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I think the government was totally correct, by the way, given the problems of the recent crisis, to just nationalize the whole thing. They had to and we've got the problem, but there is very little taste that I see toward really changing the whole thing of making lending an entitlement process. But boy, teaching people they don't really have to pay and a lot of the credit being given for education, a lot of it in for-profit education. [This] is very foolish credit given to people who are never going to learn much and never going to pay much. But you know people feel that people with no prospects ought to get the same type of credit as people with prospects. They don't do this in India, they don't this in China, they don't do this in Japan. I mean, this is an American phenomenon and of course, I think it does enormous damage to shovel out a lot of dumb credit, raising false hopes. I think it creates ungodly messes and it degrades human responsibility and that is a very important subject.

Another thing that is never discussed any more is my idea of one of the great philosophers of America who was Charlie Frankel. He was mugged to death in due course because, after all, he lived in Manhattan in a different time. Before he was mugged to death, he created this philosophy of responsibility. He said the system is responsible in proportion to the degree that the people who make the decisions bear the consequences. So to Charlie Frankel, you don't create a loan system where all the people who make the loans promptly dump them on somebody else through lies and twaddle, and they don't bear the responsibility when the loans are good or bad. To Frankel, that is amoral, that is an irresponsible system. That is like selling an automobile with bad brakes and you know the brakes are bad. You shouldn't do it. Well, we've just been through a period where nobody gave a damn about an irresponsible system. If you can engage in business in some lawful way and dump trouble on somebody else through God knows what techniques, the more the merrier. It finally got to be like musical chairs, except in musical chairs, you are only one chair short when the music stops. In the new form of musical chairs, everybody has a hell of a time and is sitting on his ass on the floor. Of course, that is what we created and it was perfectly obvious that something like this was bound to happen although we didn't know when. So this is very, very significant cognitive failure and it has just shot through pretty much through the whole civilization. It isn't everybody. If it were, the civilization would perish and it would deserve to.



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<質問37:シアトル在住の株主> 株式を判断するのに、どのような定量的指標を使っていますか。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> われわれは株式という切り口ではなく、つねにビジネスを買うという観点でみています。バスケットボールのコーチなら身長が7フィート[≒213cm]以上の選手をさがすように、事業に応じてちがう数字で判断しています。ただしわれわれには深く考察できないものもありますし、わからないことがあるのも承知しています。ときには、それによって考え直すこともあります。バンク・オブ・アメリカの件では、風呂に入っていたこと自体は重要ではありませんでした[案件をひらめいたときの場所]。同行について書かれた本"Biography of a Bank"を50年ほど前に読んだのですが、すばらしい内容でしたよ。保険業界をみるときとイスカル[買収した切削工具メーカー]とでは違った観点で考えますし、ブランドがものをいう業界となれば、また別の見方になります。コークのようにうまくいくブランドもあれば、そうでないものもありますね。風呂に浸かっているときにバンカメはいい投資かもしれないと思いあたり、電話をかけたのです。そのときは、PERやPBRを厳密に計算したわけではありません。会社が5年後にどうなっているかを考え、価格と現在価値がかい離していると思ったのです。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 何かの指標にもとづいて株を買うやり方はよくわかりませんね。知りたいのは、ある企業が実のところどのように機能しているかです。ウォーレンはコンピュータを使ってスクリーニングしていますか。

<ウォーレン> いいえ、どうやるのか知らないのですよ。ただしスクリーニングは使っていませんが、別の意味であらゆるものをふるいにかけています。だれかが提示してくれたかのように、あらゆるものについて考えるようにしているわけです。5年,10年後にどうなっているか、どこまでそれを確信できるか、そして価格にどれだけ織りこまれているか、ということをです。われわれでは答えがだせなかったり、未来がうまく見通せないと感じるビジネスも数多くあります。自動車業界をみてきて50年になりますが、あれは非常におもしろいビジネスですね。

<チャーリー> 10年後のBNSF[買収した鉄道会社]は競争優位を手にしているでしょうが、アップルや石油会社がどうなるかは我々には判断できないですね。


<ウォーレン> ベン・グレアムから教わったやりかたとはちがいますね。数字だけをみることになっていたら資金をうまく運用できていたか、なんともいえません。

<チャーリー> きっとお粗末な結果だったでしょうな(笑)。

Q37, Station 1: Seattle. Which quantitative metrics to judge a stock?

WB: We aren't looking at the aspects of stocks, but always are buying a business. If you were a basketball coach, you can look for all seven-footers. We look at different numbers for different businesses. We see certain things that shut out to us to look further. We also know what we can't know. Often we have a fact that slips back in which causes us to change our mind. The bathtub wasn't the central factor for Bank of America. I read a book 50 years ago, Biography of a Bank, a great book. We have certain things we look for in insurance. We have things that we think about which is different when we think about Iscar. There are things we think about when dependent on brands. Some brands travel well, like Coke, some don't. In the bath, I thought Bank of America might be good idea, so I gave him a call. It is not because I calculated some precise PE or book value ratio. I have some idea of what company will look like in 5 years, and there is a disparity between that price and today's value.

CM: We don't know how to buy a stock based on ratios. We need to know how a company actually functions. Do you use a computer to screen anything?

WB: No I don't know how to. We don't really use screens but we are really screening everything. We look at it just as if someone offered us the whole thing, and what will it look like in five to ten years, and how sure of it we are and if it is in the price. There are a lot of businesses that we just don't know the answers to and feel that we can't foresee the future well enough. We have watched the auto business for 50 yrs. It is a very interesting business.

CM: BNSF will have a competitive advantage in 10 yrs. We don't know that about Apple or an oil company.

CM: People who are good at math look for numbers and think they can find an answer. You need to understand a company's competitive position, but it isn't that easy. It isn't math, you need to need to know the business.

WB: Not what I learned at Ben Graham. Not sure whether I would know how to manage money if I just had to look at the numbers.

CM: You would do it poorly. [laughter]





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Let me begin by discussing the obvious strength of academic economics. The first obvious strength, and this is true of a lot of places that get repute, is that it was in the right place at the right time. Two hundred years ago, aided by the growth of technology and the growth of other developments in the civilization, the real output per capita of the civilized world started going up at about two percent per annum, compounded. And before that, for the previous thousands of years, it had gone up at a rate that hovered just a hair's-breadth above zero. And, of course, economics grew up amid this huge success. Partly it helped the success, and partly it explained it. So, naturally, academic economics grew. And, lately, with the collapse of all the communist economies, as the free market economies or partially free market economies flourished, that added to the reputation of economics. Economics has been a very favorable place to be if you're in academia.

Economics was always more multidisciplinary than the rest of soft science. It just reached out and grabbed things as it needed to. And that tendency to just grab whatever you need from the rest of knowledge if you're an economist has reached a fairly high point in N. Gregory Mankiw's new textbook. I checked out that textbook I must have been one of the few businessmen in America that bought it immediately when it came out because it had gotten such a big advance. I wanted to figure out what the guy was doing where he could get an advance that great. So this is how I happened to riffle through Mankiw's freshman textbook. And there I found laid out as principles of economics: Opportunity cost is a superpower, to be used by all people who have any hope of getting the right answer. Also, incentives are superpowers.

And lastly, the tragedy of the commons model, popularized by my longtime friend, UCSB’s Garrett Hardin. Hardin caused the delightful introduction into economics - alongside Smith’s beneficent invisible hand - of Hardin’s wicked evildoing invisible foot. Well, I thought that the Hardin model made economics more complete, and I knew when Hardin introduced me to his model, the tragedy of the commons, that it would be in the economics textbooks eventually. And, low and behold, it finally made it about twenty years later. And it’s right for Mankiw to reach out into other disciplines and grab Hardin’s model and anything else that works well.

Another thing that helped economics is that, from the beginning, it attracted the best brains in soft science. Its denizens also interacted more with the practical world than was at all common in soft science and the rest of academia, and that resulted in very creditable outcomes like the three cabinet appointments of economics Ph. D. George Schultz and the cabinet appointment of Larry Summers. So this has been a very favored part of academia.

Also, economics early on attracted some of the best writers of language in the history of the Earth. You start out with Adam Smith. Adam Smith was so good a thinker and so good a writer that, in his own time, Emmanuel Kant, then the greatest intellectual in Germany, simply announced that there was nobody in Germany to equal Adam Smith. Well, Voltaire, being an even more pithier speaker than Kant, which wouldn’t be that hard, immediately said, “Oh well, France doesn’t have anybody who can even be compared to Adam Smith.” So economics started with some very great men and great writers.

And then there have been later great writers like John Maynard Keynes, whom I quote all the time and who has added a great amount of illumination to my life. And finally, even in the present era, if you take Paul Krugman and read his essays, you will be impressed by his fluency. I can’t stand his politics; I’m on the other side. But I love this man’s essays. I think Paul Krugman is one of the best essayists alive. And so, economics has constantly attracted these fabulous writers. And they are so good that they have this enormous influence far outside their economic discipline, and that’s very uncommon in other academic departments.


(『マンキュー経済学 I.ミクロ編(第3版)』第1章 経済学の十大原理より)

第1原理: 人々はトレードオフ(相反する関係)に直面している
第2原理: あるものの費用は、それを得るために放棄したものの価値である[機会費用]
第3原理: 合理的な人々は限界原理に基づいて考える
第4原理: 人々はさまざまなインセンティブ(誘因)に反応する

第5原理: 交易(取引)はすべての人々をより豊かにする
第6原理: 通常、市場は経済活動を組織する良策である
第7原理: 政府が市場のもたらす成果を改善できることもある

第8原理: 一国の生活水準は、財・サービスの生産能力に依存している
第9原理: 政府が紙幣を印刷しすぎると、物価が上昇する


Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos



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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からの引用です。今回も第5章「投資目標の設定」(Defining Your Investment Goals)からご紹介します。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)



One of the recurrent themes of this book is that the future is unpredictable. No one knows whether the economy will shrink or grow (or how fast), what the rate of inflation will be, and whether interest rates and share prices will rise or fall. Investors intent on avoiding loss consequently must position themselves to survive and even prosper under any circumstances. Bad luck can befall you; mistakes happen. The river may overflow its banks only once or twice in a century, but you still buy flood insurance on your house each year. Similarly we may only have one or two economic depressions or financial panics in a century and hyperinflation may never ruin the U.S. economy, but the prudent, farsighted investor manages his or her portfolio with the knowledge that financial catastrophes can and do occur. Investors must be willing to forego some near-term return, if necessary, as an insurance premium against unexpected and unpredictable adversity.

Choosing to avoid loss is not a complete investment strategy; it says nothing about what to buy and sell, about which risks are acceptable and which are not. A loss-avoidance strategy does not mean that investors should hold all or even half of their portfolios in U.S. Treasury bills or own sizable caches of gold bullion. Rather, investors must be aware that the world can change unexpectedly and sometimes dramatically; the future may be very different from the present or recent past. Investors must be prepared for any eventuality.



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At any rate, we get into these amazing results. Then, if you take our legislators on the Republican side, they have these Alan Greenspan nuts who thought, unlike Keynes, that just unlimited derivatives and market trading and use of credit had to be good because it was a fast-acting free market and free markets are good. Of course, anybody could see that it was going to implode sooner or later. It wasn't like all human experience didn't show that there would be hell to pay sooner or later. You didn't know when, but you knew a cataclysm was coming at some time. I certainly knew. And I would argue that doling out credit easily, making a lot of loans that are likely to be unpaid does more harm than good. I think what we have just been through proves that you are not helping somebody when you prop him up in some house he can't afford and make every month agony for 12 months and eventually dispossess him in front of his friends and tear down his ego and disappoint his wife. It is a really miserable experience and they don't do this in places like Switzerland. You want to own a damn house, keep earning or borrow from your folks or do something. I mean, they are not into providing loose credit for houses. They don't want a crazy boom in housing prices and they don't want -- you know they are Germanic. If we had a more Germanic culture, we wouldn't have done as many dumb things as we've done. Not that our Germans aren't acculturated into our culture in due course, but the old Germanic virtues of thrift and so on did not get into this kind of trouble.

The head of Freddie Mac who had a Ph.D. in economics came out and sat with us and said what should we do? I was young and optimistic, being 60 or whatever I was, or 75. I said: `It's very simple. You are using so much credit and there is so much danger in what you are doing that you should make no more than 80 percent loans to people with good credit. You shouldn't do anything else. You've got a bunch of experts who you have hired to lobby everybody and to bring you information as to what the legislators want and so on and so on. You should go back there and fire them all and just say, when they ask you what you were doing, `I'm sorry, but we are using so much leverage and the government's credit and we simply can't afford to do anything with this much leverage except to make loans to sound people on sound properties.' Well that would have been very good advice if he had followed it. For one thing, he'd probably still be employed. But, of course, can you imagine the advice this man got from his friendly investment bankers, consultants, public relations type[s], lobbyists? He bought every dumb derivative and went into every dumb thing and of course the place went totally insolvent in due course.