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前回から間隔があきましたが、マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』、第8章の価値評価に関する話題のつづきです。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)






Esco Electronics: An Exercise in Securities Valuation

Let me offer a specific example of the security valuation process. Esco Electronics Corporation is a defense company that was spun off from Emerson Electric Company in October 1990; the shares were distributed free to shareholders of Emerson. Esco competes in a variety of defense-related businesses, including electronics, armaments, test equipment, and mobile tactical systems. Holders of Emerson received Esco shares on a one-for-twenty basis; that is, a holder of one thousand Emerson shares received fifty shares of Esco. Esco first traded at around $5 per share and quickly declined to $3; the spinoff valued at market prices was worth only fifteen cents per Emerson share (which itself traded around $40). Needless to say, many holders of Emerson quickly sold their trivial Esco holdings.

What was Esco worth at the time of spinoff? Was it undervalued in the marketplace, and if so, why? Was it an attractive value-investment opportunity? The way to answer these questions is to evaluate Esco using each of the methods that value investors employ.

To begin with, Esco is a substantial company, having approximately $500 million in annual sales and six thousand employees, who occupy 3.2 million square feet of space, 1.7 million of which are owned by the company. Esco's only recent growth has come from its acquisition of Hazeltine Corporation in late 1986 for $190 million (over $15 per Esco share). A major consideration leading to the spinoff was that Esco's after-tax profits had declined from $36.3 million in 1985 (actual) to $6.7 million (pro forma, to reflect adjustments related to the spinoff) in 1989 after $8.2 million of nonrecurring charges and to a loss of $5.2 million (pro forma) in 1990 after $13.8 million of nonrecurring charges. The company was spun off with a conservative capitalization, having only $45 million in debt compared with almost $500 million in equity. Tangible book value exceeded $25 per share, and net-net working capital, current assets less all liabilities, exceeded $15 per share.

Two questions regarding Esco's future worried investors. One was whether the sharp recent drop in profitability, related to money-losing defense contracts the company had taken on, would reverse. The second concerned the outcome of two pending contract disputes between Esco and the U.S. government; an adverse outcome could have cost Esco tens of millions of dollars in cash and forced it to report sizable losses. These uncertainties caused Emerson to spin off, not shares of common stock, but common stock trust receipts held in escrow in order to ensure that Esco would meet its obligation to indemnify Emerson for certain customer-contract guarantees.



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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 1 (Forbes)

<質問者> 米国のバランスシートは2007年には9,000億ドルでしたが、今では6兆ドルほどになっています[原文ママ。おそらくFRBのことで、後者の数字も4兆ドル強と思われる]。このような信用経済の下で、この会場にいるだれかが生きている間に9,000億ドルに戻ると考えられますか。







Q: The U.S. had a $0.9 trillion balance sheet in 2007. Now it's about six trillion. In anyone's lifetime in this room, will it ever go back to $0.9 trillion under the credit economy?

Mr. Munger: Of course, I'm so old I remember coffee at five cents, and all-you-can-eat cafeterias at 25 cents, and brand new automobiles for $600. Over a span of many decades you can count on democracy to cause the money to deteriorate. That will continue because of human nature. It may even accelerate eventually.

Considering the experiences in places like Italy and Argentina and Brazil, I have been pleasantly surprised after the many bouts of inflation we went through. I anticipated more trouble than we actually had.

In my lifetime, over the past 50 years, the common stock averages (including their dividends) produced about 10 percent per annum pre-tax. I don't know what percent of that is real gain, and how much is inflation. Let's say it's seven percent real gain and three percent inflation. I work out those figures as unbelievably good.

Somebody my age has lived through the best and easiest period that ever happened in the history of the world, with the lowest death rates, the highest investment production, the biggest increases per annum that most people's standard of living ever got. The net death rate from war, from everything is better. Steven Pinker is right. It's the most fabulous period that ever happened.

If you're unhappy with what you've had over the last 50 years, you have an unfortunate misappraisal of life. It's as good as it gets, and it's very likely to get worse. It's always wise to be prepared for it getting worse. Favorable surprises are easy to handle. It's the unfavorable surprises that cause the trouble.

In terms of monetary authorities, you can count on the purchasing power of money to go down over time. You can almost count on the fact that you'll have way more trouble in the next 50 years than we had in the last. The technology is changing, so that a few nutcases could make the World Trade Center look like a picnic. We should all be prepared to adjust to a world that is harder.



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Exxon Mobil's (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson Hosts 2015 Analyst Meeting (Transcript) (Seeking Alpha)

<ティラソン> 世界中の地政学的イベントによって、ある程度の供給量が阻害されてきました。そのことが長期にわたってものごとを維持してきた、というのが私の見方です。しかし昨年になってからマーケットは実際に起こっていることを認識しはじめ、それで価格の訂正が始まったのだと思います。つまり、供給が需要を超過しているだけの問題です。その期間がどれだけ継続するかを言葉で表すのは常に困難なことですが、いくつか気づいた点があります。そのひとつが、北米でのタイトオイル[シェールオイル等]の供給は、一部の人たちが考えているよりも弾力的な点です。それと直接は関連しないものの、この5年から7年間にシェールガスの領域で生じた掘削リグの稼働本数の減少から類推できることがあります(以降、音声不良)。

[シェールガス田における]リグの稼働数は、1,600基超から現在の280基まで減少しました。しかしリグが減少している環境下で、ガスの生産能力は日産550億立方フィートから740億立方フィート へと50%増加しています。価格の下落動向はもっとひどいもので、8.25ドルから3ドル以下まで落ち込みました。しかしタイトオイルはあきらめたらどうかと示唆してはいません。それらの知見から学べるものがある、というのが私の考えです。最初に申した見解、つまり北米のタイトオイルはある人たちが予想する以上に弾力的な動向を示すものと考えられるわけです。

The geopolitical events of the world were keeping some supplies disrupted. And so, I think that's what supported things for a long time until last year the market began to realize what was happening. And I think that's when the correction occurred. So it's simply supply outstripping demand. In terms of the duration, it's always hard to say the duration, but I would just make a few observations. One, I think the North American tight oil supply is more resilient than some people think it is. And I would draw some -- not direct correlation, but I would draw some analogy from the shale gas experience of the last 5 to 7 years where reductions of rig counts [Technical Difficulty].

Where rig counts went from north of 1600, down to 280 today and gas capacity went from 55 billion cubic feet a day to 74 billion cubic feet a day, a 50% increase in a declining rig environment, and a terribly declining price environment, $8.25 to south of $3. Now I am not suggesting you're going to have a lay down on tight oil, but I think there are a few lessons you can learn from observing that. So I think the first comment, I'll make is I think North America tight oil is going to be more resilient than some people think it's going to be.




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The newly installed Quant Tech officers quickly realized that the company could not wisely either drive its revenues up at an annual rate higher than the rate in place or increase Quant Tech profit margin. The founder had plainly achieved an optimum in each case. Nor did the new officers dare tinker with an engineering culture that was working so well. Therefore, the new officers were attracted to employing what they called "modern financial engineering" which required prompt use of any and all arguably lawful methods for driving up reported earnings, with big, simple changes to be made first.

By a strange irony of fate, the accounting convention for stock options that had so displeased Quant Tech's founder now made the new officers' job very easy and would ultimately ruin Quant Tech's reputation. There was now an accounting convention in the United States that, provided employees were first given options, required that when easily marketable stock was issued to employees at a below-market price, the bargain element for the employees, although roughly equivalent to cash, could not count as compensation expense in determining a company's reported profits. This amazingly peculiar accounting convention had been selected by the accounting profession, over the objection of some of its wisest and most ethical members, because corporate managers, by and large, preferred that their gains from exercising options covering their employers' stock not be counted as expense in determining their employers' earnings. The accounting profession, in making its amazingly peculiar decision, had simply followed the injunction so often followed by persons quite different from prosperous, entrenched accountants. The injunction was that normally followed by insecure and powerless people: "Whose bread I eat, his song I sing." Fortunately, the income tax authorities did not have the same amazingly peculiar accounting idea as the accounting profession. Elementary common sense prevailed, and the bargain element in stock option exercises was treated as an obvious compensation expense, deductible in determining income for tax purposes.