


チャーリー・マンガーが物事を考えるときのやりかたは、私にとっては大きな課題です。チャーリーは折に触れて生涯学習の重要性を説いていますが、この引用を読むと合点がいきますね。おなじみの「Poor Charlie's Almanack」からの引用です。(日本語は拙訳)


I've long believed that a certain system - which almost any intelligent person can learn - works way better than the systems that most people use. As I said at the U.S.C. Business School, what you need is a latticework of mental models in your head. And you hang your actual experience and your vicarious experience(that you get from reading and so forth) on this latticework of powerful models. And with that system, things gradually get to fit together in a way that enhances cognition.

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