, you were -

You mentioned aircraft, but we get into other industries. But certainly aircraft’s the most important. You have manufacturers that are very dependent on both the quality of the parts and the promptness of delivery.

You do not want to have an aircraft with 75- or 100- or maybe $200 million and be waiting for a part or something of the sort. So it’s -

Reliability is, both in terms of quality and delivery times and all of that sort of thing, is enormously important. And we get contracts that extend out many years. And sometimes we - I mean, we will get them well before the plane even starts in production. So there’s very long lead times.

And we have found in the last year - found it earlier, but I know of some specific cases in the last year - where other suppliers have failed in their deliveries and then the manufacturers come to us and say, “We would like you to help us out.”

And we say, “Well, we’d be glad to help you out, but we’d like about a five-year contract, if we’re going to do it because we’re just not going to make up for these other guys’ shortfalls periodically.” But that sort of thing has a very long lead time.

The business is a very good business. One thing you will see their earnings charged with is about $400 million - little over $400 million a year - of intangible - nondeductible in that case - amortization of goodwill, which is really - is not an economic cost in my view.

We have a significant amount of that through Berkshire, but by far, the largest amount is related to the Precision acquisition. So whatever you see, you can add about 400 million that in my view is not an economic expense, but the accountants would argue otherwise. But it’s our money, so we’ll take my view. The - (Laughter)

Mark Donegan, who runs that operation, is incredible, and he has been not only - he’s a fabulous manager. I wouldn’t have bought it without him in charge. He also has been very helpful to us in other areas, and he loves to do it. So you can’t beat him, both as a manager in his own operation, but with his devotion to really doing everything that will help Berkshire.

It was - it’s a very good acquisition with very long tails to the products that are being developed.


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, yeah, I think we’d buy another one just like it tomorrow if we had the chance.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, that’s the answer. (Laughter)

Man of few words, but he gets the point. (Laughter)



0 件のコメント:









しかし米国の大断面と言える企業群[=S&P500 ETFなど]を保有し、また時間をかけて定期的に資金を投じれば、なにも生み出せない資産を保有するのとは比較にならないほどの利益を得ることができます。








I would like to make one other comment because it’s a little bit interesting. Let’s say you’d taken that $10,000 and you’d listened to the prophets of doom and gloom around you, and you’ll get that constantly throughout your life. And instead, you’d used the $10,000 to buy gold.

Now for your $10,000 you would have been able to buy about 300 ounces of gold. And while the businesses were reinvesting in more plants, and new inventions came along, you would go down every year in your - look in your safe deposit box - and you’d have your 300 ounces of gold.

And you could look at it, and you could fondle it, and you could - I mean, whatever you wanted to do with it. (Laughter)

But it didn’t produce anything. It was never going to produce anything.

And what would you have today? You would have 300 ounces of gold just like you had in March of 1942, and it would be worth approximately $400,000.

So if you decided to go with a nonproductive asset - gold - instead of a productive asset, which actually was earning more money and reinvesting and paying dividends and maybe purchasing stock - whatever it might be - you would now have over 100 times the value of what you would have had with a nonproductive asset.

In other words, for every dollar you had made in American business, you’d have less than a penny by - of gain - by buying in this store of value, which people tell you to run to every time you get scared by the headlines or something of the sort.

It’s just remarkable to me that we have operated in this country with the greatest tailwind at our back that you can imagine. It’s an investor’s haven - I mean, you can’t really fail at it unless you buy the wrong stock or just get excited at the wrong time.

But if you’d - if you owned a cross-section of America and you put your money in consistently over the years, there’s just - there’s no comparison against owning something that’s going to produce nothing.

And there - frankly - there’s no comparison with trying to jump in and out of stocks and pay investment advisors.

If you’d followed my advice, incidentally - or this retrospective advice - which is always so easy to give - (Laughs)

If you’d follow that, of course you - there’s one problem. Your friendly stock broker would have starved to death.

I mean, you know, and you could have gone to the funeral to atone for their fate. But the truth is, you would have been better off doing this than a very, very, very high percentage of investment professionals have done, or people have done that are active that - it’s very hard to move around successfully and beat, really, what can be done with a very relaxed philosophy.

And you do not have to be - you do not have to know as much about accounting or stock market terminology or whatever else it may be, or what the Fed is going to do next time and whether it’s going to raise three times or four times or two times.

None of that counts at all, really, in a lifetime of investing. What counts is having a philosophy that you’ve - that you stick with, that you understand why you’re in it, and then you forget about doing things that you don’t know how to do.





0 件のコメント:















Well, what’s the point of all this? Well, we can leave behind the Cities Service story, and I would like you to, again, imagine yourself back on March 11th of 1942.

And as I say, things were looking bad in the European theater as well as what was going on in the Pacific. But everybody in this country knew America was going to win the war. I mean, it was, you know, we’d gotten blindsided, but we were going to win the war. And we knew that the American system had been working well since 1776.

So, if you’ll turn to the next slide, I’d like you to imagine that at that time you had invested $10,000. And you put that money in an index fund - we didn’t have index funds then - but you, in effect, bought the S&P 500.

Now I would like you to think a while, and don’t - do not change the slide here for a minute.

I’d like you to think about how much that $10,000 would now be worth, if you just had one basic premise, just like in buying a farm you buy it to hold throughout your lifetime and depend - and you look to the output of the farm to determine whether you made a wise investment.

You look to the output of the apartment house to decide whether you made a wise investment if you buy an apartment - small apartment house - to hold for your life.

And let’s say, instead, you decided to put the $10,000 in and hold a piece of American business, and never look another stock quote, never listen to another person give you advice or anything of this sort.

I want you to think how much money you might have now. And now that you’ve got a number in your head, let’s go to the next slide, and we’ll get the answer.

You’d have $51 million. And you wouldn’t have had to do anything. You wouldn’t have to understand accounting. You wouldn’t have to look at your quotations every day like I did that first day - (laughs) - when I’d already lost $3.75 by the time I came home from school.

All you had to do was figure that America was going to do well over time, that we would overcome the current difficulties, and that if America did well, American business would do well.

You didn’t have to pick out winning stocks. You didn’t have to pick out a winning time or anything of the sort. You basically just had to make one investment decision in your life.

And that wasn’t the only time to do it. I mean, I can go back and pick other times that would work out to even greater gains.

But as you listen to the questions and answers we give today, just remember that the overriding question is, “How is American business going to do over your investing lifetime?”



0 件のコメント:












Well, let’s take a look at what happened the next day. Let’s go to the next slide, please. And it was not a good day. The stock market, the Dow Jones Industrials, broke 100 on the downside.

Now they were down 2.28 percent as you see, but that was the equivalent of about a 500-point drop now. So I’m in school wondering what is going on, of course.

Incidentally, you’ll see on the left side of the chart, the New York Times put the Dow Jones Industrial Average below all the averages they calculated. They - they had their own averages, which have since disappeared, but the Dow Jones has continued.

So the next day - we can go to the next slide - and you will see what happened. The stock that was at 39 - my dad bought my stock right away in the morning because I’d asked him to, my three shares. And so I paid the high for the day.

That 38 1/4 was my tick, which was the high for the day. And by the end of the day, it was down to 37, which was really kind of characteristic of my timing in stocks that was going to appear in future years. (Laughs)

But it was on the - what was then called the New York Curb Exchange, then became the American Stock Exchange.

But things, even though the war, until the Battle of Midway, looked very bad and - and if you’ll turn to the next slide, please - you’ll see that the stock did rather well. I mean, you can see where I bought at 38 1/4.

And then the stock went on, actually, to eventually be called by the Cities Service Company for over $200 a share. But this is not a happy story because, if you go to the next page, you will see that I - (Laughter)

Well, as they always say, “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” you know. (Laughter)

So I sold - I made $5 on it. It was, again, typical - (laughs) - of my behavior. But when you watch it go down to 27, you know, it looked pretty good to get that profit.



0 件のコメント:


Morning Session - 2018 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (CNBC)

(映像の再生が始まらない場合は、テキスト本文の上下行間にマウスポインターを置いて、"SYNC VIDEO TO PARAGRAPH"という文を表示させた上で、クリックしてみてください)


3. バフェット直伝の教え: 投資をどのように捉えるべきか

<ウォーレン・バフェット> まずはじめに少しばかり時間をいただき、投資をどのように考えることができるか、ちょっとした見方をご紹介したいと思います。現在は「今日あるいはこの瞬間に起こっていることばかりに意識を向ける風潮」がみられますが、それとは対極にある話です。













3. Master class: How to think about investments

[some sentences omitted]

And I would like to just spend just a couple of minutes giving you a little perspective on how you might think about investments, as opposed to the tendency to focus on what’s happening today, or even this minute, as you go through.

And to help me in doing that, I’d like to go back through a little personal history.

And we will start - I have here a New York Times of March 12th, 1942. I’m a little behind on my reading. (Laughter)

And if you go back to that time, that - it was about, what? Just about three months since we got involved in a war which we were losing at that point.

The newspaper headlines were filled with bad news from the Pacific. And I’ve taken just a couple of the headlines from the days preceding March 11th, which I’ll explain was kind of a momentous day for me.

And so you can see these headlines. We’ve got slide two up there, I believe. And we were in trouble, big trouble, in the Pacific. It was only going to be a couple months later that the Philippines fell, but we were getting bad news.

We might go to slide three for March 9th. Hope you can read the headlines, anyway. The price of the paper’s three cents, incidentally.

The - and let’s see, we’ve got March 10th up there, as slide - I - when I get to where there’s advanced technology of slides, I want to make sure I’m showing you the same thing that I’m seeing in front of me.

So anyway, on March 10th, when again, the news was bad: “Foe Clearing Path to Australia.” And it was like it - the stock market had been reflecting this.

And I’d been watching a stock called Cities Service preferred stock, which had sold at $84 the previous year. It had sold at $55 the year - early in January, two months earlier - and now it was down to $40 on March 10th.

So that night, despite these headlines, I said to my dad - I said, “I think I’d like to pull the trigger, and I’d like you to buy me three shares of Cities Service preferred” the next day.

And that was all I had. I mean, that was my capital accumulated over the previous five years or thereabouts. And so my dad, the next morning, bought three shares.



2 件のコメント:
バリュー投資サイトのGuruFocusで、ウォーレン・バフェットが過去にインタビューで語った内容を取り上げている記事がありましたのでご紹介します(原典は、バリュー投資家にとっておなじみのOID誌です;Outstanding Investor Digest)。今回の文章は短いですが、前2回つづけた投稿(過去記事1, 2)のカギとなるものです。(日本語は拙訳)

Buffett and Munger on Discount Rates and How They Read Annual Reports (Grahamites氏の記事、GuruFocus)

<バフェット> 将来における現金の収支を見積もることができたら、それらの数字を現在価値へと引き直すために、割引率をいくつにすればよいかが問題になります。わたしの感覚では、ほとんどの資産においておそらく長期国債[おそらく30年債]の利回りが最適な数字だと思います。ただしわたしだけでなくチャーリーもそうですが、「金利が低い側にある」という印象を持っているときは、おそらく長期国債の利回りそのものを使おうとは考えないと思います。そのようなときには、ふつう1ポイントか2ポイント追加するかもしれません。しかし、この一連の説明を聞いた方は、長期国債の利回りを使ってみたくなるでしょう。そうだとしたら、株式と債券における経済的な面での違いは事実上なくなります。違っているのは、債券の場合は将来どれだけのキャッシュフローが得られるのか知り得るのに対して、株式の場合は自分でそれを見積もらなければならない点です。これは骨の折れる仕事ですが、ずっと大きな見返りが得られる可能性を秘めています。それゆえ、仮想的な収入には関わりたくないのでしたら、農地やアパートやそういったものを見積もったほうがいいでしょう。少なくとも、わたしたちはそうしています。

Buffett: And once you’ve estimated future cash inflows and outflows, what interest rate do you use to discount that number back to arrive at a present value? My own feeling is that the long-term government rate is probably the most appropriate figure for most assets. And when Charlie and I felt subjectively that interest rates were on the low side – we’d probably be less inclined to be willing to sign up for that long-term government rate. We might add a point or two just generally. But the logic would drive you to use the long-term government rate. If you do that, there is no difference in economic reality between a stock and a bond. The difference is that the bond may tell you what the future cash flows are going to be in the future – whereas with a stock, you have to estimate it. That’s a harder job, but it’s potentially a much more rewarding job. Logically, if you leave out psychic income, that should be the way you evaluate a farm, an apartment house or whatever. And in a general way, Charlie and I do that.



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<質問者: ベッキー・クイック> 株式に強気で来た理由として、現時点では金利の状況もそうだとのご意見ですが、たしか以前に「金利は株価に作用する重力であり、十分に低ければ株価は必ずや上昇する」と言われていましたね。しかし市場では実に奇妙なことが起こっています。雇用に関する報告が良好だといううれしいニュースが出たとたん、突如として不安が漂うようになりました。金利が上昇し、連銀が予想以上に上昇率を高めるのではないかと、みんな心配性になっています。朝起きて確かめる度に、10年物の国債利回りが3%へと戻りつつあります。このことで投資家は、いえ「少なくともトレーダーは」と言うべきですね、何が起きているのだろうと気がかりになっています。この件をどんなふうに捉えていますか。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> そうですね、ベッキー、もし30年物の米国債を買ったとしますよ。するとすべてのクーポンが付いてきます。今は電子的になりましたが、昔はそうだったのです。とにかくクーポンが全部付いてきます。クーポン毎に3%などが支払われるとします。今から30年後までずっとですよ。そして最後になると、額面分の金額を返してくれます。



<質問> だから以前に、「3%は15%からほど遠い」とおっしゃったのですね。

<バフェット> そのとおりです。ただし、3%から15%へ上昇した様子を目にしたことはありますが。

<質問> たしかに。その途中で「なんと、2.4%から2.9%へ上がったのね。これは大きな違いだわ」と感じる変曲点がありますか。

<バフェット> その数字はそれほどではないですね。そんなに大きくはないです。

<質問> 過去を振り返れば、まだ...

<バフェット> そのとおりです。

<質問> ...絶対的な意味で大きく変化しておらず、パーセンテージもそれほど上昇していない、と受け止めるべき段階ですか。

<バフェット> ROE12%をあげている企業が再投資をしているのと比べれば、2.4から2.9%へ上昇した数字にはそれほど意味はありません。S&P[500]の数字はそれこそ云十年分もありますが、有形資本比でみてもっと高い数字をあげてきました。ですから、もっと高い値段になっていくわけです。

<質問> その途上で転換点があるのですか。それともそういったものは徐々に減少するのですか。

<バフェット> それはだれにもわかりません。ただし、重力として働きます。つまり「債券の利回りが来年には15%になる」と教えてくれれば、今にも手放したい株がいろいろありますし、15%の債券をたくさん買いたいところです。1982年にそうしていればと思ったりしますが、実際には買いませんでした。

<質問> それでは、もし「来年の長期債は4.5から5%で売買される」と私からお伝えしたら、どうなりますか。

<バフェット> それはたしかに違いますね。しかし例のときに長期債を保有するのは愚かでしたよ。この件は年次報告書で触れていますが、まさしく愚かなことでした[過去記事]。巨大な公的年金基金やその手の機関投資家が、座して債券を保有していました。4%あるいは5%近辺で買ったのかもしれません。しかし3%前後になると、額面以上の価格で売り買いしています。そのような考えかたでは、非常にバカげた行動をとることになります。

BECKY QUICK: And part of the reason that you've been so bullish on equities for many years at this point is the interest rate environment. You've looked at interest rates and said, "Interest rates are gravity on stock prices. And when interest rates are so low, stock prices inevitably are going to climb." There's been this really weird thing that's been happening in the markets. Where all of a sudden, good news that we got from a good jobs report made people start to worry that interest rates were going to climb and that the Fed was going to raise rates more than anticipated. People got really nervous around that. You can still see it every time we get up on the ten year back towards 3%. It gives investors, or at least traders I should say, some concerns about what's happening. How do you kind of gauge all of that?

WARREN BUFFETT: Becky, a bond, if you buy a 30-year government bond, it has a whole bunch of coupons attached. In the old days it does, now it's all electronic. But it has a whole bunch of coupons. And the coupon pays 3%, or whatever it may say. And you know that's what you're going to get between now and 30 years from now. And then they're going to give you the money back.

What is a stock? A stock is the same sort of thing. It has a bunch of coupons. It's just they haven't printed the numbers on them yet. And it's your job as an investor to print those numbers on it. If those numbers say 10% and most American businesses earn over 10% on tangible equity. If they say 10%, that bond is worth a hell of a lot more money than a bond that says 3% on it. But if that government bond goes to 10%, it changes the value of this equity bond that, in effect, you're buying. When you buy an interest in General Motors or Berkshire Hathaway or anything, you are buying something that, over time, is going to return cash to you. Maybe a long time in terms of Berkshire, but it'll be bigger numbers. And those are the coupons. And your job as an investor to decide what you think those coupons will be because that's what you're buying. And you're buying the discounted value. And the higher the yardstick goes, and the yardstick is government bonds, the less attractive these other bonds look. That's just fundamental economics.

So in 1982 or '83, when the long government bond got to 15%, a company that was earning 15% on equity was worth no more than book value under those circumstances because you could buy a 30-year strip of bonds and guarantee yourself for 15% a year. And a business that earned 12%, it was a sub-par business then. But a business that earns 12% when the government bond is 3% is one hell of a business now. And that's why they sell for very fancy prices.

BECKY QUICK: So 3% is a long way from 15% that you were just talking about.

WARREN BUFFETT: Absolutely. But I watched it go from 3-15% though, too.

BECKY QUICK: Right. Is there an inflection point on that way because people think, "Oh my gosh, we've gone from 2.4% to 2.9% and that is a big difference."

WARREN BUFFETT: It isn't much. That's not much.

BECKY QUICK: Historically speaking, that's still the way we should be measuring these things


BECKY QUICK: Not on the absolute movement or the percentage gain movement over time?

WARREN BUFFETT: 2.4-2.9% is nothing if you're comparing it with businesses that earn 12% on equity and reinvest. And the S&P, you can just look at the figures for decades, has earned on tangible equity, it's earned a lot more than that. And it translates into more, higher prices than it should.

BECKY QUICK: Is there a tipping point along the way, or is it a gradual decline in terms of these things?

WARREN BUFFETT: Nobody knows. Yeah. But it is gravity. I mean, if you told me interest rates were going to be 15% next year on bonds, you know, there's a lot of equities I wouldn't want to own now. And I would buy a lot of governments at 15%, and I kind of wish I had in 1982, but I didn't.

BECKY QUICK: If I told you that the long bond was going to trade at 4.5-5% next year, what would you (think)?

WARREN BUFFETT: It makes a difference. But it's been idiotic to own long bonds during the last, you know, I talk about this in the report. It's just been idiotic. And big, public pension funds and all that, they sat there and they owned bonds. Now, they may have bought them on a 4% or 5% basis. But if they go to a 3% basis, they're selling way above par. The way people think about it is that they do some very silly things.



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There are four building blocks that add value to Berkshire: (1) sizable stand-alone acquisitions; (2) bolt-on acquisitions that fit with businesses we already own; (3) internal sales growth and margin improvement at our many and varied businesses; and (4) investment earnings from our huge portfolio of stocks and bonds. In this section, we will review 2017 acquisition activity.

In our search for new stand-alone businesses, the key qualities we seek are durable competitive strengths; able and high-grade management; good returns on the net tangible assets required to operate the business; opportunities for internal growth at attractive returns; and, finally, a sensible purchase price.

That last requirement proved a barrier to virtually all deals we reviewed in 2017, as prices for decent, but far from spectacular, businesses hit an all-time high. Indeed, price seemed almost irrelevant to an army of optimistic purchasers.

Why the purchasing frenzy? In part, it’s because the CEO job self-selects for “can-do” types. If Wall Street analysts or board members urge that brand of CEO to consider possible acquisitions, it’s a bit like telling your ripening teenager to be sure to have a normal sex life.

Once a CEO hungers for a deal, he or she will never lack for forecasts that justify the purchase. Subordinates will be cheering, envisioning enlarged domains and the compensation levels that typically increase with corporate size. Investment bankers, smelling huge fees, will be applauding as well. (Don’t ask the barber whether you need a haircut.) If the historical performance of the target falls short of validating its acquisition, large “synergies” will be forecast. Spreadsheets never disappoint.

The ample availability of extraordinarily cheap debt in 2017 further fueled purchase activity. After all, even a high-priced deal will usually boost per-share earnings if it is debt-financed. At Berkshire, in contrast, we evaluate acquisitions on an all-equity basis, knowing that our taste for overall debt is very low and that to assign a large portion of our debt to any individual business would generally be fallacious (leaving aside certain exceptions, such as debt dedicated to Clayton’s lending portfolio or to the fixed-asset commitments at our regulated utilities). We also never factor in, nor do we often find, synergies.

Our aversion to leverage has dampened our returns over the years. But Charlie and I sleep well. Both of us believe it is insane to risk what you have and need in order to obtain what you don’t need. We held this view 50 years ago when we each ran an investment partnership, funded by a few friends and relatives who trusted us. We also hold it today after a million or so “partners” have joined us at Berkshire.

Despite our recent drought of acquisitions, Charlie and I believe that from time to time Berkshire will have opportunities to make very large purchases. In the meantime, we will stick with our simple guideline: The less the prudence with which others conduct their affairs, the greater the prudence with which we must conduct our own.





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Berkshire, itself, provides some vivid examples of how price randomness in the short term can obscure long-term growth in value. For the last 53 years, the company has built value by reinvesting its earnings and letting compound interest work its magic. Year by year, we have moved forward. Yet Berkshire shares have suffered four truly major dips. Here are the gory details:

Period High Low Percentage Decrease
March 1973-January 1975 93 38 (59.1%)
10/2/87-10/27/87 4,250 2,675 (37.1%)
6/19/98-3/10/2000 80,900 41,300 (48.9%)
9/19/08-3/5/09 147,000 72,400 (50.7%)

This table offers the strongest argument I can muster against ever using borrowed money to own stocks. There is simply no telling how far stocks can fall in a short period. Even if your borrowings are small and your positions aren’t immediately threatened by the plunging market, your mind may well become rattled by scary headlines and breathless commentary. And an unsettled mind will not make good decisions.

In the next 53 years our shares (and others) will experience declines resembling those in the table. No one can tell you when these will happen. The light can at any time go from green to red without pausing at yellow.

When major declines occur, however, they offer extraordinary opportunities to those who are not handicapped by debt. That’s the time to heed these lines from Kipling’s If:

“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs . . .
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting . . .
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim . . .
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you . . .
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it.”





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* バークシャーの子会社各社が設立している年金基金が保有する株式は除きます。
** この数字は実際の購入価格であり、税額計算時の基礎となるものです。一方、GAAP上の「費用」はいくつかの点で異なっています。GAAPの規則では減損が要求されているからです。


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Below we list our fifteen common stock investments that at yearend had the largest market value. We exclude our Kraft Heinz holding - 325,442,152 shares - because Berkshire is part of a control group and therefore must account for this investment on the “equity” method. On its balance sheet, Berkshire carries its Kraft Heinz holding at a GAAP figure of $17.6 billion. The shares had a yearend market value of $25.3 billion, and a cost basis of $9.8 billion.

[The table is omitted by the blog author.]

* Excludes shares held by pension funds of Berkshire subsidiaries.
** This is our actual purchase price and also our tax basis; GAAP “cost” differs in a few cases because of write-downs that have been required under GAAP rules.

Some of the stocks in the table are the responsibility of either Todd Combs or Ted Weschler, who work with me in managing Berkshire’s investments. Each, independently of me, manages more than $12 billion; I usually learn about decisions they have made by looking at monthly portfolio summaries. Included in the $25 billion that the two manage is more than $8 billion of pension trust assets of certain Berkshire subsidiaries. As noted, pension investments are not included in the preceding tabulation of Berkshire holdings.

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Charlie and I view the marketable common stocks that Berkshire owns as interests in businesses, not as ticker symbols to be bought or sold based on their “chart” patterns, the “target” prices of analysts or the opinions of media pundits. Instead, we simply believe that if the businesses of the investees are successful (as we believe most will be) our investments will be successful as well. Sometimes the payoffs to us will be modest; occasionally the cash register will ring loudly. And sometimes I will make expensive mistakes. Overall - and over time - we should get decent results. In America, equity investors have the wind at their back.

From our stock portfolio - call our holdings “minority interests” in a diversified group of publicly-owned businesses - Berkshire received $3.7 billion of dividends in 2017. That’s the number included in our GAAP figures, as well as in the “operating earnings” we reference in our quarterly and annual reports.

That dividend figure, however, far understates the “true” earnings emanating from our stock holdings. For decades, we have stated in Principle 6 of our “Owner-Related Business Principles” (page 19) that we expect undistributed earnings of our investees to deliver us at least equivalent earnings by way of subsequent capital gains.

Our recognition of capital gains (and losses) will be lumpy, particularly as we conform with the new GAAP rule requiring us to constantly record unrealized gains or losses in our earnings. I feel confident, however, that the earnings retained by our investees will over time, and with our investees viewed as a group, translate into commensurate capital gains for Berkshire.

The connection of value-building to retained earnings that I’ve just described will be impossible to detect in the short term. Stocks surge and swoon, seemingly untethered to any year-to-year buildup in their underlying value. Over time, however, Ben Graham’s oft-quoted maxim proves true: “In the short run, the market is a voting machine; in the long run, however, it becomes a weighing machine.”

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一方プロテジェとわたしのほうは、調査や識見や才気のいずれに頼ることもなく、10年間でただ一度だけ、投資上の決定を下しました。保有していた債券を、100倍超になる利益倍率で(売却金額/利回り = 95.7/0.88)、売却すると決めただけでした。なおその際の「利益」とは、残りの5年間にわたって増加することのない値です。




Investing is an activity in which consumption today is foregone in an attempt to allow greater consumption at a later date. “Risk” is the possibility that this objective won’t be attained.

By that standard, purportedly “risk-free” long-term bonds in 2012 were a far riskier investment than a long-term investment in common stocks. At that time, even a 1% annual rate of inflation between 2012 and 2017 would have decreased the purchasing-power of the government bond that Protege and I sold.

I want to quickly acknowledge that in any upcoming day, week or even year, stocks will be riskier - far riskier - than short-term U.S. bonds. As an investor’s investment horizon lengthens, however, a diversified portfolio of U.S. equities becomes progressively less risky than bonds, assuming that the stocks are purchased at a sensible multiple of earnings relative to then-prevailing interest rates.

It is a terrible mistake for investors with long-term horizons - among them, pension funds, college endowments and savings-minded individuals - to measure their investment “risk” by their portfolio’s ratio of bonds to stocks. Often, high-grade bonds in an investment portfolio increase its risk.

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A final lesson from our bet: Stick with big, “easy” decisions and eschew activity. During the ten-year bet, the 200-plus hedge-fund managers that were involved almost certainly made tens of thousands of buy and sell decisions. Most of those managers undoubtedly thought hard about their decisions, each of which they believed would prove advantageous. In the process of investing, they studied 10-Ks, interviewed managements, read trade journals and conferred with Wall Street analysts.

Protege and I, meanwhile, leaning neither on research, insights nor brilliance, made only one investment decision during the ten years. We simply decided to sell our bond investment at a price of more than 100 times earnings (95.7 sale price/.88 yield), those being “earnings” that could not increase during the ensuing five years.

We made the sale in order to move our money into a single security - Berkshire - that, in turn, owned a diversified group of solid businesses. Fueled by retained earnings, Berkshire’s growth in value was unlikely to be less than 8% annually, even if we were to experience a so-so economy.

After that kindergarten-like analysis, Protege and I made the switch and relaxed, confident that, over time, 8% was certain to beat .88%. By a lot.




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暦年 ファンドA ファンドB ファンドC ファンドD ファンドE S&Pファンド
2008 -16.5% -22.3% -21.3% -29.3% -30.1% -37.0%
2009 11.3% 14.5% 21.4% 16.5% 16.8% 26.6%
2010 5.9% 6.8% 13.3% 4.9% 11.9% 15.1%
2011 -6.3% -1.3% 5.9% -6.3% -2.8% 2.1%
2012 3.4% 9.6% 5.7% 6.2% 9.1% 16.0%
2013 10.5% 15.2% 8.8% 14.2% 14.4% 32.3%
2014 4.7% 4.0% 18.9% 0.7% -2.1% 13.6%
2015 1.6% 2.5% 5.4% 1.4% -5.0% 1.4%
2016 -3.2% 1.9% -1.7% 2.5% 4.4% 11.9%
2017 12.2% 10.6% 15.6% N/A 18.0% 21.8%
累計 21.7% 42.3% 87.7% 2.8% 27.0% 125.8%
年率 2.0% 3.6% 6.5% 0.3% 2.4% 8.5%





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Here’s the final scorecard for the bet:

[The performance chart is omitted by the blog author.]

Footnote: Under my agreement with Protege Partners, the names of these funds-of-funds have never been publicly disclosed. I, however, have received their annual audits from Protege. The 2016 figures for funds A, B and C were revised slightly from those originally reported last year. Fund D was liquidated in 2017; its average annual gain is calculated for the nine years of its operation.

The five funds-of-funds got off to a fast start, each beating the index fund in 2008. Then the roof fell in. In every one of the nine years that followed, the funds-of-funds as a whole trailed the index fund.

Let me emphasize that there was nothing aberrational about stock-market behavior over the ten-year stretch. If a poll of investment “experts” had been asked late in 2007 for a forecast of long-term common-stock returns, their guesses would have likely averaged close to the 8.5% actually delivered by the S&P 500. Making money in that environment should have been easy. Indeed, Wall Street “helpers” earned staggering sums. While this group prospered, however, many of their investors experienced a lost decade.

Performance comes, performance goes. Fees never falter.

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The bet illuminated another important investment lesson: Though markets are generally rational, they occasionally do crazy things. Seizing the opportunities then offered does not require great intelligence, a degree in economics or a familiarity with Wall Street jargon such as alpha and beta. What investors then need instead is an ability to both disregard mob fears or enthusiasms and to focus on a few simple fundamentals. A willingness to look unimaginative for a sustained period - or even to look foolish - is also essential.

Originally, Protege and I each funded our portion of the ultimate $1 million prize by purchasing $500,000 face amount of zero-coupon U.S. Treasury bonds (sometimes called “strips”). These bonds cost each of us $318,250 - a bit less than 64¢ on the dollar - with the $500,000 payable in ten years.

As the name implies, the bonds we acquired paid no interest, but (because of the discount at which they were purchased) delivered a 4.56% annual return if held to maturity. Protege and I originally intended to do no more than tally the annual returns and distribute $1 million to the winning charity when the bonds matured late in 2017.

After our purchase, however, some very strange things took place in the bond market. By November 2012, our bonds - now with about five years to go before they matured - were selling for 95.7% of their face value. At that price, their annual yield to maturity was less than 1%. Or, to be precise, .88%.

Given that pathetic return, our bonds had become a dumb - a really dumb - investment compared to American equities. Over time, the S&P 500 - which mirrors a huge cross-section of American business, appropriately weighted by market value - has earned far more than 10% annually on shareholders’ equity (net worth).

In November 2012, as we were considering all this, the cash return from dividends on the S&P 500 was 2.5% annually, about triple the yield on our U.S. Treasury bond. These dividend payments were almost certain to grow. Beyond that, huge sums were being retained by the companies comprising the 500. These businesses would use their retained earnings to expand their operations and, frequently, to repurchase their shares as well. Either course would, over time, substantially increase earnings-per-share. And - as has been the case since 1776 - whatever its problems of the minute, the American economy was going to move forward.

Presented late in 2012 with the extraordinary valuation mismatch between bonds and equities, Protege and I agreed to sell the bonds we had bought five years earlier and use the proceeds to buy 11,200 Berkshire “B” shares. The result: Girls Inc. of Omaha found itself receiving $2,222,279 last month rather than the $1 million it had originally hoped for.

Berkshire, it should be emphasized, has not performed brilliantly since the 2012 substitution. But brilliance wasn’t needed: After all, Berkshire’s gain only had to beat that annual .88% bond bogey - hardly a Herculean achievement.

The only risk in the bonds-to-Berkshire switch was that yearend 2017 would coincide with an exceptionally weak stock market. Protege and I felt this possibility (which always exists) was very low. Two factors dictated this conclusion: The reasonable price of Berkshire in late 2012, and the large asset build-up that was almost certain to occur at Berkshire during the five years that remained before the bet would be settled. Even so, to eliminate all risk to the charities from the switch, I agreed to make up any shortfall if sales of the 11,200 Berkshire shares at yearend 2017 didn’t produce at least $1 million.



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“The Bet” is Over and Has Delivered an Unforeseen Investment Lesson

Last year, at the 90% mark, I gave you a detailed report on a ten-year bet I had made on December 19, 2007. (The full discussion from last year’s annual report is reprinted on pages 24 - 26.) Now I have the final tally - and, in several respects, it’s an eye-opener.

I made the bet for two reasons: (1) to leverage my outlay of $318,250 into a disproportionately larger sum that - if things turned out as I expected - would be distributed in early 2018 to Girls Inc. of Omaha; and (2) to publicize my conviction that my pick - a virtually cost-free investment in an unmanaged S&P 500 index fund - would, over time, deliver better results than those achieved by most investment professionals, however well-regarded and incentivized those “helpers” may be.

Addressing this question is of enormous importance. American investors pay staggering sums annually to advisors, often incurring several layers of consequential costs. In the aggregate, do these investors get their money’s worth? Indeed, again in the aggregate, do investors get anything for their outlays?

Protege Partners, my counterparty to the bet, picked five “funds-of-funds” that it expected to overperform the S&P 500. That was not a small sample. Those five funds-of-funds in turn owned interests in more than 200 hedge funds.

Essentially, Protege, an advisory firm that knew its way around Wall Street, selected five investment experts who, in turn, employed several hundred other investment experts, each managing his or her own hedge fund. This assemblage was an elite crew, loaded with brains, adrenaline and confidence.

The managers of the five funds-of-funds possessed a further advantage: They could - and did - rearrange their portfolios of hedge funds during the ten years, investing with new “stars” while exiting their positions in hedge funds whose managers had lost their touch.

Every actor on Protege’s side was highly incentivized: Both the fund-of-funds managers and the hedge-fund managers they selected significantly shared in gains, even those achieved simply because the market generally moves upwards. (In 100% of the 43 ten-year periods since we took control of Berkshire, years with gains by the S&P 500 exceeded loss years.)

Those performance incentives, it should be emphasized, were frosting on a huge and tasty cake: Even if the funds lost money for their investors during the decade, their managers could grow very rich. That would occur because fixed fees averaging a staggering 2.5% of assets or so were paid every year by the fund-of-funds’ investors, with part of these fees going to the managers at the five funds-of-funds and the balance going to the 200-plus managers of the underlying hedge funds.



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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2017 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)












To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:

Berkshire’s gain in net worth during 2017 was $65.3 billion, which increased the per-share book value of both our Class A and Class B stock by 23%. Over the last 53 years (that is, since present management took over), per-share book value has grown from $19 to $211,750, a rate of 19.1% compounded annually.

The format of that opening paragraph has been standard for 30 years. But 2017 was far from standard: A large portion of our gain did not come from anything we accomplished at Berkshire.

The $65 billion gain is nonetheless real - rest assured of that. But only $36 billion came from Berkshire’s operations. The remaining $29 billion was delivered to us in December when Congress rewrote the U.S. Tax Code. (Details of Berkshire’s tax-related gain appear on page K-32 and pages K-89 - K-90.)

After stating those fiscal facts, I would prefer to turn immediately to discussing Berkshire’s operations. But, in still another interruption, I must first tell you about a new accounting rule - a generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP) - that in future quarterly and annual reports will severely distort Berkshire’s net income figures and very often mislead commentators and investors.

The new rule says that the net change in unrealized investment gains and losses in stocks we hold must be included in all net income figures we report to you. That requirement will produce some truly wild and capricious swings in our GAAP bottom-line. Berkshire owns $170 billion of marketable stocks (not including our shares of Kraft Heinz), and the value of these holdings can easily swing by $10 billion or more within a quarterly reporting period. Including gyrations of that magnitude in reported net income will swamp the truly important numbers that describe our operating performance. For analytical purposes, Berkshire’s “bottom-line” will be useless.

The new rule compounds the communication problems we have long had in dealing with the realized gains (or losses) that accounting rules compel us to include in our net income. In past quarterly and annual press releases, we have regularly warned you not to pay attention to these realized gains, because they - just like our unrealized gains - fluctuate randomly.

That’s largely because we sell securities when that seems the intelligent thing to do, not because we are trying to influence earnings in any way. As a result, we sometimes have reported substantial realized gains for a period when our portfolio, overall, performed poorly (or the converse).

With the new rule about unrealized gains exacerbating the distortion caused by the existing rules applying to realized gains, we will take pains every quarter to explain the adjustments you need in order to make sense of our numbers. But televised commentary on earnings releases is often instantaneous with their receipt, and newspaper headlines almost always focus on the year-over-year change in GAAP net income. Consequently, media reports sometimes highlight figures that unnecessarily frighten or encourage many readers or viewers.

We will attempt to alleviate this problem by continuing our practice of publishing financial reports late on Friday, well after the markets close, or early on Saturday morning. That will allow you maximum time for analysis and give investment professionals the opportunity to deliver informed commentary before markets open on Monday. Nevertheless, I expect considerable confusion among shareholders for whom accounting is a foreign language.

At Berkshire what counts most are increases in our normalized per-share earning power. That metric is what Charlie Munger, my long-time partner, and I focus on - and we hope that you do, too. Our scorecard for 2017 follows.