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ラベル ファンド・マネージャ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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Bonus section: I’ve been collecting (and recycling) quotations for almost forty years, more of them concerning forecasts than anything else. Here are five of the very best. Together they say virtually everything that has to be said on the subject:

We have two classes of forecasters: Those who don’t know – and those who don’t know they don’t know.
– John Kenneth Galbraith

No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all of your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future.
– Ian Wilson (former GE executive)

Forecasts create the mirage that the future is knowable.
– Peter Bernstein

Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the future.
– Warren Buffett

I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.
– Albert Einstein



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「自分を向上させたいのであれば」、とエピクテトス(1世紀のギリシャ人哲学者)がかつて言った。「畑違いのことについては、無知か愚鈍に見えるよう、みずから進んで振る舞うこと」。現代のような相互接続おびただしい24時間休日なしのメディア漬けの世の中では、「私にはわかりません」と答えるのが、我々の取り得る最強の一手だろう。あるいはもっと挑発的に、「それがどうかしましたか」と。もちろん全てというわけではないが、ほとんどはそうだと言える。なぜならば、ほとんどのことは問題とは言えないし、ほとんどのニュースには追いかける価値がないからだ。(強調部は原著者ハワード・マークスによるもの)(p. 11)

First, I had dinner with Warren Buffett about a year ago, and he pointed out that for a piece of information to be worth pursuing, it should be important, and it should be knowable. These days, investors are clamoring more than ever for insights regarding the macro future, because it’s important: it moves markets. But there’ s a hitch: Warren and I both consider these things largely unknowable. He rarely bases his investment actions on them, and neither does Oaktree.

Second, I want to include a final paragraph from the Observer article about the media that I mentioned earlier. I think it’s golden:

“If you wish to improve,” Epictetus [first-century Greek philosopher] once said, “be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters.” One of the most powerful things we can do as a human being in our hyperconnected, 24/7 media world is say: “I don’t know.” Or more provocatively, “I don’t care.” Not about everything, of course – just most things. Because most things don’t matter, and most news stories aren’t worth tracking. (Emphasis added)



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不確実なことに対する予測に基づいて大胆な行動に出るのは、単に筋ちがいなだけではなく、危険なやりかたです。マーク・トウェインは次のように言っています。「やっかいごとになるのを知らないのが問題ではない。確信していたのに当たらないのが問題なのだ」。(p. 9)

There are no facts about the future, just opinions. Anyone who asserts with conviction what he thinks will happen in the macro future is overstating his foresight, whether out of ignorance, hubris or dishonesty.

Developments in economies, interest rates, currencies and markets aren’t the result of scientific processes. The involvement in them of people – with their emotions, foibles and biases – renders them highly unpredictable. As physicist Richard Feynman put it, “Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings!”

Taking bold action based on forecasts of things that are uncertain isn’t just misguided; it’s dangerous. As Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. it’s what you know for certain that just ain’t true.”




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Oaktreeのハワード・マークスが1月に書いたレターは、「専門家の見解(Expert Opinion)」と題したものでした。「専門家による予測は、あまり当てにならない」とする主旨が、彼らしい実際的な視点から説明されていました。そのなかで気に入ったいくつかの箇所を、少しずつ引用してご紹介します。原文のリンク先は以下のとおりです。(日本語は拙訳)

memo from Howard Marks: Expert Opinion [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


・それがために、メディアに登場する専門家に耳を傾けるのは、楽しいひとときではあるものの、知性の点からすると時間の無駄と言えるかもしれません。(p. 4)

My son Andrew has helped me dope out the media effects:

- Following events makes people feel they're actively involved in them and well informed.
- People think and act with more confidence when they consider themselves informed.
- But the media pundits often are no more insightful than the rest of us.
- And anyway, people tend to follow media outlets that confirm their beliefs rather than challenge them.
- Thus following the media experts, while entertaining, can be a waste of time intellectually.




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<クラーマン> いつの日か自分の後継者となる人物の職務責任をウォーレン・バフェットが書きくだした際に、その人物に望む条件のひとつとして彼はこう述べています。「かつて起きたことのない事態に対処でき、さらにはその事態さえも予期できること」と。これは予言的な言葉でしたし、投資家にとっては実に重要なことだと思います。(p.5)

Klarman: When Warren Buffett put out his job description for who would replace him some day, he said that one of the criteria he was looking for was somebody who could deal with and even anticipate things that had never happened before. Well, that was prophetic - and incredibly important for investors.



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GMO Quarterly Letter 4Q 2015 - Part II: 2015 and 2016, U.S. Equity Bubble Update, and Yet More on Oil [PDF] (GMO)


The most important missing ingredient is a fully-fledged blow-off. This should come complete with crazy speculative anecdotes for your grandchildren, massive enthusiasm from individual investors, an overwrought, overcapacity economy, and, at minimum, a 2-sigma S&P 500 at 2300. Lacking all of this, I still believe it is "likely" that we will reach Election Day more or less intact. I will, though, admit to my definition of "likely" being beaten down by the negative factors listed earlier to something just over 50%. The wild card, as usual these days, is China. The market is discounting lower growth. (I believe 4% a year for the next 10 years would be a reasonable target.) But a deep entry into negative GDP numbers might ruin my relatively positive case for global growth.



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<クラーマン> みずからの投資プロセスをコントロールすることにおいて、そういった点は絶対的に重要です。ソシエテ・ジェネラル社のストラテジストであるジェームズ・モンティエ[現在はGMOに所属]は、少し前に書いた文章で次のように指摘していました。「北京オリンピックで競技が始まる直前に、どんなことを心に抱いていたか」、運動選手たちに対してそう質問したところ、返事はどれも同じように、選手がひたすら考えていたのは結果ではなくプロセスのほうだったとのことでした。プロセスに集中することが、最善の結果を達成する術だったのです。


Klarman: This point about controlling your process is absolutely crucial. James Montier, SocGen's market strategist, pointed out in a recent piece that when athletes were asked what went through their minds just before competing in the Beijing Olympics, the response again and again was that the competitor was focused on the process, not on the outcome. The way to maximize outcome is to concentrate on the process.

Montier points out that psychologists have long been aware of a phenomenon known as "outcome bias". This is the tendency to judge a decision differently based on its outcome. For example, if a doctor performs an operation and a patient survives, the decision is rated as significantly better than if the same operation fails and the patient dies. According to Montier, during periods of poor performance, the pressure builds to change your process. But so long as the process is sound, this would be exactly the wrong thing to do.



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<クラーマン> 経験とはたいていは良きものですが、時には経験という罠にいざなわれて、早すぎる行動を起こしたり、間違いを犯してしまうこともあります。それを承知で私の経験を申し上げれば、世の人たちが本意ではなしに止むを得ずめちゃくちゃな値段で手放し始めたら、そのときが買いに出る好機だと言えます。(p.4)

Klarman: So my experience - and experience is usually a good thing, but occasionally it can lure you into being too early or doing the wrong things - is that when people start to give something away at a ridiculous price because they have to, not because they want to, that's a good time to buy.



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<クラーマン> 短期的な成績を追求する投資ビジネスに固有の圧力に抵抗でき、狙いを定め続けられるバリュー投資家は、むずかしい時期でさえも利益を上げることのできる多面的で柔軟な各種の道具を備えています。第一に、バリュー投資家はおのれの原則を守って良い時も悪い時も辛抱し続けられるので、割安な銘柄を保有できます。これは根底にある価値よりも割安に買った証券なので、安全余裕を授けられています。ただし保有銘柄の株価が下落しないとか下落などありえない、という意味ではありません。株価が下落すれば買い増しを検討したくなるような、より好ましいバーゲン銘柄になるという意味です。高い割合で借り入れをしている企業の株式や問題を抱えた金融会社、いつまで経っても大きくなれない事業やリスクの大きいジャンク債、そのような証券には手を出さないとする規律を厳格に守ってきたバリュー投資家は、むずかしい時期にはまちがいなく恩恵を受けます。それらの投機的な銘柄を保有している人は、市場が下落するとみずからの選択を早々に後悔することになるでしょう。(p. 2)

Klarman: Value investors who are able to maintain their focus and resist the pressures inherent in the investment business to pursue short-term results have a multifaceted and adaptable tool kit that should allow them to prosper even in difficult times. First, by maintaining their discipline and by remaining patient in good times and bad, value investors own bargains - securities trading at a discount to underlying value which confer a margin of safety. This doesn't mean those holdings can't or won't drop in price; it means that when they decline, they'll be an even better bargain to which you are likely to seek to add. In difficult times, value investors certainly benefit from their relentlessly-kept discipline by having avoided highly-leveraged stocks, troubled financials, perpetually marginal businesses, and risky junk bonds. When the market drops, holders of such speculations quickly regret their choices.



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Klarman: When a value investor is tempted to become something other than what he or she is, I find it best to recall the wisdom of Graham and Dodd. Graham and Dodd have provided us with a remarkable road map that has been carried on some of the world's most successful investment journeys for 75 years - a road map that allows us to navigate through difficult, even uncharted, territory and come out ahead.

In a market like we've been experiencing, most investors lose their rudders. They become incapacitated, unable to navigate amidst extreme turmoil, declining corporate results, and a litany of economic woes and mounting losses. They become unwilling to part with their cash - afraid of possible redemptions, and afraid of adding to their losses. Investors today, who are tempted to pull out of the market and wait for some kind of "all clear" signal before recommitting, would be well advised to remember the counsel of Graham and Dodd who wrote in 1934: "While we were writing, we had to combat a widespread conviction that financial debacle was to be the permanent order." If they could say that then, I must restate it now.



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<クラーマン> ですから、個別銘柄の株価が本当に割安な水準に達したときにそれを買わないとしたら、バリュー投資家がすべきこととは何でしょうか。それはマーケット・タイミングです。投資家は即時的な時間軸で暮らしています。数カ月や数日、数時間、はたまた数分間の人もいるでしょうが、数年間隔ではありません。将来を知ることはできません。またサイクルの途中においていつ終わりが来るのかわかりませんし、その始まりでさえ必ずしもはっきりしてはいません。ですから市場が下落する間に、それらしき機会に誘われてやられてしまうわけです。魅力なバーゲン銘柄あるいはバリューを装う銘柄だったり、騙し上げあるいは正当なる回復だったり、巧みな底値買いあるいは軽率な下落買いだったりと、そういった諸々を目の当たりにするでしょう。しかし実際に事実が起きてからでないと、どこまで下がるのかを知ることはできません。マクロ的な予測をすることはできます。その場合、今後生じる2回の景気後退のうち10回を予言するわけです。あるいはマクロ経済を無視する道もあります。その場合、経済が悪化して信用が収縮し、あらゆる証券から波が引いていった後に、もはや割安にみえなくなったバーゲン銘柄を買うわけです。

Klarman: So when individual stocks reach levels where they are truly undervalued, what are value investors supposed to do other than to buy them? Anything else is market timing. Investors live in real time - not in several year intervals, but in months, days, hours and even minutes. Because we cannot know the future - and cannot see in the middle of the cycle its end, and not even necessarily its beginning - we will be bombarded by apparent opportunity as the market descends. We will see tempting bargains and value imposters, false rallies and legitimate recoveries, smart bottom fishers and mindless buy-the-dippers - and we will never know until after the fact how low things might go. We can become macro forecasters, predicting 10 of the next two recessions, or we can ignore the macro economy, buying bargains that cease to look cheap as the economy deteriorates and credit contracts and the tide goes out on all marketable securities.



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<質問> 30%下落した後に、次はどれだけどうなるのか、わかる人がいるのでしょうか。

<クラーマン> 市場が下落している最中に参入する時期が早すぎると、当然ですがどんな投資家にも大きなリスクとなります。それはバリュー投資家も同じです。上昇相場が継続中の間であっても、割安な証券がみつかればバリューに飢えた投資家は前進して買いに出るのはまちがいないでしょう。しかしほどなくして、その多くはまるでバーゲンでなかったことが明らかになります。世界全体が悪化するにつれて、それゆえに強気筋が拒絶していた欠陥がますます明白となるからです。株式市場が30%下落した時点で、今後どうなるのかを言い当てる術はありません。「あらゆる下落相場は大恐慌につながる」と予想するのは愚かしいことですが、「割高な水準から下落してずっと妥当な水準に達すれば、そこからはひどく激しい下落が起こるなどありえない」と期待するのも、同じようにまちがったことだと思います。(p. 2)

After a 30% drop, who knows how much further it might go?

Klarman: Of course, getting in too soon as the market falls involves great risk for all investors, including value investors. Certainly, when a few securities start to get cheap even as the bull market continues, a valuestarved investor will step up and buy them. Soon enough, many of these prove to be no bargain at all, as the flaws that caused them to be rejected by the bulls become more glaringly apparent when the world gets worse. After a stock market has dropped 30%, there's no way to tell how much further it might have to go. It'd be silly to expect every bear market to turn into the Great Depression. But it would be equally wrong to expect that a fall from overvalued to more fairly valued couldn't badly overshoot on the downside.



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金融危機の影響で株式市場が底をつけた2009年3月に、OID誌(Outstanding Investor Digest)がセス・クラーマンの記事を掲載した号を発行していました。インターネット上を検索したところ、同記事のPDFファイルがアップロードされていたため、一部を引用してご紹介します。なお同誌はバリュー投資家に人気のある投資雑誌で、インタビューや講演をとりあげた記事が秀逸です。(日本語は拙訳)

seth-klarman-oid-interview-march-2009 [PDF] (Above Average Odds Investing)


and finally, that, “We will not be certain until much later whether the so-called bargains of January, 2008 were truly undervalued or merely dangerous temptations to value-starved investors.” Well, needless to say, that verdict is in.

<クラーマン> 何年も前からですが、「自分のポートフォリオを運用する投資家として、いちばん恐れることは何か」との質問を受けることがありました。それに対して、「よくある非常に割高な水準から下落する際に、早すぎる時点で買いに踏み切っていること」と答えました。市場が崩壊する可能性はわかっていました。しかし「市場が頂点を付けた1年後、つまり30%下落した1930年に私がいたらどうなっただろうか」と何度か想像してみました。その当時、魅力的なバーゲンがあったのはまちがいないでしょう。しかしそれからの3年間に市場が大きく下落したことで粉々にされたのも確実だと思います。1929年を100%とすると、20%を下回る水準まで下落したからです。70が20に下落する場合と100が20に下落する場合をくらべても、20に落ちたときにはほぼまったく同じように感じられるでしょう。早すぎることと誤っていることは、ときとして区別できなくなるわけです。(p. 2)

For years, when someone asked me what my biggest fear was as an investor in managing my portfolio, my answer was that it was buying too soon on the way down from often very overvalued levels. I knew a market collapse was possible. And sometimes, I imagined that I was back in 1930 after the market had peaked the year before, and then dropped 30%. Surely, there would've been some tempting bargains then. And just as surely, you'd have been crushed by the market's subsequent plunge over the next three years - down to below 20% of 1929 levels. A fall from 70 to 20, and from 100 to 20, would feel almost exactly the same by the time you hit 20. Sometimes being too early becomes indistinguishable from being wrong.




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AMG Yacktman Focused Fund 2015 Q3 COMMENTARY [PDF]


この数か月の間に、投資比率を大幅に増やすことができたお気に入りの投資先が何件かありました。一方で、好成績だった投資先は縮小あるいは売却しました。本物のバーゲンが到来したときにはもっと積極的かつ楽観的になれるものですが、そうなるのはほとんどの場合下落相場においてです。当ファンドを管理運営するにあたり、私たちはこれまでどおり辛抱強く、慎重に、そして客観的であり続けて参ります。(p. 2)

The investment environment was much more favorable to our approach during the third quarter. We believe the current market is a bit like the late 1990s, near the end of that expensive, long-running bull market. Our value style has lagged so far this year, as investors have chased a few high-priced growth stocks and shunned securities that offered compelling valuations but were undergoing near-term issues. Under a similar set of circumstances in the late 1990s, a period of underperformance set up exceptional outperformance over the long term.

In the last few months we were able to significantly increase our weightings in some of our favorite ideas while reducing or selling investments that have performed well. We become more aggressive and opportunistic when true bargains materialize, and this happens most during declining markets. As always, we will continue to be patient, diligent and objective when managing the AMG Yacktman Focused Fund.



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マイケル・モーブッシンは以前に何度かとりあげました。クレディ・スイスにもどってさらに昇進したようですが、おもしろそうな文章をひきつづき発表しているようです。今回はそのひとつ、"IQ versus RQ"というレポートの一部を引用します。(日本語は拙訳)

IQ versus RQ - Differentiating Smarts from Decision-Making Skills [PDF] (Credit Suisse)









スタノヴィッチ教授による心理学の研究は、バフェットの見解を支持している。RQを測定する包括的なテストはまだ存在しない。教授は目下開発中だが、我々は較正(キャリブレーション)を使っていこうと考えている。これは合理性における重要な側面のひとつである。本研究の一部でもあるように、我々は何千名もの較正を計測した。おもしろいことに、あなたもこの演習に参加することができる。そして、他人とどう違うのかくらべることができるのだ。 (p.2)


Keith Stanovich, a professor of applied psychology at the University of Toronto, distinguishes between intelligence quotient (IQ) and rationality quotient (RQ). Psychologists measure IQ through specific tests, including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and it correlates highly with standardized tests such as the SAT.

IQ measures something real, and it is associated with certain outcomes. For example, thirteen-year-old children who scored in the top decile of the top percent (99.9th percentile) on the math section of the SAT were eighteen times more likely to earn a doctorate degree in math or science than children who scored in the bottom decile of the top percent (99.1st percentile).

RQ is the ability to think rationally and, as a consequence, to make good decisions. Whereas we generally think of intelligence and rationality as going together, Stanovich's work shows that the correlation coefficient between IQ and RQ is relatively low at .20 to .35. IQ tests are not designed to capture the thinking that leads to judicious decisions.

Stanovich laments that almost all societies are focused on intelligence when the costs of irrational behavior are so high. But you can pick out the signatures of rational thinking if you are alert to them. According to Stanovich, they include adaptive behavioral acts, efficient behavioral regulation, sensible goal prioritization, reflectivity, and the proper treatment of evidence.

Your SAT scores shed little light on any of these qualities. So the first lesson in assessing your own decisions or those of others is to consider IQ and RQ separately. Warren Buffett, chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Berkshire Hathaway, equates IQ to the horsepower of an engine and RQ to the output. We all know people who are high on IQ but average or low on RQ. Their efficiency is poor. There are others without dazzling IQs but who consistently make sound decisions. They are highly efficient.

Warren Buffett has plenty of horsepower and output. But when asked about his success, Buffett emphasized that it was RQ that made the big difference, not IQ:

How I got here is pretty simple in my case. It's not IQ, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear. The big thing is rationality. I always look at IQ and talent as representing the horsepower of the motor, but that the output - the efficiency with which that motor works - depends on rationality. A lot of people start out with 400-horsepower motors but only get a hundred horsepower of output. It's way better to have a 200-horsepower motor and get it all into output.

Stanovich's psychological research supports Buffett's observation. While there is not yet a comprehensive test to measure RQ - Stanovich is working on it - we will look at calibration, one of the important facets of rationality. As part of this research, we measured the calibration of thousands of people. And part of the fun is that you, too, can participate in the exercise and see how you stack up versus others.



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新たな高い水準に達したまま進んでいるかにみえる米国企業の利益率ですが、ここでも数字が落ちずにとどまり続ける状況について触れておきます。これまでに、新たなストック・オプション文化によって生じた相互作用のことを論じてきました。自社株買いが高い水準で実施され、そのことが資本投資の水準や経済の成長をどれだけ減じているかについてです。そう、ここでも別の裁定が長々と働く姿がみてとれます。まるで心臓周辺の主要な動脈が閉塞することで、いくつもの微小な動脈を次第に拡張させていくかのようです。つまりはこうです。より長期的な視野に立ち、積極的に拡大をはかる非公開企業は、市場シェアを拡大させていくでしょう。おなじように、プライベート・エクイティーも長期的な優位性を拡大していくと思います。彼らは公開企業よりも多額の資本をすでに投資しているからです。同様にベンチャー・キャピタルも、公開企業に多くをさらわれていたとき以上の機会を手にするでしょう。しかし、そのように資本家の位置関係がゆっくり遷移するよりも若干速いペースで生じると思われる事態があります。それは、事業家や政治家やおそらくは現実的な経済学者さえも、ストック・オプション文化が現在招いているもの、特に低成長と低生産性に対してますます不満を抱くようになることです。(後略) (PDFファイル23ページ目)

Now, let's go back to the similar stickiness in U.S. profit margins, also bouncing along on a seeming new high plateau. I have discussed the interplay of the new stock option culture with its high level of buybacks and how this has reduced the level of capital spending and growth in the economy. Well, here also there are long-winded alternative arbitrage mechanisms, like a heart with clogged major arteries slowly developing a host of widened minor arteries. Private companies with more focus on the long term and more aggressive expansion will have a growing market share. Private equity will also have an incremental long-term advantage: they are already doing more capital spending than traded companies. Venture capital will also have more opportunities than they had previously, when public companies scooped up more of the opportunities. But perhaps slightly faster than this slow capitalist adjustment, businessmen, politicians, and perhaps even some of the more real-world economists will increasingly complain of the current consequences of the stock option culture, especially low growth and low productivity.



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Ten Quick Topics to Ruin Your Summer [PDF] (GMO Quarterly Letter 2Q 2015)

7. 民主主義と資本主義における欠陥について考えてみる





7. Trying to understand deficiencies in democracy and capitalism


"The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence." [Emphasis added.] This is the killer conclusion of a paper last fall by Gilens and Page. Based on the study of almost 1,800 policy issues for which income breakdowns were available, and defining the "Elite" generously as those above the 90th percentile, it finds that "majoritarian electoral democracy" is largely a thing of the past.

To keep the review of this study short, it is probably only necessary to point out that the average bill in the U.S. Congress has a 31% chance of passing; this chance falls to 30% when the proposed legislation is hated by average citizens and rises to 32% when they love it! In contrast, love from the economic elite, although not absolutely guaranteeing success, raises the chances of its passing to 60%. But when the elite truly detest an issue, it is like passing a death sentence: About 1% of these bills pass!

It would be helpful to know one day whether it is the 1%, the .01%, or only the top 2,000 or so who really drive this data, for it is surely not the top 10%. Other than that, the data speaks for itself: It would seem that "government of the people, by the people, for the people" has indeed, for practical purposes, "perish(ed) from the Earth." Lincoln would no doubt urge us to try to resuscitate it.



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Don't Be Surprised - Steven Romick's speech to CFA Society of Chicago [PDF] (FPA)



Since 2008, total U.S. household and financial sector debt declined $3.3 trillion but government debt has increased $6.7 trillion and now represents 22% of total public and private debt, up ten percentage points from 6 years ago.

Since governments own printing presses, they are not bound by the same debt repayment principles as individuals and corporations. I hadn't heard of quantitative easing a decade ago and now central bankers are using that hammer as if everything is a nail. So, the game can be afoot for longer than I care to imagine, with a potential long-term impact of undermining currencies.






We will therefore continue to focus our energies on the search for great businesses at good prices or decent businesses at great prices. We try and keep it simple. I confess that I didn't always operate this way. In my early years, I ended up too much in the weeds. I had to know everything about a company and its industry. I've since learned that knowing less is okay as long as you have identified the one to three things that will drive the company. We believe exactness offers little so we prefer to establish a potential range of outcomes instead. We'd rather be directionally right rather than precisely wrong.

We spend a lot of time asking such questions as: "How does the business work?" "Why does this opportunity exist?" And then, "What if?" Knowing that successful investing is as much about finding winners as it is about avoiding losers, we invert a favorable thesis so as to see it through less rose-colored lenses, all of which hopefully limits negative surprises.

Stocks ask you different questions at different prices. One needs fewer answers at a low price versus a high price. For example, a container ship company priced as if its vessels are worth just scrap value requires only a couple of questions like, "How much cash might be burned before the market rebounds?" and "Can its balance sheet support that?" Whereas if you bought that same container ship company with good current cash flow but day rates are at highs and its stock is trading at two times book value, you'd be far more dependent on the sustainability of the day rate. You'd then have to ask whether or not the management team would spend their free cash flow wisely. In the first case, you'd worry less about their capital allocation decisions because they'd be lacking free cash flow and financial flexibility.

Today, every valuation measure we see points to companies trading on the more expensive side. That means a lot more difficult questions and more of a struggle to find the answers.



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The Importance of Full Market Cycle Returns [PDF] (FPA)






A full market cycle can be defined as a peak-to-peak period that contains a price decline of at least 15% from the previous market peak, followed by a rebound that establishes a new, higher peak. Few publications or data providers publish, let alone highlight, full market cycle returns, yet we believe understanding them can help the return of your portfolio over the long-term.

Warren Buffett, in Berkshire Hathaway's 2013 Chairman's Letter, wrote "Over the stock market cycle between year ends 2007 and 2013, we overperformed the S&P. Through full cycles in future years, we expect to do that again. If we fail to do so, we will not have earned our pay. After all, you could always own an index fund and be assured of S&P results."


Many portfolio managers with strong trailing three- and five-year performances in 2000 and 2007 saw their records (and, more importantly, their clients' capital) decimated by subsequent bear markets. There are other portfolio managers, however, who successfully protect principal in a weak environment yet fail to adequately commit capital when markets are inexpensive, leaving their clients with a sub-par return over the full cycle.

If you are a long-term investor, what happens in between market peaks may be nothing more than noise. Consider both the current market cycle (2007- to the most recent quarter-end peak), as well as the preceding market cycle (2000-2007) for the S&P 500 in the chart on the following page. If you owned shares in good businesses or invested with capable managers, you were better off covering your ears (and sometimes eyes) through the volatility between the green dots.



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ときどき取りあげるミューチュアルファンドFPAは「ディープ・バリュー」という言葉が当てはまるバリュー志向のファンドです。一般的に、強気相場が深まるにつれてバリュー志向のファンドは相対的な成績が低迷し、顧客や資金が引き揚げられがちです。スティーブン・ローミック氏がマネージャーを務めるFPAの旗艦ファンドCrescentの成績も、3月末時点での年間リターンが4.67%と、S&P500の12.73%を大きく下回りました。しかし、手持ちの現金等価物の比率が44%であることを考えれば、納得できる数字です。手腕が高く評価されているせいか資金の流出はみられないようですが、顧客は微妙な心境でしょう。今回ご紹介するのは、そんな彼が第一四半期のレターで転載していた図で(原典はソシエテ・ジェネラルのAlbert Edwards氏)、S&P500の強気相場がつづいた期間を示すものです。現在の市場は、第2次世界大戦以降の70年間で最長のブル・マーケットだそうです。


引用元: Quarterly Commentaries: Capital Fund 3/31/2015 [PDF] (FPA)

もうひとつ、こちらはYahoo! Financeからで、S&P500指数のチャートです。上の図とほぼ同じ期間を示しています。


