



<質問> エネルギー関連の投資、つまりコノコフィリップスやエクソンモービルへの投資で、バークシャーは損失を出しましたか。循環的な事業ですから、エネルギー関連へ今後投資する際にはバークシャー・ハサウェイ・エナジー社(BHE)でCEOをしているグレッグ・アベルが担当したほうがよいのでしょうか。

<バフェット> BHEは社名にエネジーと付いていますが、実際はコノコフィリップスやエクソンとは別の業種です。BHEでは多額の資金を投じる機会を求めていますが、いずれは実現するでしょう。1995年にミッドアメリカン社(BHEの旧社名)に買収をもちかけたときは、1株当たり35ドルを提示しました。「提示金額は変えませんよ」と言ったのですが、その後厳しい交渉が続いて、もう少し出すように要求されました。合意した金額は1株あたり35.05ドルでした。「わたしから最後の1円まで搾り取ったと公言できますね」と言っておきましたよ。現在のBHE社は1株当たり30ドルの利益をあげています。それが35.05ドルになるにはそれほど時間がかからないでしょう。


<マンガー> これほどの低金利ですから、現金で持っておく代わりとしてエクソンモービル株は悪くない投資でしたよ。(p.18)

A shareholder noted that Berkshire has lost money on several energy investments such as ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil. These are cyclical businesses. The shareholder asked whether future energy investments should be done by Greg Abel, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE).

Buffett said BHE has energy in their name, but they are really in a different business than ConocoPhillips or Exxon. BHE is looking for an opportunity to spend big money on energy and will do so in the future. When Buffett offered to buy MidAmerican in 1995 for $35 per share, he told them he didn't change his offer prices. They continued to negotiate hard and said you have to give us something. Buffett agreed to pay $35.05 per share and told them they could say they got the last nickel out of him. Today, BHE earns $30 per share, and it will earn $35.05 per share before too long.

BHE is not at all analogous to the other two energy investments. Berkshire wrote the ConocoPhillips investment down, because auditing rules required them to do so. Berkshire actually made a little money on the investment as well as on ExxonMobil. Berkshire will not very often buy oil and gas stocks and has not distinguished themselves on oil and gas stock investments. Buffett will look at available opportunities and make decisions on buying something and sometimes he will change his mind. Berkshire has made a little money on oil and gas stocks and has passed up one or two other opportunities where they could have made a lot of money.

Charlie added that the ExxonMobil investment was not a bad cash substitute with interest rates so low.


Secret Millionaires Club with Warren Buffett

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