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<質問> インフレ環境下で保有するのは何が一番よいですか。

<バフェット> いちばんなのは、一度買ったらそれっきり追加の資本投資がいらないビジネスです。不動産一般がその好例です。55年前に家を自分で建てたり買ったりした出費は一度きりで、それからはインフレーションによって価値が増大したのです。公益関連や鉄道といった事業では、インフレの間は減価償却額に釣り合わないほど資金を食いつづけます。概して言えば、大量の資本投資が必要などんな事業も、得てして儲からないものです。一方、インフレの間に保有するものとしてブランドはすばらしいです。シーズ・キャンディー社はずっと昔にブランドを築きました。インフレ期間中にブランドの価値は増加します。強いブランド力のある製品がことごとくそうなるのと同じです。ジレット社は1939年に全ワールド・シリーズのラジオ放送権を10万ドルで買いました。ヤンキース対レッズを放送した年です。その後何十年もつづいたシリーズによって、ジレット製品に対する印象が形作られました。1939年当時のドルで投資したものが、1960年代から80年代のドルで利益をあげてくれたのです。しかし、何百万という人たちに同じような印象を持ってもらうには、今となってはとても高くつきます。

<マンガー> たしかにそうですけれど、インフレーションが完全に制御不能になってしまうと、最後にどうなるかは誰にもわからないですよ。大恐慌の前にあった2回の大インフレがヒトラーを生みだしたのです。シーズ・キャンディーに望ましいからといって、インフレは望みませんね。

A related question asked which businesses are the best to own in an inflationary environment. Buffett responded the best business is one that you buy once and subsequently do not have to keep making capital investments. Real estate in general is a good example. If you built your own house or bought one 55 years ago, it was a one-time outlay. You then get an inflationary expansion in value. At businesses such as utilities or railroads, they keep eating up more money with depreciation charges inadequate during inflationary times. Any business with a heavy capital investment tends to be a poor business generally. A brand is a wonderful thing to own during inflation. See's Candies built their brand years ago. The value of a brand increases during inflation, as do any strongly branded goods. Gillette bought the entire radio rights to the World Series in 1939 for $100,000 when they broadcast the Yankees vs. Reds. Impressions of Gillette products were made during the Series that lasted for decades. A great investment that was made in 1939 dollars paid off in 1960-1980 dollars. Similar impressions on millions of minds now would cost a fortune.

Charlie agreed but said if inflation ever gets completely out of control, we have no idea how it would end up. The twosome of great inflation followed by the Depression brought us Hitler. He stated, "We don't want inflation because it's good for See's Candies."



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巨大不祥事を招いた専門家らに対して、公衆は激しい反感を抱きました。当然ながら会計業界がもっとも非難されました。会計原則をさだめる団体の略称は、昔から「FASB」[ファズビー]と呼ばれてきました。しかし今やほとんどの人は「いまだにインキチ会計報告(Financial Accounts Still Bogus)」と解釈しています。



There was huge public antipathy to professions following the Great Scandal. The accounting profession, of course, got the most blame. The rule-making body for accountants had long borne the acronym "F.A.S.B." And now, nearly everyone said this stood for "Financial Accounts Still Bogus".

Economics professors, likewise, drew much criticism for failing to blow the whistle on false accounting and for not sufficiently warning about eventual bad macroeconomic effects of widespread false accounting. So great was the disappointment with conventional economists that Harvard's John Kenneth Galbraith received the Nobel Prize in economics. After all, he had once predicted that massive, undetected corporate embezzlement would have a wonderfully stimulating effect on the economy. And people could now see that something very close to what Galbraith had predicted had actually happened in the years preceding 2003 and had thereafter helped create a big, reactive recession.

With Congress and the SEC so heavily peopled by lawyers, and with lawyers having been so heavily involved in drafting financial disclosure documents now seen as bogus, there was a new "lawyer" joke every week. One such was: "The butcher says ‘The reputation of lawyers has fallen dramatically', and the check-out clerk replies, 'How do you fall dramatically off a pancake?'"



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The Importance of Full Market Cycle Returns [PDF] (FPA)






A full market cycle can be defined as a peak-to-peak period that contains a price decline of at least 15% from the previous market peak, followed by a rebound that establishes a new, higher peak. Few publications or data providers publish, let alone highlight, full market cycle returns, yet we believe understanding them can help the return of your portfolio over the long-term.

Warren Buffett, in Berkshire Hathaway's 2013 Chairman's Letter, wrote "Over the stock market cycle between year ends 2007 and 2013, we overperformed the S&P. Through full cycles in future years, we expect to do that again. If we fail to do so, we will not have earned our pay. After all, you could always own an index fund and be assured of S&P results."


Many portfolio managers with strong trailing three- and five-year performances in 2000 and 2007 saw their records (and, more importantly, their clients' capital) decimated by subsequent bear markets. There are other portfolio managers, however, who successfully protect principal in a weak environment yet fail to adequately commit capital when markets are inexpensive, leaving their clients with a sub-par return over the full cycle.

If you are a long-term investor, what happens in between market peaks may be nothing more than noise. Consider both the current market cycle (2007- to the most recent quarter-end peak), as well as the preceding market cycle (2000-2007) for the S&P 500 in the chart on the following page. If you owned shares in good businesses or invested with capable managers, you were better off covering your ears (and sometimes eyes) through the volatility between the green dots.



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<質問> 自信をもって今後10年間の利益を予測できる企業について、特徴が5つあるとすればどんなものがありますか。

<マンガー> 万能のやりかたなど知りませんね。業界というのはそれぞれ違いますから。我々は今も学習し続けています。だから10年前よりはうまくありたいと思いますよ。これだという公式は示せません。

<バフェット> 事業を購入する前にはさまざまな項目を検討します。ほぼそういったフィルターによって、買うのをやめにしています。事業が異なれば、適用するフィルターも非常に異なってきます。ですが5年から10年後にその事業がどうなるのか、それを考えるのに適切な程度は用意するように努めています。いつでも同じ質問が5つということはありません。ただし、「本当にこの事業の経営陣をパートナーにしたいのか」という質問は同じです。その答えが「いいえ」のときは、たとえどんなものでもそれ以上は検討しません。(笑いながら)5つの質問一式などはありません。あったとしてもチャーリーは隠して、わたしには教えてくれませんよ。

A shareholder asked if there were five characteristics of a company that gives one confidence to predict its earnings 10 years out in the future?

Charlie responded, “We don't have a one-size fits all. Every industry is different. We keep learning. What we did 10 years ago, we hope we are doing better now. We can't give you a formula.”

Buffett added that many items are considered before making a purchase. Most of their filters stop them from buying a business. Very different filters apply to different business, but they try to get a reasonable fix on what the business will look like in 5-10 years. It's not the same five questions. However, one question is, “Do we really want to be in a partnership with the management of this business?” If not, that will stop any further consideration. Buffett laughed, “We don't have a list of five. If we do, Charlie has kept it from me.”



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However, all man's desired geometric progressions, if a high rate of growth is chosen, at last come to grief on a finite earth. And the social system for man on earth is fair enough, eventually, that almost all massive cheating ends in disgrace. And in 2003 Quant Tech failed in both ways.

By 2003, Quant Tech's real earning power was growing at only four percent per year after sales growth had slowed to four percent. There was now no way for Quant Tech to escape causing a big disappointment for its shareholders, now largely consisting of institutional investors. This disappointment triggered a shocking decline in the price of Quant Tech stock, which went down suddenly by fifty percent. This price decline, in turn, triggered a careful examination of Quant Tech's financial reporting practices, which, at long last, convinced nearly everyone that a very large majority of Quant Tech's reported earnings had long been phony earnings and that massive and deliberate misreporting had gone on for a great many years. This triggered even more price decline for Quant Tech stock until in mid-2003 the market capitalization of Quant Tech was only $140 billion, down ninety percent from its peak only six months earlier.

A quick ninety percent decline in the price of the stock of such an important company that was previously so widely owned and admired caused immense human suffering, considering the $1.3 trillion in market value that had disappeared. And naturally, with Quant Tech's deserved disgrace, the public and political reaction included intense hatred and revulsion directed at Quant Tech, even though its admirable engineers were still designing the nation's best power plants.

Moreover, the hatred and revulsion did not stop with Quant Tech. It soon spread to other corporations, some of which plainly had undesirable financial cultures different from Quant Tech's only in degree. The public and political hatred, like the behavior that had caused it, soon went to gross excess and fed upon itself. Financial misery spread far beyond investors into a serious recession like that of Japan in the 1990s following the long period of false Japanese accounting.