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アメリカで開催されているバリュー投資家の会合"Value Investor Conference"の文字はどこかのWebサイトで目にした記憶がありましたが、よく知りませんでした。今年が11回目になる会合では、わたしの好きなマネー・マネージャーのアーノルド・ヴァンデンバーグが講演していました。そのトランスクリプトが彼のファンドのWebサイトに掲載されています。取りあげた話題はインフレについてです。



Value Investing During Worldwide Quantitative Easing [PDF] (Century Management)


Now, you've heard the idea that stocks are a hedge against inflation. Yes, they can be but not during accelerated inflation. The only time stocks are a hedge against inflation is when you buy them at the low multiples of 8, 10, and 11 times earnings. Then they will be a wonderful hedge over the long run. But, if you buy stocks with higher multiples when inflation hits, you're most likely going to take a 40% to 50% hit before you start getting the hedge. So, in my opinion, the only thing that higher multiples hedge is capital gains. Higher multiples are not a help when you have accelerated inflation.


Now, when looking at the individual commodities, we think a couple of them today are coming into the buy zone, and one of them is silver. Historically, silver goes down approximately 77% from its peak. Today, at +/- $19 per ounce, it's down about 63% from the top. So I think it's worth researching, and if it were to drop in price from here, I think you could consider a dollar cost averaging approach to silver. It's the kind of thing that you could start to tiptoe into. I'm not necessarily recommending it. I'm just giving you an idea as I think it's worth looking into if the price drops further. But this is just one of many examples. You need to do your own homework to get comfortable with it before putting it into your portfolio.



[図35: CRB (商品) 対 Dow (人の成した創意工夫)]

While I have shown you how to remain flexible in your thinking and how to hedge against inflation by using commodities, I don't believe that commodities are the best place to invest over the long run. Chart 35 shows you why.

The bottom line on the chart represents commodities. The top line on the chart represents the Dow Jones Industrial Average. You can see if you had invested $100 in commodities in 1971, you would have $580 in 2014, which is not a bad increase. However, had you invested in the stock market, you would have $2,700 today. You can see by this simple example that, over the long run, the stock market is the place to be, even though it can go through disastrous declines in the short run.



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<質問者> 判断について、もう少しお聞きできればと思います。おはなしの中で、心理学の教科書にでてくる理にかなったものから最良の原則15,16件をものにするようにとのことでしたが...。

<マンガー> そういったものは明らかに重要で正しいものです。それはそうですが、明らかに重要ながらも本には載っていないものが他にあるので、それらも挿し込みます。それでシステムができます。

<質問者> そうですね。ただ、わたしにとっての問題はその前の段階のようで、つまり明らかに正しいのはどれなのかを決める方法です。どうやら、そちらの質問のほうをお聞きすべきでした。

<マンガー> いやいや、そのむずかしさを過大評価していますね。たとえば人間というものは、他人がどう考えたり、何をしたかによって強く影響されるものです。またその中には無意識に生じているものもあります。この話を理解するのがむずかしいですか。[参考記事]

<質問者> いいえ、それは理解できます。

<マンガー> ならば、そういった原理をきちんと使えますよ。そしてひとつまたひとつと、同じように進めるわけです。むずかしいことはありません。


<質問者> ですがわたしには、すごく意味のあるものが他にもたくさんあるように思えます。そうなるとそれら同士の混線が増えてしまい、システムはあっという間にひどく複雑になると想像するのですが。

<マンガー> もし私のようにやるのであれば、多少複雑なほうがある種の楽しさを感じますよ。とことん簡単で、全部説明してほしいという人は、あらゆる答えを出してくれと要求するカルト団体にでも入会するのがいいでしょう。そういうのがいいとは思えません。世界の姿をそのまま受け入れるべきです。複雑なままの姿をです。アインシュタインはこうも見事に表現していますよ。「あらゆるものごとはできるだけ簡潔にすべきだが、必要以上にやってはならない」。


Q: I'd like to hear you talk a little bit more about judgment. In your talk, you said we should read the psychology textbooks and take the fifteen or sixteen principles that are best of the ones that make sense…

The ones that are obviously important and obviously right. That's correct…. And then you stick in the ones that are obviously important and not in the books - and you've got a system.

Q: Right. My problem seems to be the prior step, which is determining which ones are obviously right. And that seems to me to be the more essential question to ask.

No, no. You overestimate the difficulty. Do you have difficulty understanding that people are heavily influenced by what other people think and what other people do - and that some of that happens on a subconscious level?

Q: No, I don't. I understand that.

Well, you can go right through the principles. And, one after another, they're like that. It's not that hard….

Do you have any difficulty with the idea that operant conditioning works - that people will repeat what worked for them the last time?

Q: It just seems to me like there's a lot of other things out there, as well, that also make a lot of sense. The system would quickly get too complicated, I imagine - as a result of too much cross-talk.

Well, if you're like me, it's kind of fun for it to be a little complicated. If you want it totally easy and totally laid out, maybe you should join some cult that claims to provide all the answers. I don't think that's a good way to go. I think you'll just have to endure the world - as complicated as it is. Einstein has a marvelous statement on that: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no more simple."

I'm afraid that's the way it is. If there are twenty factors and they interact some, you'll just have to learn to handle it - because that's the way the world is. But you won't find it that hard if you go at it Darwin-like, step by step with curious persistence. You'll be amazed at how good you can get.



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<質問28:キャロル・ルーミス> バークシャー弱気派をさがしていましたが、無意味でしたね[今年の株主総会に出席してもらうつもりだった]。わたしはバークシャーを弱気には考えていませんが、一般にコングロマリットは特にいい商売というわけでもありません。その意味で後継者の方がうまくやれる確率は好ましくないように思いますが、どうでしょうか。

<バフェット> 異種混合のビジネスがずっと成功してきたように、実際にアメリカではこのモデルはうまく機能してきました。ダウ・ジョーンズ[工業平均銘柄]をひとつの実体とみれば、つまり100年以上にわたって構成が変化してきた企業群ととらえると、その指数が66から11,000まで上昇したことはうまいモデルであると暗示しています。ただしすべての会社がひとつの経営陣に率いられていないのは、そのとおりです。良いビジネスを一群として保有するのは良い考えです。リットン・インダストリーズ社やガルフ&ウェスタン社は、連続買収という考えをもとに築かれました。株式をPER20倍の値段で発行し、その資金で別の企業をPER10倍で買収したのです。チェーン・レターの仕組み[ネズミ講など]によって、おつむの弱い人たちを使役するやりかたですね。一方、わたしたちの事業計画は妥当だと考えています。分散された事業群を有し、資本構成も保守的です。資本主義とは資本を割り振るための体制です。当社の仕組みにおいては、税金の影響を受けずに資本を配分することができます。[得られた]資本を有効に活用できる場所へと振り向けられるわけです。そのような好状況にある人は他にはいません。たしかにそうだと思います。しかし株を吊り上げたいからではなく、事業という観点での原理原則に従うべきです。コングロマリットには株価吊上げの技を使ったり、連続買収・株式発行をやるところもありました。株式発行をくり返してチェーン・レター騒動を続けるならば、いつか終わりがやってきます。

<マンガー> コングロマリットのやりかたで失敗したことと我々では、違いがいくつかあります。買収したい企業がみつからなければ、保険事業のポートフォリオとして投資に回す別の案が選べます。それから、無理にでも買おうとは考えません。メロン兄弟は50-60年間にわたって非常にうまくやっていました。我々とよく似ていますね。我々はガルフ&ウェスタン社のような一般的なコングロマリットではなく、メロン兄弟の活躍が永続するようなものです。

<バフェット> やっと、いいことを言いましたね(笑)。

Q28: CL: You have been looking for bear, but that is silly. I'm not a bear on Berkshire. But conglomerates have not worked particularly well. But probabilities not favorable that successors will have it work well.

WB: Model has worked well for America actually, as disparate businesses have done well over time. Dow Jones as one entity, as a changing group of companies over a 100 year period. Seeing the index rise from 66 to 11,000 suggests it is good model, although agree that it is not all under one management team. Owning good business group is good idea. Litton Industries, and Gulf & Western, they were put together on idea of serial acquiring: issuing stock at 20x to buy businesses at 10x. It is an idea of fooling people to ride on a chain letter scheme. I think our business plan makes sense. Group of diversified businesses and conservatively capitalized. Capitalism is about allocation of capital. We have system where we can allocate capital without tax consequences. We can move the capital to where it can be usefully employed. No one else better situated, and it makes good sense, but must be applied with business principles instead of stock promotion principles. And some conglomerates were stock promotion techniques, and were serial acquirers and issuers of stock. If issuing stock continuously, chain letter game goes on, that does come to an end.

CM: There are a couple differences between us and the failures in the conglomerate model. We have an alternative when there are no companies to buy, as we have the insurance portfolio to invest. And we feel no compulsion to buy. Mellon Brothers did very, very well for 50‐60 years, they were a lot like us. We are not a standard conglomerate like Gulf & Western. It is as if Mellon brothers had gone on forever.

WB: Now you're talking. [laughter]



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1) 正規の教育として網羅する範囲には、操縦中に有用だと考えられる事実上すべてのものを含むこと。

2) パイロットに必要とされる事実上すべての知識は、単に一度や二度の試験に合格できればよい程度に学ぶものではない。そうではなく、身につけたあらゆる知識は実際の現場で淀むことなくさっと思いだせること。2つあるいは3つの危機が重なって到来した際にも、同様に対応できること。

3) あらゆる優れた代数学者と同様に、あるときは順方向、またあるときは逆方向に物事を考えること。起こってほしいと願うことに最大限集中すべきはいつなのか、あるいは起きてほしくないことを避けるのに最大限集中すべきはいつなのかを学ぶこと。

4) 訓練に時間を費やすべき各対象は、将来起こりうる機能不全から生じる被害を最小限にとどめるためのものであること。訓練を受ける者が達成すべきもっとも重要なこととして、訓練内容をほとんどすべて習得し、この上ないほどに淀みなく実行できること。

5) いついかなるときにも、定型作業として「チェックリスト」を使った確認を必ず行うこと。

6) 所定の訓練を修了した後でも、知識を維持していくために設けた特別な確認作業を定期的に実施するよう義務づけること。たとえば、稀だが重要な問題に対処する際に必要な能力が衰えてしまうのを防ぐために、飛行シミュレーターを利用する例が挙げられる。




The natural third question then becomes: What is now the goal? What is the essential nature of best-form multidisciplinarity in elite education? This question, too, is easy to answer. All we have to do is examine our most successful narrow-scale education, identify essential elements, and scale up those elements to reach the sensible solution.

To find the best educational narrow-scale model, we have to look not at unthreatened schools of education and the like, too much driven by our two counterproductive psychological tendencies and other bad influences, but, instead, look where incentives for effective education are strongest and results are most closely measured. This leads us to a logical place: the hugely successful education now mandatory for pilots. (Yes, I am suggesting today that mighty Harvard would do better if it thought more about pilot training.) In piloting, as in other professions, one great hazard is bad effect from man-with-a-hammer tendency. We don't want a pilot, ever, to respond to a hazard as if it was hazard "X" just because his mind contains only a hazard "X" model. And so, for that and other reasons, we train a pilot in a strict six-element system:

1) His formal education is wide enough to cover practically everything useful in piloting.

2) His knowledge of practically everything needed by pilots is not taught just well enough to enable him to pass one test or two; instead, all his knowledge is raised to practice-based fluency, even in handling two or three intertwined hazards at once.

3) Like any good algebraist, he is made to think sometimes in a forward fashion and sometimes in reverse; and so he learns when to concentrate mostly on what he wants to happen and also when to concentrate mostly on avoiding what he does not want to happen.

4) His training time is allocated among subjects so as to minimize damage from his later malfunctions; and so what is most important in his performance gets the most training coverage and is raised to the highest fluency levels.

5) "Checklist" routines are always mandatory for him.

6) Even after original training, he is forced into a special knowledge-maintenance routine: regular use of the aircraft simulator to prevent atrophy through long disuse of skills needed to cope with rare and important problems.

The need for this clearly correct six-element system, with its large demands in a narrow-scale field where stakes are high, is rooted in the deep structure of the human mind. Therefore, we must expect that the education we need for broadscale problem solving will keep all these elements but with awesomely expanded coverage for each element. How could it be otherwise?

Thus it follows, as the night the day, that in our most elite broadscale education wherein we are trying to make silk purses out of silk, we need for best results to have multidisciplinary coverage of immense amplitude, with all needed skills raised to an ever-maintained practice-based fluency, including considerable power of synthesis at boundaries between disciplines, with the highest fluency levels being achieved where they are most needed, with forward and reverse thinking techniques being employed in a manner reminding one of inversion in algebra, and with "checklist" routines being a permanent part of the knowledge system. There can be no other way, no easier way, to broadscale worldly wisdom. Thus the task, when first identified in its immense breadth, seems daunting, verging on impossible.

But the task, considered in full context, is far from impossible when we consider three factors:



4 件のコメント:

<質問者> 全米一の大金持ちになった今では、バフェットさんの次の大きな目標は何ですか。

<バフェット> そうですね、株主総会でも言いましたが、今の目標は全米の男性の中で最年長になることです。葬儀の時に言ってほしいのはそれだけです。「なんと、彼はずいぶん長生きしたんだね」と言ってほしいのです。それから、今やっていることをなるべくずっと続けていきたいです。ゴルフのハンデを5打減らしたいといった特別な願望はありません。自然にはそうならないですし、それに時間をかけるつもりもありません。わたしにとっては大差ないことです。他のことと同じように、現在のレベルで楽しんでやれるぐらいの力はあるだろうと思っています。本当に、まったく、これっぽっちも、他に目標などありません、これまでやってきたことをこれからもやっていけるだけ元気でいられれば、それでいいのです。

Q. Mr. Buffett, after being the richest man in America, what are your major goals now?

A. Well, as I said at the Annual Meeting, now my goal is to be the oldest man in America. That's all I want said at my funeral. I just want someone to say, "My God, he was old!" I just want to keep doing what I'm doing, as long as I can. I have no desire to bring my golf handicap down five strokes particularly; it won't go down there by itself, and I'm not going to spend time to do it. It doesn't make that much difference to me. I feel like I can have as much fun doing what I do at this level as anything else. I really, really, really have no goals other than to stay healthy enough to keep doing the same thing I've been doing.

<質問者> 質問が2つあります。ひとつめは、この国における2大政党体制の将来についてどう思いますか。ふたつめは、1996年の大統領選でコリン・パウエル氏の立候補はどうだと思いますか。

<バフェット> ご存知のように、政党の独自性や支持層は過去に大きく変化しました。おそらくわたしは、どちらの所属でもおかしくないという点で典型だと思います。しかし政党がそれほど重要なものだとは考えていません。他の候補者より劣ると思われる人に投票することを強制するような党議拘束や忠誠心は、たしかにありません。その点で、テレビがもたらしてきた影響は多大だったと思います。今の政党は今後も続いていくと思います。消滅したり、分裂する可能性が高いとは思っていません。


Q. I have a two-part question. Number one, what do you think about the future of the two-party system in America? And, number two, what do you think about the candidacy of Colin Powell for President in '96?

A. Well, what has happened, as you know, is that party identifications and loyalties have changed dramatically. I'm probably typical in that I may be registered one way or the other, but I don't really think much about that. Certainly there is no party discipline or loyalty that can be called upon to get me to vote for somebody whom I think is inferior to another candidate. I think television has contributed to that very substantially. I think the parties will continue along; I don't think they will disappear or splinter in all likelihood.

Everything I know about Colin Powell is good. I do not know him personally. He is clearly an outstanding human being. If he starts offering his opinions on various subjects, his popularity will tend to diminish because that's the nature of politics. When you have to say whether you are for or against something, you start losing people pretty fast. But, in terms of the quality of that individual, I would think he would be first-class. I have no idea really what his views are on a lot of subjects. We may learn in the next year or so.