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The Race Is On (Oaktree) (PDFファイル)







Certainly risk tolerance has been increasing of late; high returns on risky assets have encouraged more of the same; and the markets are becoming more heated. The bottom line varies from sector to sector, but I have no doubt that markets are riskier than at any other time since the depths of the crisis in late 2008 (for credit) or early 2009 (for equities), and they are becoming more so.

Is This a Sell Signal? If Not, Then What?

No, I don't think it's time to bail out of the markets. Prices and valuation parameters are higher than they were a few years ago, and riskier behavior is observed. But what matters is the degree, and I don't think it has reached the danger zone yet.

First, as mentioned above, the absolute quantum of risk doesn't seem as high as in 2006-07. The modern miracles of finance aren't seen as often (or touted as highly), and the use of leverage isn't as high.

Second, prices and valuations aren't highly extended (the p/e ratio on the S&P 500 is around 16, the post-war average, while in 2000 it was in the low 30s: now that's extended).

A rise in risk tolerance is something that should get your attention and focus your concentration. But for it to be highly worrisome, it has to be accompanied by extended valuations. I don't think we're there yet. I think most asset classes are priced fully - in many cases on the high side of fair - but not at bubble-type highs.




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<質問者> 統計的な分析や洞察に基づくとは、どういうことでしょうか。

<マンガー> たしかに何かを決断するときには、うまく洞察できるものを考えます。しかし洞察できるかどうかが、事実上確率的に決まることもあります。そして繰り返しますが、ほんのわずかしか見つけられません。





Q: Based on statistical analysis and insight?

Well, certainly when we do make a decision, we think that we have an insight advantage. And it's true that some of the insight is statistical in nature. However, again, we find only a few of those.

It doesn't help us merely for favorable odds to exist. They have to be in a place where we can recognize them. So it takes a mispriced opportunity that we're smart enough to recognize. And that combination doesn't occur often.

But it doesn't have to. If you wait for the big opportunity and have the courage and vigor to grasp it firmly when it arrives, how many do you need? For example, take the top ten business investments Berkshire Hathaway's ever made. We would be very rich if we'd never done anything else - in two lifetimes.

So, once again, we don't have any system for giving you perfect investment judgment on all subjects at all times. That would be ridiculous. I'm just trying to give you a method you can use to sift reality to obtain an occasional opportunity for rational reaction.

If you take that method into something as competitive as common stock picking, you're competing with many brilliant people. So, even with our method, we only get a few opportunities. Fortunately, that happens to be enough.



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<質問者> 投資上の判断をする際に、心理学をどのように取り入れていますか。「だれからも気に入られるコークのような製品を選ぶ」、ただそれだけの作業ではないと思うのですが。結局は、どこかに頭のいい人たちがたくさんいて、あなたが今日説明してくださったようにまさしく考えているわけですよね。成功企業を選びだす際には、そういった投資家が思考する上でのあやまちを見つけようとしているのですか。

<マンガー> USC[南カリフォルニア大学]でも話しましたが、投資がむずかしいのは、他社より良い事業を営んでいる企業を見いだすのは簡単だという点にあります。しかし株価が上がるや否や、どの株を買うのが最善かという問題は極めてむずかしいものとなります(過去記事)。




Q: How do you incorporate psychology in your investment decisions? I think it would be more than just picking products that will appeal to everybody like Coke. After all, there are a lot of smart people out there who obviously think just the way that you showed us today. So are you looking for failure in the thinking of their investors when you go about picking successful companies?

What makes investment hard, as I said at U.S.C., is that it's easy to see that some companies have better businesses than others. But the price of the stock goes up so high that, all of a sudden, the question of which stock is the best to buy gets quite difficult.

We've never eliminated the difficulty of that problem. And ninety-eight percent of the time, our attitude toward the market is … (that) we're agnostics. We don't know. Is GM valued properly vis-a-vis Ford? We don't know.

We're always looking for something where we think we have an insight which gives us a big statistical advantage. And sometimes it comes from psychology, but often it comes from something else. And we only find a few - maybe one or two a year. We have no system for having automatic good judgment on all investment decisions that can be made. Ours is a totally different system.

We just look for no-brainer decisions. As Buffett and I say over and over again, we don't leap seven-foot fences. Instead, we look for one-foot fences with big rewards on the other side. So we've succeeded by making the world easy for ourselves, not by solving hard problems.



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Jeremy Grantham's Bullish Two-Year Outlook (Barrons.com)

バロンズに掲載された記事は、実は彼のファンドGMOの2013年第3四半期レターの文章そのものです。今回はその中から話題をいくつかご紹介します。なおグランサム氏のこの話題は、日経新聞のWebサイトでも取り上げられていました(「3割上昇後に急落? 米著名投資家のバブル論」)。(日本語は拙訳)



My personal guess is that the U.S. market, especially the non-blue chips, will work its way higher, perhaps by 20% to 30% in the next year or, more likely, two years, with the rest of the world including emerging market equities covering even more ground in at least a partial catch-up. And then we will have the third in the series of serious market busts since 1999 and presumably Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, et al. will rest happy, for surely they must expect something like this outcome given their experience. And we the people, of course, will get what we deserve.



In the meantime investors should be aware that the U.S. market is already badly overpriced - indeed, we believe it is priced to deliver negative real returns over seven years - and that most foreign markets having moved up rapidly this summer are also overpriced but less so. In our view, prudent investors should already be reducing their equity bets and their risk level in general. One of the more painful lessons in investing is that the prudent investor (or "value investor" if you prefer) almost invariably must forego plenty of fun at the top end of markets. This market is already no exception, but speculation can hurt prudence much more and probably will. Ah, that's life. And with a Fed like ours it's probably what we deserve.



Since October 1977 when GMO started, 36 years have passed. In that time - when logic and experience say you stimulate to help the next election - the third year has been over 1.5 times the other three added together and years one and two, when you should be tightening, have been commensurately weak. For the weakest five cycles, the average of years one and two was negative but for three cycles it was strong, even very strong. These three cannot be blamed totally on the Greenspan-Bernanke regime's tendency to overstimulate, but mostly they can. Bearing in mind that for us Presidential years run October 1-September 30, these three two-year returns were 1996, +48%; 1984, +43%; and 2004, +19%. Now, this is the scary part. 1996 ended in the 2000 crash, 1984 in the crash of 1987, and 2004 in the financial crash of 2008. In the current cycle we are already up 19% with a year to run! Of course, it may turn out to be a very strong two years and all will be well. Who knows?



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<質問者> バフェットさん、あなたがコーンハスカー[ネブラスカ大学のアメフト・チーム]の新人クォーターバックを夕食に誘ったといううわさは、本当のことでしょうか。

<バフェット> ちがいます。もしいい人を知っていたら、そうですね..、もしこちらに身体壮健でボールを60ヤード先[=50m超]に放れる人がいたら起立していただけますか。[出身大学のアメフト・チームが]すごく楽しみなのです。われわれのアメフト・コーチは全国でも一番だと思います。彼[コーチのトム・オズボーン]とナンシー[トムの妻]は二人ともすばらしい人です。それは個人的に知っています。今年はすごく運が悪かったので、ぜひ全部の歯車がうまくかみ合うようになってほしいものです。

<質問者> この国の税制は、ビジネスや個人が投資や貯蓄に励むような後押しをしていないと強く感じています。そういった動機づけがないと、国の経済成長は限定されてしまいます。バフェットさんは、付加価値税のような広く適用される消費税に賛成ですか。それと共に譲渡所得税や法人と個人双方[の所得]に課される税率を引き下げ、貯蓄や経済における投資活動を促進させるのです。

<バフェット> ええ、この話をする理由はいろいろあります。その一つが貯蓄を奨励することですが、それとは別の理由で累進税率の消費税がいいと考えています。これは消費する量が増えるほど税率が上がるものです。税率が一定だと比例的に課税されるので、いいやりかたとは思いません。全員に課税する際に同じパーセント分を払わせるようなものです。正直なところ、公平性という面からみて累進消費税がもっとも公平な税だと感じています。現実問題として短期的には経済に悪影響を与えるでしょうが、長い目で見ればもっとも有益だと思います。次第に投資をうながし、基本的には生活水準が向上するでしょう。しかし累進課税ではなく、消費税や連邦売上税などをきっちり比例的にするのは不公平です。ひどく逆進的になるからです。はっきり言えば、他人よりも多く消費する人は、消費することによって社会という蓄えから効率よく引き出すことになります。ですから高い割合で消費する人は、より高い税率を支払うべきだと思います。

わたしは累進税率の消費税導入を強く要請してきましたが、10年前や20年前とくらべると経済学者や政治家にいくぶん受け入れられるようになりました。数十年前には、この考えは経済学の一部の領域に限られていたのです。上院議員の[サム・]ナンと[ピート・V・]ドメニチは1年半前に報告書を出していますが、その中でこれと実質的に同じことを実施するように勧告しています。無制限貯蓄勘定(Unlimited Savings Account)、略称USA というのが彼らのつけた呼び名です。しかし5,6年前にわたしの案ではまだまだだったときとくらべると、今は貯蓄よりも税率のほうが実現しやすいと思います。貯蓄の状況は悪くなってきてはいません。楽観的すぎると思われるかもしれませんが、それでもほとんどの外国の経済とくらべれば、この国では貯蓄を推進するよりも簡単に実現できます。現実問題としては、消費税あるいは無制限のIRA口座[個人退職勘定]がやりやすいでしょう。この国の経済状況は、貯蓄を推進している外国の大多数のようには厳しくないのですから。

Q. Mr. Buffett, I'd just like to know if there is any truth to the rumor that you have been taking Cornhusker quarterback recruits out to dinner?

A. Nope. If I knew any good ones, I think I would, but... If anybody here is healthy and feels like they can throw that ball sixty yards, stand up. I've got an intense interest. I think we have the best football coach in the United States. He and Nancy are both truly outstanding human beings. I know that personally. I would love to see everything come together. I think he has had a lot of bad luck this year.

Q. Mr. Buffett, I believe the Nation's tax code does not provide the incentives for businesses and individuals to save and invest. Without these incentives, the growth of the Nation's economy is limited. Would you support a broad-based consumption tax, such as a value-added tax, combined with offsetting reductions in the capital gains tax and corporate and individual tax rates, to encourage more savings and investment in our economy?

A. Well, I would say this, for various reasons, one of which is encouraging savings, but for other reasons I would favor a progressive consumption tax - a tax where the rates go up as you consume more. I would not favor a flat tax because that’s proportional. That would be like having the some tax on everybody, paying the same percentage. And, I really feel, in terms of equity, that a progressive consumption tax is the most equitable tax. I also think it would have the greatest long-term benefits, although in the short term it would actually hurt the economy. But, over time, I think it would provide more investment and that will provide essentially a higher standard of living. Unless it is progressive though, it’s unfair to have that or a national sales tax or anything that’s strictly proportional, because it gets very regressive and, frankly, I think those people who consume far more than their fellow man are making withdrawals from society's bank effectively when they consume. I think they should pay higher rates as they get up in the high rates of consumption.

But, I've urged a progressive consumption tax and it's achieved somewhat more currency with economists and politicians now than it had 10 or 20 years ago. It was limited to a few academic areas a couple of decades ago. Senators Nunn and Domenici put out a report about 18 months ago, where they recommended something which was equivalent to that. I think they call it USA Unlimited Savings Account. I would say this, though: The tax rates are more conducive to savings now than they were when I was down here five or six years ago. It's not like the situation has gotten worse, in terms of savings. This will sound a little Pollyanna-ish, but it is still relatively easy to save money in this country compared to most economies in the world. A consumption tax or an unlimited IRA, in effect, would make it easier. But, this is not a tough economy compared to most of those around the world in which to save.
