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<質問> アメリカン・エキスプレスは、モバイル端末決済による影響や顧客のコストコを失ったなかで、競争上の優位性をどのようにして守っていくのでしょうか。

<バフェット> アメリカン・エキスプレスは多くのイノベーションやさまざまな形の攻撃にさらされていくと思います。同社は非常に特別な企業です。たとえばCEOのケン・シュノールトは変化が起こることを予期して、異なる市場へと会社を導いてきました。またアメックスのカードを持つ人たちからは、大きな支持を集めています。同社へ投資していることにすごく満足しています。株価が下がるのはうれしいですよ。同社が自社株を安く買えますから。

<マンガー> 競争が厳しくなければ、アメックスのことをもう少しうまく好きになれるのですがね。しかしこれが人生というものです。

<バフェット> アメックスが変化に適合してきた歴史は見事なものです。カードの保有者に対して同社は良い印象を確立してきました。数々の挑戦に立ち向かうという点で、非常に迅速ですし、賢明にやっています。同社の15%をわたしたちが保有していて、大いに満足しています。

When asked how American Express will protect its competitive moat given the impact of mobile payments and the loss of Costco as a customer, Buffett said American Express will be subject to lots of innovation and various modes of attack. It's a very special company. Ken Chenault, the CEO, has anticipated changes and guided the company into different markets. There's a lot of loyalty with American Express cardholders. Buffett is very happy with American Express. He is happy when the stock price goes down, so American Express can buy back shares more cheaply.

Charlie added, "I liked American Express a little better when they had less competition, but that is life."

Buffett described Berkshire's history in owning American Express, noting they did wonders for Berkshire back in the 1960s. American Express has an incredible history of adapting to change. They established a better image for cardholders. They are very nimble and very smart in terms of meeting challenges. Buffett concluded, "I'm delighted we own 15% of the company."



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<質問> アメリカン・エキスプレスについておうかがいしたいのですが、近年になって同社のmoat[経済的な優位性]が狭まったとお考えですか。

<マンガー> コストコの契約を失ったのはよくなかったと思いますね。資本主義というものがいかに厳しいか、この件ももうひとつの事例です。他のどこかが喜んで安値を提示したにちがいありません。現代の資本主義社会では鉄壁の守りとみられる位置を占めるのがどれだけ厳しいか、まさに示しています。あらゆるものがむずかしくなっていくわけです。


<CEOのジェラルド・ソルツマン氏> はい、そう努めてきました。大変でした。

<マンガー> そうでしょう。それでどうなったかと言えば、縮小しっぱなしです。世の中というのは甘くないですよ。

Q: I'd like to get your thoughts on American Express [AMEX]. Do you think its moat has narrowed recently?

Mr. Munger: I don't think it was desirable that it lost its contract with Costco [COST]. Again, that's an example of what tough capitalism is. Obviously, other people are willing to do it cheaper. It just shows how tough a position that looks impregnable can be in modern capitalism. It's what makes everything difficult.

To those who already have some money, I think that's just the way it is, and American Express has had a long period of very extreme achievement and prosperity. I think they'll have a lot of prosperity in the future, but it doesn't look quite as easy as it once did. Now, the head guy would say it's always been hard, he's been battling hard, but we paddled hard here too, and what good did it do us in Daily Journal's print business? We paddled like crazy, didn't we Gerry?

Mr. Salzman: We tried. It was hard.

Mr. Munger: Yeah, what happened is you just keep receding and receding. Welcome to adult life.


Costco is replacing American Express with Visa and Citi (Business Insider)



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<質問> エネルギー関連の投資、つまりコノコフィリップスやエクソンモービルへの投資で、バークシャーは損失を出しましたか。循環的な事業ですから、エネルギー関連へ今後投資する際にはバークシャー・ハサウェイ・エナジー社(BHE)でCEOをしているグレッグ・アベルが担当したほうがよいのでしょうか。

<バフェット> BHEは社名にエネジーと付いていますが、実際はコノコフィリップスやエクソンとは別の業種です。BHEでは多額の資金を投じる機会を求めていますが、いずれは実現するでしょう。1995年にミッドアメリカン社(BHEの旧社名)に買収をもちかけたときは、1株当たり35ドルを提示しました。「提示金額は変えませんよ」と言ったのですが、その後厳しい交渉が続いて、もう少し出すように要求されました。合意した金額は1株あたり35.05ドルでした。「わたしから最後の1円まで搾り取ったと公言できますね」と言っておきましたよ。現在のBHE社は1株当たり30ドルの利益をあげています。それが35.05ドルになるにはそれほど時間がかからないでしょう。


<マンガー> これほどの低金利ですから、現金で持っておく代わりとしてエクソンモービル株は悪くない投資でしたよ。(p.18)

A shareholder noted that Berkshire has lost money on several energy investments such as ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil. These are cyclical businesses. The shareholder asked whether future energy investments should be done by Greg Abel, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE).

Buffett said BHE has energy in their name, but they are really in a different business than ConocoPhillips or Exxon. BHE is looking for an opportunity to spend big money on energy and will do so in the future. When Buffett offered to buy MidAmerican in 1995 for $35 per share, he told them he didn't change his offer prices. They continued to negotiate hard and said you have to give us something. Buffett agreed to pay $35.05 per share and told them they could say they got the last nickel out of him. Today, BHE earns $30 per share, and it will earn $35.05 per share before too long.

BHE is not at all analogous to the other two energy investments. Berkshire wrote the ConocoPhillips investment down, because auditing rules required them to do so. Berkshire actually made a little money on the investment as well as on ExxonMobil. Berkshire will not very often buy oil and gas stocks and has not distinguished themselves on oil and gas stock investments. Buffett will look at available opportunities and make decisions on buying something and sometimes he will change his mind. Berkshire has made a little money on oil and gas stocks and has passed up one or two other opportunities where they could have made a lot of money.

Charlie added that the ExxonMobil investment was not a bad cash substitute with interest rates so low.


Secret Millionaires Club with Warren Buffett



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But the hostility to established professions did not stop with accountants, economists and lawyers. There were many adverse "rub-off" effects on reputations of professionals that had always performed well, like engineers, who did not understand the financial fraud that their country had made a conventional requirement.

In the end, much that was good about the country, and needed for its future felicity, was widely and unwisely hated.

At this point, action came from a Higher Realm. God himself, who reviews all, changed His decision schedule to bring to the fore the sad case of the Great Financial Scandal of 2003. He called in his chief detective and said, "Smith, bring in for harsh but fair judgment the most depraved of those responsible for this horrible outcome."

But when Smith brought in a group of security analysts who had long and uncritically touted the stock of Quant Tech, the Great Judge was displeased. "Smith," he said, "I can't come down hardest on low-level cognitive error, much of it subconsciously caused by the standard incentive systems of the world."

Next, Smith brought in a group of SEC commissioners and powerful politicians. "No, no," said the Great Judge, "These people operate in a virtual maelstrom of regrettable forces and can't reasonably be expected to meet the behavioral standard you seek to impose."

Now the chief detective thought he had gotten the point. He next brought in the corporate officers who had practiced their version of "modern financial engineering" at Quant Tech. "You are getting close," said the Great Judge, "but I told you to bring in the most depraved. These officers will, of course, get strong punishment for their massive fraud and disgusting stewardship of the great engineer's legacy. But I want you to bring in the miscreants who will soon be in the lowest circle in Hell, the ones who so easily could have prevented all this calamity."

At last, the chief detective truly understood. He remembered that the lowest circle of Hell was reserved for traitors. And so he now brought in from Purgatory a group of elderly persons who, in their days on earth, had been prominent partners in major accounting firms. "Here are your traitors," said the chief detective. "They adopted the false accounting convention for employee stock options. They occupied high positions in one of the noblest professions, which, like yours, helps make society work right by laying down the right rules. They were very smart and securely placed, and it is inexcusable that they deliberately caused all this lying and cheating that was so obviously predictable. They well knew what they were doing was disastrously wrong, yet they did it anyway.

Owing to press of business in Your Judicial System, you made a mistake at first in punishing them so lightly. But now you can send them into the lowest circle in Hell."

Startled by the vehemence and presumption, the Great Judge paused. Then He quietly said: "Well done, my good and faithful servant."


This account is not an implied prediction about 2003. It is a work of fiction. Except in the case of Professor Galbraith, any resemblances to real persons or companies is accidental. It was written in an attempt to focus possibly useful attention on certain modern behaviors and belief systems.



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オークツリーの会長ハワード・マークスが少し前にレターを公開していました。今回の題名は"Risk Revisited Again"です。今回は書下ろしではなく、何回か前に発表した文章を改訂した文章(過去記事など)になっています。投資におけるリスク管理の手引きとしていっそう質を高めたエッセイだと思います。また基本的に同じ文章をくりかえしたことは、彼が自分の見解を強調したいゆえにとった手段だとうけとめました。今回は、改訂元のレターに対して追加された部分から一部を引用します。(日本語は拙訳)

Risk Revisited Again [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


Risk exists only in the future, and it's impossible to know for sure what the future holds. Expectations are often formulated on the basis of what happened in the past, but the events of the past must be taken with a substantial grain of salt. No ambiguity is evident when we view the past. Only the things that happened happened. But that definiteness doesn't mean the process that creates outcomes is clear-cut and dependable. Many things could have happened in each case in the past, and the fact that only one did happen understates the potential for variability that existed. What I mean to say (inspired by Nicolas Nassim Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness) is that the history that took place is only one version of what it could have been. If you accept this, then the relevance of history to the future is much more limited than many believe to be the case. [Along these same lines, Peter Bernstein wrote the following in his November 2001 newsletter: We like to rely on history to justify our forecasts of the long run, but history tells us over and over again that the unexpected and the unthinkable are the norm, not an anomaly. That is the real lesson of history.]


People overestimate their ability to gauge risk and understand mechanisms they've never before seen in operation. In theory, one thing that distinguishes humans from other species is that we can figure out that something's dangerous without experiencing it. We don’t have to burn ourselves to know we shouldn't sit on a hot stove. But in bullish times, people tend not to perform this function. Rather than recognize risk ahead, they tend to overestimate their ability to understand how new financial inventions will work.