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<チャーリー・マンガー> 諸君が資金を託している人物も、その中に含まれていますね。我々には長い期間は残されていません。だからと言って、当社がうまくやれないとは言っていませんが(笑)、運用期間の点では実に興味深いものがありますね。



Charlie: Those include those who you’re invested with. We do not have a long runway. That doesn’t mean the company won’t do well, (laughter) but in terms of investment management runway, it’s rather interesting.

Berkshire Hathaway’s peculiar in that its directors are so old and its managers are so old. The only institution that exceeds Berkshire Hathaway and the Daily Journal in terms of old directors in office is the Mormon Church. (laughter) The Mormon church is run by a group of people and they have two wonderful qualities. There’s no paid clergy in the Mormon church. And the ruling powers in a group of males between about 85 and 100. And that system is more successful than any other church. No paid clergy and very old males. Obviously we are copying that system at Berkshire and the Daily Journal. (laughter) And we are so much older than the Berkshire directors who are also very old. Warren says we’re always checking to see how the young fellows are doing at the Daily Journal versus Berkshire.

It is slightly weird. But the world is…who would have guessed that the church with the best record for keeping people happy and so on and so on…(inaudible)…which is the Mormon church. Who would have guessed that it had no paid clergy, run only by males who are about 85 and up? Now that is a very odd result. I guess I should like odd results, because I’m sure as hell living a life of a lot of odd results. And I’m very surprised to be here. Somebody said, an old woman whom I liked, said at her 94th birthday party, “I’m very pleased to be here”, in fact she said, “I’m very pleased to be anywhere.” (laughter) Well that’s what it is, and it is weird.



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Charlie Munger: Full Transcript of Daily Journal Annual Meeting 2018 (Latticework Investing)


<チャーリー・マンガー> (前略)我々取締役会のひとりが、「どんな投資アドバイザーでも有するべき特質」を列挙していましてね。彼は、プロの投資家を選び出す後継担当者へその内容を伝えたところ、その人物は即座に半数をクビにしてしまいました。そのような異色の結果となった以上、[取締役の]ピーター・カウフマン本人から資産運用者を選定する際に使う「ファイブ・エース」方式を説明してもらおうと考えたわけです。それではピーター、よろしく。

<ピーター・カウフマン> 「飛び抜けたマネー・マネージャーとして推薦できるのは、どのような人物なのか」をご説明する上で、これから示す一連の条件を思い至りました。それらが的確なものであってほしいと思いますし、それにあてはまる当人のかたが、実際に決定をくだす人物へ結びつけてほしいとも思います。そうなれば私からではなく、その最終的な決定者からの話として受けとめるわけですから、より説得力が増すことでしょう。さて、私の考えた5つの条件に「ファイブ・エース」と名付けましたが、「ファイブ・エース」とはワイルドカードを使用するポーカーにおいて最強の役を指しています。


<チャーリー> それはもう、そのとおりですよ!(笑)

<ピーター> …さらには会場におられるマネー・マネージャーを雇っている方もおられます。もしマネー・マネージャーを雇う立場であれば、その人物を評価する上ですぐれた基本原理となります。

<チャーリー> そのとおり。しかし、雇った人の半数をクビにするには費用がかさむでしょうね(笑)。

<ピーター> しかし、もしみなさん自身がマネー・マネージャーであれば、この5つを「希求すべきことがら」とするほうが、たぶんもっと重要でしょう。「マネー・マネージャーとして、自分はどのような特質を持ち合わせるべきか」。まずは完璧に信用できる人物たるべきですし、「やります」と発言したことは実際に造作なくこなせなければなりません。手数料については、正負どちら側でも基本的に公正な体系を採用すべきです。そして競争の少ない領域をさがすべきです。というのは周知のように、謎を秘めている事業には余地が残されているからです。競争の激しい領域だとしたら、一体どのようなたぐいの余地が残っているでしょうか(質問21参照)。最後の5番目ですが、みなさんのなかには非常に幸運な方がたくさんおられます。「長期の投資期間」の欄には、「該当する」との印をつけられるでしょう。史上最高のマネー・マネージャーの方には、4つのエースしか当てはまらない人がいます。それは5番目に該当しないからです。

One of our directors came up with a list of qualities that any investment advisor should have. And he gave it to a future picker of professional investors, and the picker immediately fire half his picks. And I thought that was such a peculiar outcome that I’ll let Peter Kaufman share with you his ‘five aces’ system for picking an investment manager. Peter, go ahead.

Peter Kaufman: So I came up with this list in giving reference to a very exceptional money manager. And I not only wanted to give what I thought was the correct reference, I wanted the person that I was giving the reference to, to in turn be able to relate this above to the real shot-caller. So that a compelling narrative would be transferred from me directly to the ultimate shot-caller. So I came up with what I call the “five aces”. The five aces being the highest hand you can have in a wild card poker game.

Ace number one is total integrity. Ace number two is actual deep deep fluency on whatever it is you say you’re going to do on behalf of the client. Ace number three is a fee structure that is actually fair in both directions. Ace number four is an uncrowded investment space. Ace number five is a long run-way. Meaning that the manager is reasonable young in age. I further add that if you ever find a money manager who possesses all five of these characteristics, there are two things you should do. One, you should put money with them immediately. And number two, put as much money as you are allowed to put. Now I know we have money managers in the room, and we have…

Charlie: Do we ever! (laughter)

Peter Kaufman: And we have people who employee money managers who are in the room. If you employ money managers, this is an excellent formula to evaluate your money managers.

Charlie: Yeah, but it will cost you to fire half those you’ve hired..or you have hired. (laughter)

Peter Kaufman: But perhaps more importantly, if you’re a money manager, this should be your list of five aspirations. What characteristics should I seek as a money manager to possess? I should be completely trustworthy. I should have actual deep fluency in what I claim that I’m going to do. I should adopt a fee structure that’s generally fair in both directions. I should seek an uncrowded space because as we all know, in business where there’s mystery, there’s margin. What kind of margin are you going to have in a crowded space? (Note: See Question 21) And number 5, many of you in here, you’re very fortunate. You get to check that box for having a long runway. Some of the best money managers in history only get four out of these five aces because they don’t qualify for number five.




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Why Edward Thorp Owns Only Berkshire Hathaway (Barron's)

<質問> あなたの新刊『どんな市場でも闘える男』[未訳; 原題はA Man for All Markets]から、どのような教訓を得てほしいとお考えですか。

<ソープ> 己のためにできる最高のこととは、「みずからを教育して、明確かつ合理的にものごとを考えられるようにすること」です。数学や科学、論理的思考を身につけるのに役立つでしょう。その次に大切なのは、広い分野にわたって、書物を読んだり興味をいだくことです。もしそうできれば、道具として使えるものを増やすことができます。(バークシャー・ハサウェイの副会長である)チャーリー・マンガーは多種多様なメンタル・モデルの持ち主ですが、それらはものごとを考える上での短縮法といえるものです。私自身も手持ちがありますが、お気に入りのひとつに「外部性を理解せよ」というものがあります(他者の経済活動から生じる波及効果)。



Q: What lessons do you want people to come away with from A Man for All Markets?

A: That the best thing you can do for yourself is to educate yourself to think clearly and rationally. It helps to have math or science or logical training. The next is to be widely read and curious. If you are that way, you have so much more to use in terms of tools. [Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman] Charlie Munger has a collection of multiple mental models—shorthand ways to think of things. I also have my own, and one of my favorites is to understand externalities [spillover effects from other economic activity].

For example, if I buy fire insurance for my house, my neighbor is a little safer. That’s an externality benefit. If someone drives a polluting gasoline car and uses the atmosphere as a waste dump without paying any consequences, that’s a negative externality. Another one is guns. Gun dealers make a lot of money, their clients go out and kill people, and society pays huge costs. Gun dealers don’t.

Externalities are a good way to start analyzing problems. A lot of problems go away if you make people who distribute negative externalities pay the consequences. There’s a neat solution. Automobiles kill about 35,000 people a year. If you want to drive a car, you need a license, some training, and also insurance if your car does damage. People have to be accountable for their guns, just like cars. If your car is stolen, you are expected to report it. [What if it were the] same with guns? People wouldn’t be able to accumulate thousands of guns, because what insurance company will insure it? What do you think the insurance would be for an AR-15? It would be very high.



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Finally, Precision Castparts, a company built through acquisitions, bought Wilhelm Schulz GmbH, a German maker of corrosion resistant fittings, piping systems and components. Please allow me to skip a further explanation. I don’t understand manufacturing operations as well as I do the activities of real estate brokers, home builders or truck stops.

Fortunately, I don’t need in this instance to bring knowledge to the table: Mark Donegan, CEO of Precision, is an extraordinary manufacturing executive, and any business in his domain is slated to do well. Betting on people can sometimes be more certain than betting on physical assets.


My friend, Ariel Hsing, will be in the mall as well on Sunday, taking on challengers at table tennis. I met Ariel when she was nine, and even then I was unable to score a point against her. Ariel represented the United States in the 2012 Olympics. If you don’t mind embarrassing yourself, test your skills against her, beginning at 1 p.m. Bill Gates did pretty well playing Ariel last year, so he may be ready to again challenge her. (My advice: Bet on Ariel.) I will participate on an advisory basis only.


All told, we expect at least 54 questions, which will allow for six from each analyst and journalist and for 18 from the audience. After the 54th, all questions come from the audience. Charlie and I have often tackled more than 60 by 3:30.



We continue to have a wonderful group at headquarters. This team efficiently deals with a multitude of SEC and other regulatory requirements, files a 32,700-page Federal income tax return, oversees the filing of 3,935 state tax returns, responds to countless shareholder and media inquiries, gets out the annual report, prepares for the country’s largest annual meeting, coordinates the Board’s activities, fact-checks this letter - and the list goes on and on.

They handle all of these business tasks cheerfully and with unbelievable efficiency, making my life easy and pleasant. Their efforts go beyond activities strictly related to Berkshire: Last year, for example, they dealt with the 40 universities (selected from 200 applicants) who sent students to Omaha for a Q&A day with me. They also handle all kinds of requests that I receive, arrange my travel, and even get me hamburgers and French fries (smothered in Heinz ketchup, of course) for lunch. In addition, they cheerfully pitch in to help at the annual meeting in whatever way they are needed. They are proud to work for Berkshire, and I am proud of them.




I’ve saved the best for last. Early in 2018, Berkshire’s board elected Ajit Jain and Greg Abel as directors of Berkshire and also designated each as Vice Chairman. Ajit is now responsible for insurance operations, and Greg oversees the rest of our businesses. Charlie and I will focus on investments and capital allocation.

You and I are lucky to have Ajit and Greg working for us. Each has been with Berkshire for decades, and Berkshire’s blood flows through their veins. The character of each man matches his talents. And that says it all.

Come to Omaha - the cradle of capitalism - on May 5th and meet the Berkshire Bunch. All of us look forward to your visit.




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<質問> 企業は、いつ配当を支払うべきですか。あるいはいつ自社株買いをすべきでしょうか。

<ワイツ> [投資先の]企業には、1株当たり事業価値の長期的成長に焦点を置いた資本配分を実施してほしいと考えています。その中で筆頭に挙げたいのが、「高いリターンの得られる機会があれば、その事業に再投資する」という選択肢です。また自社株買いもよいと思います。ただし本源的な事業価値よりもずっと安い値段で株が売買されている場合の話です。反対に、株価が本源的価値よりも高いのであれば、資金の下手な使いかたです。過去を振り返れば、高値のときに熱狂的に買う一方で、安値のときに多く買えなかった経営陣がたくさんいました。しかしその足跡はお粗末の連続だったにもかかわらず、継続株主にとってみれば、自社株買いは1株当たりの価値を増加させる上で非常に効果的な手段になり得ます。そして配当ですが、これは多くの株主にとって魅力的かもしれません。しかし現在の低金利環境では、「利回りを追求する」動きゆえに保証なき株価高騰を招いた例が、数多くみられます。

JR: When should a company pay a dividend or repurchase stock?

WW: We want companies’ capital allocation decisions to be focused on long-term growth in business value per share. Our first choice is reinvestment in the business if the company has high return opportunities to do so. Stock buybacks are great if the stock sells well below its intrinsic business value and terrible if the stock price is above intrinsic value. Historically, many managements have bought enthusiastically at high prices and failed to buy much at cheap prices. However, despite a history of poor execution, buybacks can be very effective in increasing the value per share for remaining shareholders. Dividends can be an attraction for many shareholders, but in this low interest rate environment, it appears that “chasing yield” has resulted in unwarranted stock price inflation in many cases.

<質問> 低成長率の現代において、利益をともなった成長ができる企業に投資するのは、どれほど大切なのでしょうか。

<ワイツ> 成長は、事業の価値を算出するのに重要な要素です。しかし私たちにとって問題なのは、事業価値に対する株価であって、成長率そのものではありません。近年では、将来の見通しが立つ成長というものが稀になってきています。また[余剰の]価値がとぼしくなってきたせいで、代金を支払いすぎた投資家が多くいるに違いありません。そのような見方をとってきたことが、近年における私たちの相対的成績に、影響を及ぼしてきました。しかし「たとえ素晴らしい企業だとしても、払い過ぎるのは投機的である」と強く思います。

JR: How important is it to invest in companies that can grow profitably in this low-growth world?

WW: Growth is an important factor in calculating business value. What matters to us, though, is stock price relative to business value, not a growth rate, per se. Predictable growth has been rare in recent years, and we believe that many investors have been over-paying because of its scarcity value. This opinion has impacted our relative performance in recent years, but we believe that over-paying for even a great business is speculating.

