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Well, I've taken you part way through the synthesis. It gets harder when you want to figure out how much activity should be within private firms, and how much should be within the government, and what are the factors that determine which functions are where, and why do the failures occur, and so on and so on.

It's my opinion that anybody with a high I.Q. who graduated in economics ought to be able to sit down and write a ten-page synthesis of all these ideas that's quite persuasive. And I would bet a lot of money that I could give this test in practically every economics department in the country and get a perfectly lousy bunch of synthesis. They'd give me Ronald Coase. They'd talk about transaction costs. They'd click off a little something that their professors gave them and spit it back. But in terms of really understanding how it all fits together, I would confidently predict that most people couldn't do it very well.

By the way, if any of you want to try and do this, go ahead. I think you'll find it hard. In this connection, one of the interesting things that I want to mention is that Max Planck, the great Nobel laureate who found Planck's constant, tried once to do economics. He gave it up. Now why did Max Planck, one of the smartest people who ever lived, give up economics? The answer is, he said, "It's too hard. The best solution you can get is messy and uncertain." It didn't satisfy Planck's craving for order, and so he gave it up. And if Max Planck early on realized he was never going to get perfect order, I will confidently predict that all of the rest of you are going to have exactly the same result.

By the way there's a famous story about Max Planck which is apocryphal: After he won his prize, he was invited to lecture everywhere, and he had this chauffeur that drove him around to give public lectures all through Germany. And the chauffeur memorized the lecture, and so one day he said, "Gee Professor Planck, why don't you let me try it as we switch places?" And so he got up and gave the lecture. At the end of it, some physicist stood up and posed a question of extreme difficulty. But the chauffeur was up to it. "Well," he said, "I'm surprised that a citizen of an advanced city like Munich is asking so elementary a question, so I'm going to ask my chauffeur to respond." (Laughter).

余談ですが、以前の投稿でご紹介した本『とんでもなく面白い 仕事に役立つ数学』(西成活裕 著)でも、今回と同じ運転手の話題が取り上げられていました。ただし、昔聞いた話ということですが登場人物がアインシュタインになっています(p.234)。



6 件のコメント:


Managers Investment Group: Yacktman Fund - Overview












Fund Focus

The Yacktman Focused Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation, and, to a lesser extent, current income. The Fund is non-diversified and mainly invests in common stocks of United States companies of any size, some, but not all of which, pay dividends. Yacktman employs a disciplined investment strategy, buying growth companies at what it believes to be low prices. Yacktman believes this approach combines the best features of "growth" and "value" investing. When they purchase stocks they generally search for companies they believe to possess one or more of the following three attributes: (1) good business; (2) shareholder-oriented management; or (3) low purchase price.

Good Business

A good business may contain one or more of the following:

High market share in principal product and/or service lines;
A high cash return on tangible assets;
Relatively low capital requirements allowing a business to generate cash while growing;
Short customer repurchase cycles and long product cycles; and
Unique franchise characteristics.

Shareholder-Oriented Management

Yacktman believes a shareholder-oriented management does not overcompensate itself and wisely allocates the cash the company generates. Yacktman looks for companies that:

Reinvest in the business and still have excess cash;
Make synergistic acquisitions; and
Buy back stock.

Low Purchase Price

Yacktman looks for a stock that sells for less than what an investor would pay to buy the whole company.

The stock prices of individual companies can vary significantly over short periods of time, and such price movements are not always correlated with changes in company fundamental performance. Accordingly, Yacktman generally prefers to wait for buying opportunities. Such opportunities do not always occur in correlation with overall market performance trends.

(追記2013/11/19) 「ウォーレン・バフェットの説明する内容とよく似ている」と書きましたが、通りがかりさんからコメントでご指摘頂いたように、「似ている点はあるが、ちがいもある」といった表現のほうが適切でした。



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Take the workers' compensation system in California. Stress is real. And its misery can be real. So you want to compensate people for their stress in the workplace. It seems like a noble thing to do.

But the trouble with such a compensation practice is that it's practically impossible to delete huge cheating. And once you reward cheating, you get crooked lawyers, crooked doctors, crooked unions, etc., participating in referral schemes. You get a total miasma of disastrous behavior. And the behavior makes all the people doing it worse as they do it. So you were trying to help your civilization. But what you did was create enormous damage, net.

So it's much better to let some things go uncompensated - to let life be hard - than to create systems that are easy to cheat.

Let me give you an example: I have a friend who made an industrial product at a plant in Texas not far from the border. He was in a low-margin, tough business. He got massive fraud in the workers' compensation system - to the point that his premiums reached double-digit percentages of payroll. And it was not that dangerous to produce his product. It's not like he was a demolition contractor or something.

So he pleaded with the union, "You've got to stop this. There's not enough money in making this product to cover all of this fraud."

But, by then, everyone's used to it. "It's extra income. It's extra money. Everybody does it. It can't be that wrong. Eminent lawyers, eminent doctors, eminent chiropractors - if there are any such things - are cheating."

And no one could tell them, "You can't do it anymore." Incidentally, that's Pavlovian mere association, too. When people get bad news, they hate the messenger. Therefore, it was very hard for the union representative to tell all of these people that the easy money was about to stop. That is not the way to advance as a union representative.

So my friend closed his plant and moved the work to Utah among a community of believing Mormons. Well, the Mormons aren't into workers' compensation fraud - at least they aren't in my friend's plant. And guess what his workers' compensation expense is today? It's two percent of payroll [-- down from double-digits.]

This sort of tragedy is caused by letting the slop run. You must stop slop early. It's very hard to stop slop and moral failure if you let it run for a while.




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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からご紹介します。前回のつづきで、第8章「事業価値の算出という技」(The Art of Business Valuation)からの引用です。(日本語は拙訳)

投資家によくみられるのが、自分のくだす未来の評価を楽観的にとらえすぎる傾向だ。その好例として、企業が評価損を計上したときにみせがちな反応がある。企業はこの会計慣行に従うことで、みずからの裁量によって所帯の汚れを一掃できる。つまり業績不振の資産や回収不能な売掛金、不良な貸付金、評価損を伴うあらゆるリストラで生じるコストなどから、即座に解放されるのだ。この施策はウォール街のアナリストだけでなく、投資家からも大歓迎されやすい。それらの損失処理を済ませた企業の業績は、一般的に高ROEで利益率も上昇する。そして業績が改善されたことを将来にも織り込んで予測されるようになり、もっと高い株価で評価される理由づけとなる。しかし財務の大掃除を行ったという歴史を、投資家は大目にみるべきではない。過去の失敗がぬぐいさられたからといって、これまで失敗知らずだったとみるのは安易すぎる。ともすれば、過去にあやまちがないから将来も同じだろうと考えはじめるからだ。現在の黒字経営がまずい状態に陥ることはないし、お粗末な投資がくりかえされることもない、 といった起こりそうもない予想をするようになる。


Investors are often overly optimistic in their assessment of the future. A good example of this is the common response to corporate write-offs. This accounting practice enables a company at its sole discretion to clean house, instantaneously ridding itself of underperforming assets, uncollectible receivables, bad loans, and the costs incurred in any corporate restructuring accompanying the write-off. Typically such moves are enthusiastically greeted by Wall Street analysts and investors alike; post-write-off the company generally reports a higher return on equity and better profit margins. Such improved results are then projected into the future, justifying a higher stock market valuation. Investors, however, should not so generously allow the slate to be wiped clean. When historical mistakes are erased, it is too easy to view the past as error free. It is then only a small additional step to project this error-free past forward into the future, making the improbable forecast that no currently profitable operation will go sour and that no poor investments will ever again be made.

How do value investors deal with the analytical necessity to predict the unpredictable? The only answer is conservatism. Since all projections are subject to error, optimistic ones tend to place investors on a precarious limb. Virtually everything must go right, or losses may be sustained. Conservative forecasts can be more easily met or even exceeded. Investors are well advised to make only conservative projections and then invest only at a substantial discount from the valuations derived therefrom.



2 件のコメント:

<質問者> ネブラスカ州株式ファンドへ投資したのは1回限りのものですか。

<バフェット> ちがいます。そのファンドは1年ぐらい前に州知事か彼の関係する団体が設立したもので、この州の低所得者向け住宅を供給するための出資です。その種のファンドは国中にあり、わたしどもはそういった全国レベルのファンドに拠出してきました。それでネブラスカ州ファンドにも投資してくれないか、と州知事から依頼があったのです。そうですね、いずれ投資しましょうと答えました。そういった投資にはもっと広くから参加してほしいと思います。というのは、社会に貢献するだけでなく、完璧に合理的な投資だからです。その投資によって、われわれの出資分にはどんな犠牲も生じません。これはバークシャー・ハサウェイにとって経済的に理にかなったものです。この州の企業ならば、ぜひ参加してほしいと思います。ですから、この投資は一度きりのものではありません。

<質問者> 私のような若い起業家が開業用の資金を手に入れるにはどうしたらよいでしょうか。

<バフェット> 開業資金がほしいのですか。なかなかむずかしい質問ですね。複利とは坂をころがす雪玉のようなものです。小さな雪玉で始めても、かなり長い坂をころがせば(最初に株を買ったときからなので、わたしの坂は53年分になります)、そして雪の湿り気がうまい具合であれば、最後にはかなりの雪玉に育ちます。でも、こう質問されるかもしれません。「そのてっぺんで、小さな雪玉はどうやって手に入れたのか」と。収入を全部使わずにいくらか残すことしか、わたしの口からは申し上げられません。まあ、遺産をもらえる幸運な人なら別ですが。


Q. Was your investment with the Equity Fund of Nebraska a one time offering?

A. No. About a year or so ago, the Governor, or a group connected with the Governor, organized a fund to sponsor low income, affordable housing in the State. These funds have existed around the country and we had participated in those national funds; so he asked if we would participate in the Nebraska fund. We said yes, and we will participate in the future. I hope that the participation becomes broad, because it not only has a good social purpose, but it's a perfectly intelligent investment. So, it is not like there is any sacrifice on our part in doing this. This is something that makes economic sense for Berkshire Hathaway. And, I would hope that other businesses around the State would join in. It's not a one-time thing.

Q. How would a young entrepreneur, like myself, get start-up cash for my business?

A. Get start-up capital? Well, that's a tough question because compound interest is a little bit like rolling a snowball down a hill. You can start with a small snowball and if it rolls down a long enough hill (and my hill's now 53 years long - that's when I bought my first stock), and the snow is mildly sticky, you'll have a real snowball at the end. And then, somebody says, "How do you get the small snowball at the top of the hill?" I don't know any way to do it except spending less than you earn and saving some money, unless you are lucky enough to inherit some.

In my own case, you know that I was always interested in investing, so I started saving when I was about six and by the time I got out of school, I had about $10,000. It is much easier to save money, obviously, before you have a family than after you have a family. I've always felt that one way to do it, if you've got a job and it's meeting your needs (in my own case, I delivered papers and that's an ideal job for a couple hours a day), is to take a second job and save all the money from that. Getting the initial stake, being ahead of the game, is enormously important in life. It is so much better to be working from a position of strength and have a loaded gun. That may be a fairly small amount of money. Ten thousand dollars doesn't sound so big, although it was probably the equivalent of close to $100,000 now. That was my edge. If I hadn't had that, I wouldn't have had anything to work with subsequently. There isn't really any way to get capital except to spend less than you earn. That's easier when you are very young than at any other time-certainly before you have a family.