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Life-Changing Time Management Lessons I've Learned From Warren Buffett (GuruFocus)




<その1> はじめにバフェットはフリント氏に対して、職歴上の目標のうち上位25件を書きだしてほしいと言った。フリントは少し時間をかけて、それらを書き下した。(注: みなさんも短時間でこの作業を完了できるだろう。たとえば、今週中に達成したい25件を書きだすわけだ)

<その2> つづいてバフェットはフリントに対して、その一覧にある目標を読み直し、重要なもの5件に丸印を付けてほしいと頼んだ。今度もフリント氏はいくばくか時間をかけて一覧を読み進め、もっとも重要な目標5件を選んだ。

(注: これを自宅でやっているのであれば、読み進めるのをいったんやめて、その3に進む前に上記の2つを実行してほしい)

<その3> この時点でフリント氏は2つの一覧を手にしていた。一覧Aには丸印を付けた5件があり、一覧Bには丸印の付いていない20件があった。




The “two-list” strategy.

Mike Flint was Buffett's personal airplane pilot for 10 years. (Flint has also flown four US Presidents, so I think we can safely say he is good at his job.) According to Flint, he was talking about his career priorities with Buffett when his boss asked the pilot to go through a 3-step exercise.

Here's how it works…

STEP 1: Buffett started by asking Flint to write down his top 25 career goals. So, Flint took some time and wrote them down. (Note: you could also complete this exercise with goals for a shorter timeline. For example, write down the top 25 things you want to accomplish this week.)

STEP 2: Then, Buffett asked Flint to review his list and circle his top 5 goals. Again, Flint took some time, made his way through the list, and eventually decided on his 5 most important goals.

Note: If you're following along at home, pause right now and do these first two steps before moving on to Step 3.

STEP 3: At this point, Flint had two lists. The 5 items he had circled were List A and the 20 items he had not circled were List B.

Flint confirmed that he would start working on his top 5 goals right away. And that's when Buffett asked him about the second list, “And what about the ones you didn't circle?”

Flint replied, “Well, the top 5 are my primary focus, but the other 20 come in a close second. They are still important so I’ll work on those intermittently as I see fit. They are not as urgent, but I still plan to give them a dedicated effort.”

To which Buffett replied, “No. You’ve got it wrong, Mike. Everything you didn’t circle just became your Avoid-At-All-Cost list. No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you’ve succeeded with your top 5.”



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A very similar device is seeking similar known problems. I think I could illustrate this schematically in this way. You have a problem P here and there is a solution S which you do not know yet perhaps over here. If you have experience in the field represented, that you are working in, you may perhaps know of a somewhat similar problem, call it P', which has already been solved and which has a solution, S', all you need to do - all you may have to do is find the analogy from P' here to P and the same analogy from S' to S in order to get back to the solution of the given problem. This is the reason why experience in a field is so important that if you are experienced in a field, you will know thousands of problems that have been solved. Your mental matrix will be filled with P's and S's unconnected here and you can find one which is tolerably close to the P that you are trying to solve and go over to the corresponding S' in order to go back to the S you’re after. It seems to be much easier to make two small jumps than the one big jump in any kind of mental thinking.




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デイリー・ジャーナル社の2017年株主総会でチャーリー・マンガーが交わした質疑応答から、二つめの引用です。今回は、チャーリーが残した指折りの知的成果である「とびっきり効果」(Lollapalooza effect)についてです。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<質問13> 現在起こっているできごとで、気にかかっていることは何ですか。またそれらを特定するために、とびっきり効果のような学際的アプローチをどのように使っておられますか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> かつて私は、心理学のことを何もわかっていなかったものです。しかしそれは自分の手抜かりだと気づき、心理学の主要な初級教科書を3冊買って通読しました。私が「とびっきり効果」という用語を生みだしたのは、その時分でした。もちろんですが、まるでなっていない心理学者よりも、チャーリー・マンガーたる自分のほうがうまくやれると考えましたよ。とびっきり効果はどの本にも書いておらず、みずから思いついたアイデアのひとつです。これは、3つや4つの動向が同一の状況下で同時に働いたときに生じます。線形ではない働きをみせたとき、とびっきりな効果が生じたと言えるわけですね。[参考記事]


Question 13: Question about Lollapalooza effects. What current event is causing you concern and how can you use that inter-disciplinary approach to spot them?

Charlie: Well, I coined that term the “Lollapalooza effect” because when I realized I didn't know any psychology and that was a mistake on my part, I bought the three main text books for introductory psychology and I read through them. And of course being Charlie Munger, I decided that the psychologists were doing it all wrong and I could do it better. And one of the ideas that I came up with which wasn't in any of the books was that the Lollapalooza effects came when 3 or 4 of the tendencies were operating at once in the same situation. I could see that it wasn't linear, you've got Lollapalooza effects.

But the psychology people couldn't do experiments that were 4 or 5 things happening at once because it got too complicated for them and they couldn't publish. So they were ignoring the most important thing in their own profession. And of course the other thing that was important was to synthesize psychology with all else. And the trouble with the psychology profession is that they don't know anything about ‘all else'. And you can't synthesize one thing you know with something you don't if you don't know the other thing. So that's why I came up with that Lollapalooza stuff. And by the way, I've been lonely ever since. (laughter) I'm not making any ground there. And by the way, I'm totally right.



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Clipper Fundという名のバリュー志向のファンドがあります。一昔前にその動向を追いかけていたのですが、2006年にマネージャーが変更になると公表されてからは遠ざかっていました。最近になって何とはなしにWebサイトにアクセスしたところ、現マネージャーの名前に不意を突かれました。その名もクリストファー・デービス氏、『デービス王朝 知られざる偉大な投資家一族』で取り上げられている一族の3代目でした。




SEMI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2017 (Clipper Fund) [PDF]


- 短期的予測へ応じるのではなく、長期的な観点に立ったポートフォリオを構築すること。今日の市場でみられるリスク要因には、利益率が頂点に達した企業、長期債、割高な配当銘柄がある。-







Investment Outlook

- Avoid reacting to short-term forecasts; instead build a portfolio for the long term. Risks in today’s market include companies with peak profit margins, long-term bonds and overvalued dividend darlings. -

The iconoclastic economist John Kenneth Galbraith famously quipped the “primary function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.” By contrasting the predictions of Wall Street’s top strategists for annual stock market returns with what actually happened, the chart below shows the wisdom of Galbraith’s insight. In some years, the predictions proved too optimistic and in others too pessimistic. But at no point, did the forecasts get it right.

The same unpredictability applies to many short-term forecasts including those related to the direction of interest rates, currency moves, economic indicators, and geopolitical events. Instead of reacting to such useless forecasts, successful investors must be prepared for a wide range of possible outcomes. In this way, managing a portfolio for the long term is similar to building a ship for an ocean crossing. Because conditions may be unpredictable, investors must balance the strength needed to endure the inevitable storms with the speed required to reach their destination. By focusing on sensible preparation rather than worthless predictions we have built wealth for our investors over decades.

Since most sectors, economies, markets, and asset classes move through long cycles, the first step for investors is understanding where they are in the cycle. In the most favorable parts of cycles, prices tend toward bubbles as investors become euphoric. In the troughs of cycles, prices move toward bargain levels as investors become pessimistic. For long-term investors, cyclical peaks represent risk and cyclical troughs present opportunities.

Today, on the risk side of the equation, three areas appear to be approaching cyclical peaks. First, following more than eight years of economic expansion, corporate profit margins have reached an all-time high. This trend has provided a wonderful tailwind for the average company’s earnings growth and stock price. The other side of this cycle could lead to lower earnings at many companies with their share prices likely to follow suit. Recognizing this risk, we have focused our Portfolio on carefully selected companies with a favorable outlook for profit margins while avoiding the majority of companies where we believe margin compression is more likely.

Second, despite some uptick over the last year, interest rates remain near 50 year lows. As a result, many investors have come to view bonds as “safe,” forgetting that when interest rates eventually rise, bond prices will fall. In fact, a relatively modest 1% increase in interest rates would lop more than 20% off the price of a long-term bond. As shown in the chart below, bond valuations today reflect considerable euphoria compared to stocks. As a result, stocks are likely to produce far better returns than bonds in the decades ahead.

Third, within the stock market, investors have become infatuated by current dividend yield. As a result many of the so-called dividend darlings seem significantly overvalued. For example, the largest positions in the most widely held dividend mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs) currently trade at a heady 25 times earnings while paying out 83% of earnings to cover their dividends. Shockingly, over the last five years, the revenue at these companies has actually declined at a rate of 1.2% per year. As with profit margins and interest rates, these dividend darlings seem to be approaching a cyclical extreme and therefore represent a risk we are careful to avoid in our Portfolio.



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クロード・シャノンという人物の名前は、ITや工学を専門としている方であれば見聞きしたことがあるかと思います。彼がどの領域で業績を残したのか、私自身はその程度しか知りませんでしたが、たまたま彼の講演記事を目にして興味を持つようになりました。今年の夏に刊行された伝記『A Mind at Play』が好評のようで、その流れで彼の業績や発言が見直され、めぐりめぐってここに至ったことになります。


Creative Thinking (Claude Shannon at Bell Lab. March 20, 1952)


The first one that I might speak of is the idea of simplification. Suppose that you are given a problem to solve, I don’t care what kind of a problem - a machine to design, or a physical theory to develop, or a mathematical theorem to prove, or something of that kind - probably a very powerful approach to this is to attempt to eliminate everything from the problem except the essentials; that is, cut it down to size. Almost every problem that you come across is befuddled with all kinds of extraneous data of one sort or another; and if you can bring this problem down into the main issues, you can see more clearly what you’re trying to do and perhaps find a solution. Now, in so doing, you may have stripped away the problem that you’re after. You may have simplified it to a point that it doesn’t even resemble the problem that you started with; but very often if you can solve this simple problem, you can add refinements to the solution of this until you get back to the solution of the one you started with.
