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そのIBMは今年度第3四半期の業績が悪く、直前には180ドル近辺だった株価が160ドル強まで下落しました(Google Finance)。実績PERは10倍強と、興味が出てくる水準です。そこで今回は、ウォーレンがIBMの株価水準をどう捉えてきたのか想像する材料のひとつとして、バークシャーがIBM株を購入してきた推移(四半期ごと)をグラフにしました。情報源は、同社が提出した報告書13F-HRです。

EDGAR Search Results - BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC Filing Type: 13F-HR





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Bob Rodriguez: New Great Recession Coming in 3 Years (ThinkAdvisor)

<質問> 市場や経済について、どのようにお考えですか。

<ロドリゲス> 現在のわたしたちは予想以上に長生きしています。市場が下落したら、たくさんの資産運用マネージャー等が海へと流され、陸に戻ることはないでしょう。これから2018年のあいだに、それが起こると思います。

<質問> それはなぜですか。

<ロドリゲス> 連邦政府が支出を統制していないからです。また、この2年間に生じた投資上のリターンは、その60%がPERの上昇によるもので、利益成長もかなりの金融的な操作によって達成されています、連邦政府や企業による操作です。わたしはこの2年間、座して言いつづけてきたものです。「みなさん!わかっているのですか!」と。 (1ページ目)

THINKADVISOR: What's your take on the market and the economy?

ROBERT RODRIGUEZ: We're living on borrowed time. When this market breaks, you're going to see so many money managers and others washed out to sea who will never see land again. It will happen between now and 2018.


The federal government isn't controlling their spending. For the past two years, 60% of investment returns have been a function of P/E expansion. Earnings growth is being driven by a fair amount of financial engineering on the part of the Federal Reserve and corporations. I'm sitting here for two years saying, "Hel-lo! Doesn't anybody get this?"

<質問> [想定読者である]投資顧問のみなさんへ、何か助言をお願いします。

<ロドリゲス> 私が生きているのは現在のこの場ではなく、5年や10年先の世界です。これまでいつもそうしてきました。これからの2年間では、いろいろなことが起こると思います。これをお読みのみなさんは、リスクの大きな資産に投じられているかもしれません。では、今投資している資産には、今後2、3年間に生じるであろう価格変動を補えるだけの十分な安全余裕があるとお考えですか。もしそう思うなら、それは喜ばしいことです。しかしそう思えないのであれば、おそらく資産配分の中に現金や流動性がもっと必要なのだと思います。

<質問> ご自身のポートフォリオはどのような状況ですか。

<ロドリゲス> この7月を最後に、株式へ直接投資している分はすべて売却しました。株式への直接投資をまったくしないのは、この43年間ではじめてです。ただし当社の投資信託を通じては保有しています。 (2ページ目)

What's your advice to advisors?

I don't live in the here and now; I live five and 10 years in the future and always have. Lots of things will be coming together in the next two years. Your readership [could] be deployed in risky assets: Do you believe the assets you're invested in compensate you with sufficient margin of safety for the volatility of what's likely to transpire in the next two to three years? If the answer is yes, be happy. If the answer is no, then maybe you need more cash or liquidity in your asset-allocation structure.

What's in your own portfolio?

I sold my last direct ownership stock in July of this year. So, for the first time in 43 years, I don't own any equities directly. I own stocks through our mutual funds.

<質問> 生き残っていくために、どのような戦略を使って市場で儲けを出すのですか。

<ロドリゲス> 長期的な投資で成功をおさめるには、備えるべき5つの要素があります。1番目は「規律」です。証券を分析する際には規律を持つ必要があります。2番目は「辛抱」です。証券が魅力的な状態になるのを待つわけです。その次がいちばんむずしくて、「勇気」です。だれもがやめろというときに、踏み切れる勇気が必要です。つづいて来るのが再び「辛抱」することで、証券に投資した成果があがるのをじっと待つ必要があります。

<質問> そして最後のひとつは?

<ロドリゲス> 最後はまたもや「規律」です。売り時を正しくわかっているときに売る、また自分の下した分析が誤っているときに売る、そのような守るべき規律です。全体をまとめると、「規律」が2つ、「辛抱」が2つ、そして「勇気」を加えます。それらを混ぜ合わせれば、投資家として長期的な成功をおさめられると思います。 (2ページ目)

What strategy do you live by to make money in the market?

Being successful in longer-term investing requires five elements. The first is discipline: You have to have discipline in how you analyze your securities. The second is patience to wait for those securities to present themselves in an attractive way. Next is the most difficult: courage. You have to have the courage to execute when all else says don't. Then you need patience again - to allow those investments to work out over a period of time.

And finally?

You need discipline again to sell because you've been correct or to sell because your analysis has been incorrect. So you have to have double doses of discipline, double doses of patience; and then you mix in courage. With that concoction, the odds are you'll be a successful investor longer term.

<質問> 2015年の株式市場はどうなると予想していますか。

<ロドリゲス> それは下がりますよ。今とくらべて2割や3割は楽に下がると思いますね。 (3ページ目)

What's your forecast for the stock market in 2015?

Lower! It will be easily 20% or 30% lower from what it is now.



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I have more than skepticism regarding the orthodox view that huge diversification is a must for those wise enough so that indexation is not the logical mode for equity investment. I think the orthodox view is grossly mistaken.

In the United States, a person or institution with almost all wealth invested long-term, in just three fine domestic corporations, is securely rich. And why should such an owner care if, at any time, most other investors are faring somewhat better or worse? And particularly so when he rationally believes, like Berkshire, that his long-term results will be superior by reason of his lower costs, required emphasis on long-term effects, and concentration in his most preferred choices.

I go even further. I think it can be a rational choice, in some situations, for a family or a foundation to remain ninety percent concentrated in one equity. Indeed, I hope the Mungers follow roughly this course. And I note that the Woodruff foundations have, so far, proven extremely wise to retain an approximately ninety percent concentration in the founder's Coca-Cola stock. It would be interesting to calculate just how all American foundations would have fared if they had never sold a share of founder's stock. Very many, I think, would now be much better off. But, you may say, the diversifiers simply took out insurance against a catastrophe that didn't occur. And I reply: There are worse things than some foundation's losing relative clout in the world, and rich institutions, like rich individuals, should do a lot of self-insurance if they want to maximize long-term results.

Furthermore, all the good in the world is not done by foundation donations. Much more good is done through the ordinary business operations of the corporations in which the foundations invest. And some corporations do much more good than others in a way that gives investors therein better-than-average long-term prospects. And I don't consider it foolish, stupid, evil, or illegal for a foundation to greatly concentrate investment in what it admires or even loves. Indeed, Ben Franklin required just such an investment practice for the charitable endowment created by his will.

One other aspect of Berkshire's equity investment practice deserves comparative mention. So far, there has been almost no direct foreign investment at Berkshire and much foreign investment at foundations.

Regarding this divergent history, I wish to say that I agree with Peter Drucker that the culture and legal systems of the United States are especially favorable to shareholder interests compared to other interests and compared to most other countries. Indeed, there are many other countries where any good going to public shareholders has a very low priority and almost every other constituency stands higher in line. This factor, I think, is underweighed at many investment institutions, probably because it does not easily lead to quantitative thinking using modern financial technique. But some important factor doesn't lose share of force just because some "expert" can better measure other types of force. Generally, I tend to prefer over direct foreign investment Berkshire's practice of participating in foreign economies through the likes of Coca-Cola and Gillette.


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(5)

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連邦政府とは異なって、事業を営む企業では「定期預金口座」を設ける必要があります。それは年金制度へ適切に資金を用意するために、投資から得られる利益を蓄積したり、ある種の資産運用を行うためのものです。そのため、年金資産に対して資産運用上の決定を下す必要があるわけです。 (p.122)

The Investment Management Problem Inherent in All Pension Plans

Once having committed to provide pensions, how do we pay? The law and prudent business practice mandate that we start putting aside funds on a fairly orderly and consistent basis from which we can fulfill our promises. In this manner we pay the employee currently while he is being productive for the company, and we simultaneously set up a savings account (collectively, not individually) which will accumulate at interest so as to purchase an annuity (not actually "purchased" in most plans, of course, just assured by the pension fund) for him at retirement which will discharge our promise to pay him throughout his non-productive years. Thus, our current cost and current cash requirements (if our estimates are accurate as to what we will earn on the savings account as well as other estimates regarding turnover, salary escalation, longevity, etc.) will reflect his total lifetime employment costs to us spread rather evenly over his productive years.

(This advance funding treatment, matching full current costs against current production, contrasts with the Social Security Plan's program which essentially taxes current producers to pay current non-producers. This simply means moving a portion of current national output of goods and services over from those who produced it to those who are non-producing, and to whom promises have been made. If such a system had been in effect for a very long time, the demographic profile remained fairly constant, the promises remained fairly constant, and there was no inflation, the net effect from such a pay-as-you-go approach would not substantially differ from an advance funding basis. However, these conditions do not exist which may make for various problems - including some that exacerbate inflation and thus have negative fall-out for the economics of private plans.)

Because a business corporation, unlike the Federal government, has to create a "savings account" - an investment accumulating and investment management operation of some sort - to properly fund its pension plan, it must make investment management decisions with respect to pension plan assets.



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<質問> 会計について

<マンガー> 今や会計事務所では(2002年のサーベンズ・オクスリー法や2010年のドッド・フランク法が成立し、当局による規制が実施されたことで)、非常に多くの人間を雇わざるを得なくなりました。ですから必要な新人をまるごと採用するには、基準を下げないといけない状況になったのです。政府は会計士に対して警吏たれと要求しますが、警察官ができるほどに聡明な人はわずかです。会計士に警察をやらせようなどと期待してはいけません。会計事務所は会計士を統率する倫理的な心構えを持つべきです。あらゆる企業は、たとえ完璧に合法だとしても自社にとって相応しくないことは、長々と書き連ねておくべきです。監査役を警吏にしてしまうと、監査上の対立が増すごとに会計士と顧客の間で緊張が高まります。すると多くのことが隠匿され、コストは増加し、結局だれにとっても悪い事態へと進むことになります。

On accounting:

Accounting firms now [in the wake of regulatory requirements under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010] have had to hire so many people that they have had to go way down in the bucket to get all these new employees. The government is asking accountants to be policemen, but the number of people smart enough to be qualified for policing is too low. We shouldn't be expecting accountants to do the policing. Firms should have the ethical gumption to police themselves: Every company ought to have a long list of things that are beneath it even though they are perfectly legal. Every time you increase the antagonism of the audit by making the auditors the policemen, you increase the tension between the accountants and the clients. More things end up getting hidden, costs go up, everyone ends up worse off.

<質問> 新聞業界の凋落について

<マンガー> この国で新聞業界が果たしてきた役割は、まぎれもなく卓越したものでした。言論界は何十年にもわたって、もう一つの政府、それもおよそ優れた規範として機能してきたのです。新聞社を経営していた人たちの多くは、最高の倫理基準を抱き、社会の利益に関する純粋な良識を備えていました。新聞が死にゆく様を目のあたりにして、この社会が迎える将来を案じています。いったい何が新聞の代わりを果たすことになるのか、まだわかりません。しかし、悪くなるのは目に見えています。

On the decline of newspapers:

The role that newspapers played in this country has been absolutely remarkable. The Fourth Estate functioned for decades like another, almost better form of government in which many newspapers were run by people of the highest ethical standards and a genuine sense of the public interest. With newspapers dying, I worry about the future of the republic. We don't know yet what's going to replace them, but we do already know it's going to be bad.

<質問> 資産運用業界で多く見られるばかばかしさについて

<マンガー> 2000年当時の話ですが、ベンチャーキャピタル・ファンドは総額にして10兆円もの資金を集め、インターネット関連の新興企業に注ぎこみました。10兆円ですよ。そうするぐらいなら、最低でも5兆円は桶にでも放り込んで、溶接バーナーで燃やしたほうがマシでしたよ。あれは、手数料で商売している資産運用会社によくある狂ったやり方です。だれもが資産運用のマネージャーをやりたがります。できるだけたくさん資金を集めて、狂ったようにトレードしあって、結局は上前をはねたいのですね。知り合いのある男で非常に頭が良くて有能な投資家がいますが、彼にこう質問したことがあります。「顧客の機関投資家には、どれだけリターンをあげるつもりだと説明しているのかね」。彼が答えました。「20%ですよ」。なんとも呆れました。それが不可能なことを彼は承知しているはずです。しかし彼はこう続けました。「チャーリー、いいですか。もし低い数字を示せば、一銭も投資してくれないのですよ」。資産運用業界というのはイカれてますね。

On the absurdity of much of the money-management industry:

Back in 2000, venture-capital funds raised $100 billion and put it into Internet startups - $100 billion! They would have been better off taking at least $50 billion of it, putting it into bushel baskets and lighting it on fire with an acetylene torch. That's the kind of madness you get with fee-driven investment management. Everyone wants to be an investment manager, raise the maximum amount of money, trade like mad with one another, and then just scrape the fees off the top. I know one guy, he's extremely smart and a very capable investor. I asked him, ‘What returns do you tell your institutional clients you will earn for them?' He said, ‘20%.' I couldn't believe it, because he knows that's impossible. But he said, ‘Charlie, if I gave them a lower number, they wouldn't give me any money to invest!' The investment-management business is insane.

<質問> 機関投資家や個人投資家が行うデリバティブや株式の高速トレードについて

<マンガー> あれでは幼児殺しですね。ラスベガスで店をやっている人が善人に見えますよ。

On rapid trading of derivatives and stocks by institutions and individuals:

It's like the slaughter of the innocents. It makes the people who run Las Vegas seem like good people.