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The super-stocks that lead a bull market inevitably become priced for perfection. And in many cases the companies' perfection turns out eventually to be either illusory or ephemeral. Some of the "can't lose" companies of the Nifty Fifty were ultimately crippled by massive changes in their markets, including Kodak, Polaroid, Xerox, Sears and Simplicity Pattern (do you see many people sewing their own clothes these days?). Not only did the perfection that investors had paid for evaporate, but even the successful companies' stock prices reverted to more-normal valuation multiples, resulting in sub-par equity returns.

The powerful multiple expansion that makes a small number of stocks the leaders in a bull market is often reversed in the correction that follows, saddling them with the biggest losses. But when the mood is positive and things are going well, the likelihood of such a development is easily overlooked.

Finally, a rationale often arises to the effect that, thanks to market technicals, investors' powerful buying of the leading stocks is sure to continue non-stop, meaning they can't help but remain the best performers. In the tech bubble of the late 1990's, for example, investors concluded that:

- stocks were doing so well that they would continue to attract capital,
- since tech companies and tech stocks were the best performers, they were sure to continue attracting a disproportionate share of the new buying,
- the superior performance of the tech stocks would cause more of them to be added to the stock indices,
- this would require index funds and closet indexers to direct a rising share of their buying to tech stocks,
- in order to keep up with the returns on the indices, benchmark-conscious active managers would have to respond by increasing their tech stock holdings, and,
- thus tech stocks couldn't fail to attract an ever-rising share of buying, and were sure to keep outperforming.

You can call this a virtuous circle or a perpetual motion machine. It's the kind of thing that fires investors' imaginations in a bull market. But the logic that says it will work forever always collapses, sometimes just under its own weight, as was the case in 2000.

Many of the most important considerations in investing are counterintuitive. One of those is the ability to understand that no market, niche or group is likely to outperform the others forever. Given human nature, "the best" will always come eventually to be overpriced, even for their stellar fundamentals. Thus even if the fundamentals hold up, the stocks' performance from those too-high prices will become ordinary. And if they turn out not really to have been the best - or if their business falters - the combination of fundamental decline and multiple contraction can be really painful.

I'm not saying the FAANGs aren't great, or that they'll suffer such a fate. Just that their elevated status today is a sign of the kind of investor optimism for which we must be on the lookout.



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There They Go Again... Again [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)











上の文に出てくる「重要な戦略的パートナー」のうち、現在も意味のある形で存在している企業は何社あると思われますか(重要なのか、あるいは戦略的なのか、という疑問は別として)。正解は0社です(ヤフー社はその条件を満たしていないはずだと考えるのであれば、正解は1社となるでしょう)。この文章は、アマゾン社の1997年度の年次報告書から抜粋したものです。つまるところ、将来とは予測できないものであり、小さな欠陥に無縁なものや企業なぞ存在しないのです。(p. 6)



Bull markets are often marked by the anointment of a single group of stocks as “the greatest,” and the attractive legend surrounding this group is among the factors that support the bull move. When taken to the extreme - as it invariably is - this phenomenon satisfies some of the elements in a boom listed on page four, including:

- trust in a virtuous circle incapable of being interrupted;
- conviction that, given the companies’ fundamental merit, there’s no price too high for their stocks; and
- the willing suspension of disbelief that allows investors to extrapolate thse positive views to infinity.

In the current iteration, these attributes are being applied to a small group of tech-based companies, which are typified by “the FAANGs”: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (now renamed Alphabet). They all sport great business models and unchallenged leadership in their markets. Most importantly, they’re viewed as having captured the future and thus as sure to be winners in the years to come.

True as far as it goes … just as it appeared to be true of the Nifty-Fifty in the 1960s, oil stocks in the '70s, disk drive companies in the '80s, and tech/media/telecom in the late '90s. But in each of those cases:

- the environment changed in unforeseen ways,
- it turned out that the newness of the business model had hidden its flaws,
- competition arose,
- excellence in the concept gave rise to weaknesses in execution, and/or
- it was shown that even great fundamentals can become overpriced and thus give way to massive losses.

The FAANGs are truly great companies, growing rapidly and trouncing the competition (where it exists). But some are doing so without much profitability, and for others profits are growing slower than revenues. Some of them doubtless will be the great companies of tomorrow. But will they all? Are they invincible, and is their success truly inevitable?

The prices investors are paying for these stocks generally represent 30 or more years of the companies' current earnings. There are clear reasons to be excited about their growth in the near term, but what about the durability of earnings over the long term, where much of the value in a high-multiple stock necessarily lies? Andrew points out that the iPhone is just ten years old, and twenty years ago the Internet wasn't in widespread use. That raises the question of whether investors in technology can really see the future, and thus how happy they should be paying prices that incorporate optimistic assumptions regarding long-term earnings power. Of course, this may just mean the best is yet to come for these fairly young companies.

Here's a passage from one company's 1997 letter to shareholders:

We established long-term relationships with many important strategic partners, including America Online, Yahoo!, Excite, Netscape, GeoCities, AltaVista, @Home, and Prodigy.

How many of these "important strategic partners" still exist in a meaningful way today (leaving aside the question of whether they're important or strategic)? The answer is zero (unless you believe Yahoo! satisfies the criteria, in which case the answer is one). The source of the citation is Amazon's 1997 annual report, and the bottom line is that the future is unpredictable, and nothing and no company is immune to glitches.



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Bonus section: I’ve been collecting (and recycling) quotations for almost forty years, more of them concerning forecasts than anything else. Here are five of the very best. Together they say virtually everything that has to be said on the subject:

We have two classes of forecasters: Those who don’t know – and those who don’t know they don’t know.
– John Kenneth Galbraith

No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all of your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future.
– Ian Wilson (former GE executive)

Forecasts create the mirage that the future is knowable.
– Peter Bernstein

Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the future.
– Warren Buffett

I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.
– Albert Einstein



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「自分を向上させたいのであれば」、とエピクテトス(1世紀のギリシャ人哲学者)がかつて言った。「畑違いのことについては、無知か愚鈍に見えるよう、みずから進んで振る舞うこと」。現代のような相互接続おびただしい24時間休日なしのメディア漬けの世の中では、「私にはわかりません」と答えるのが、我々の取り得る最強の一手だろう。あるいはもっと挑発的に、「それがどうかしましたか」と。もちろん全てというわけではないが、ほとんどはそうだと言える。なぜならば、ほとんどのことは問題とは言えないし、ほとんどのニュースには追いかける価値がないからだ。(強調部は原著者ハワード・マークスによるもの)(p. 11)

First, I had dinner with Warren Buffett about a year ago, and he pointed out that for a piece of information to be worth pursuing, it should be important, and it should be knowable. These days, investors are clamoring more than ever for insights regarding the macro future, because it’s important: it moves markets. But there’ s a hitch: Warren and I both consider these things largely unknowable. He rarely bases his investment actions on them, and neither does Oaktree.

Second, I want to include a final paragraph from the Observer article about the media that I mentioned earlier. I think it’s golden:

“If you wish to improve,” Epictetus [first-century Greek philosopher] once said, “be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters.” One of the most powerful things we can do as a human being in our hyperconnected, 24/7 media world is say: “I don’t know.” Or more provocatively, “I don’t care.” Not about everything, of course – just most things. Because most things don’t matter, and most news stories aren’t worth tracking. (Emphasis added)



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不確実なことに対する予測に基づいて大胆な行動に出るのは、単に筋ちがいなだけではなく、危険なやりかたです。マーク・トウェインは次のように言っています。「やっかいごとになるのを知らないのが問題ではない。確信していたのに当たらないのが問題なのだ」。(p. 9)

There are no facts about the future, just opinions. Anyone who asserts with conviction what he thinks will happen in the macro future is overstating his foresight, whether out of ignorance, hubris or dishonesty.

Developments in economies, interest rates, currencies and markets aren’t the result of scientific processes. The involvement in them of people – with their emotions, foibles and biases – renders them highly unpredictable. As physicist Richard Feynman put it, “Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings!”

Taking bold action based on forecasts of things that are uncertain isn’t just misguided; it’s dangerous. As Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. it’s what you know for certain that just ain’t true.”




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Oaktreeのハワード・マークスが1月に書いたレターは、「専門家の見解(Expert Opinion)」と題したものでした。「専門家による予測は、あまり当てにならない」とする主旨が、彼らしい実際的な視点から説明されていました。そのなかで気に入ったいくつかの箇所を、少しずつ引用してご紹介します。原文のリンク先は以下のとおりです。(日本語は拙訳)

memo from Howard Marks: Expert Opinion [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


・それがために、メディアに登場する専門家に耳を傾けるのは、楽しいひとときではあるものの、知性の点からすると時間の無駄と言えるかもしれません。(p. 4)

My son Andrew has helped me dope out the media effects:

- Following events makes people feel they're actively involved in them and well informed.
- People think and act with more confidence when they consider themselves informed.
- But the media pundits often are no more insightful than the rest of us.
- And anyway, people tend to follow media outlets that confirm their beliefs rather than challenge them.
- Thus following the media experts, while entertaining, can be a waste of time intellectually.




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What do big price declines mean? They mean market participants sense fundamental deterioration. But what price declines say is reflective, not predictive. They tell you about the events that have occurred, and how investors have reacted to them. They don't tell you anything that the average investor doesn't know about future events. And, again, I'm firmly convinced (a) the average investor doesn't know much, and (b) following average opinion won't help you attain above average results.

Most of my readers want to perform better than the average investor. As I've set out in "Dare to Be Great II" (April 2014) and in the discussion of "second level thinking" in my book The Most Important Thing, to accomplish that, you have to invest differently than the average investor. To do that, you have to think differently than the average investor. And to do that, you have to consider different inputs than the average investor, or consider inputs differently. You simply can't follow the signals their behavior provides.

It's a matter of logic: if price movements reflect average opinion, following their supposed advice can't help you perform above average.



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If anything, I think it's emotion that's synergistic. It builds into herd behavior or mass hysteria. When 10,000 people panic, the emotion seems to snowball. People influence each other, and their emotions compound, so that the overall level of panic in the market can be higher than the panic of any participant in isolation. That's something I'll return to later.

Now let's think about the first goal of investing: to buy low. We want to buy things whose price underestimates the value of the underlying assets or earnings (value investing) or the future potential (growth investing). In either case, we're looking for instances when the market is wrong. If we thought the market was always right - the efficient market hypothesis - we wouldn't spend our lives as active investors. Since we do, we'd better believe we know more than the consensus. So by definition we must not think the market - that is, the sum of all other investors - knows everything, or knows more than we do, or is always right. That's point number two.

And that leads logically to point number three: why take instruction from a group of people who know less than you do? In "On the Couch," I wrote that it all seems obvious: investors rarely maintain objective, rational, neutral and stable positions. Do you agree with that or not? Is the market a clinical and rational fundamental analyst, or a barometer of investor sentiment? Does the market's behavior these days look like something a mature adult should emulate?

It seems clear to me: the market does not have above average insight, but it often is above average in emotionality. Thus we shouldn't follow its dictates. In fact, contrarianism is built on the premise that we generally should do the opposite of what the crowd is doing, especially at the extremes, and I prefer it.



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So, what does the market know? First it's important to understand for this purpose that there really isn't such a thing as "the market." There's just a bunch of people who participate in a market. The market isn't more than the sum of the participants, and it doesn't "know" any more than their collective knowledge.

This is a very important point. If you believe the market has some special insight that exceeds the collective insight of its participants, then you and I have a fundamental disagreement. The thinking of the crowd isn't synergistic. In my view, the investment IQ of the market isn't any higher than the average IQ of the participants. And everyone who transacts gets a volume-weighted vote in setting an asset's price at a given point in time.

People of all different levels of ability act together to set the price. They vary all over the lot in terms of knowledge, experience, insight and emotionalism. The market doesn't give the ones who are superior in these regards any more influence than the others, especially in the short run. My bottom line on this subject is that the market price merely reflects the average insight of the market participants. That's point number one.



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What Does the Market Know? [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


Especially during downdrafts, many investors impute intelligence to the market and look to it to tell them what's going on and what to do about it. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. As Ben Graham pointed out, the day-to-day market isn't a fundamental analyst; it's a barometer of investor sentiment. You just can't take it too seriously. Market participants have limited insight into what's really happening in terms of fundamentals, and any intelligence that could be behind their buys and sells is obscured by their emotional swings. It would be wrong to interpret the recent worldwide drop as meaning the market "knows" tough times lay ahead.



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We haven't had a boom (either in the economy or in the stock market), so I don't think we're fated to have a bust. Because most businesses have been particularly loath to expand their facilities, I don't think they'll be slammed if revenues flatten or turn down.

The leverage in the private sector has been reduced. This is particularly true of the banks, where leverage has gone from the region of 30+ times equity before the crisis to very low double digits today. And, of course, banks are now barred from investing adventurously for their own account.

Finally, the main villain in the crisis was sub-prime mortgage backed securities. The raw material - the underlying mortgages - was unsound and often fraudulent. The structured mortgage vehicles were highly levered and absurdly highly rated. And the risky tranches ended up in banks' portfolios, causing them to require rescues. Importantly, this time around I see no analog to sub-prime mortgages and MBS in terms of their combination of fragility and magnitude.



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We know investors swing from rejecting all possibilities to drinking the Kool-Aid, just as the three stages say. Thus at Oaktree we want to buy when they're pessimistic, not when they're eager participants. If I could know only one thing about an investment I'm contemplating, it might be how much optimism is embodied in the price. In the first stage of the bull market, no optimism is present, and that makes for great bargains. In the last stage, the level of optimism is terribly high, and thus so are purchase prices relative to fundamentals. I want to buy when I can benefit from the herd's neuroses, not when they'll penalize me just as they do everyone else.



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On the Couch [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)

投資家がみせる行動特性の中でもっとも注目すべきひとつとして、悲観的なものごとが生じてもしばらくの間は見過ごしたり、あるいはその重要性を軽視したりしがちな点が挙げられます。しかし結局は下落の途中で降参し、今度は過剰に反応するのです。私としては、そういった行動の多くは心理的な弱点に因るものであり、そうでなければ出来事が持つ本当の重要性を的確に評価する能力がないことに帰すると考えています。(p. 4)

One of the most notable behavioral traits among investors is their tendency to overlook negatives or understate their significance for a while, and then eventually to capitulate and overreact to them on the downside. I attribute a lot of this to psychological failings and the rest to the inability to appreciate the true significance of events.



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少し前の投稿でご紹介したハワード・マークスのレター"Inspiration from the World of Sports"から、もう一か所引用します。(日本語は拙訳)





運動選手が平均以上であるためには抜きん出ていなければなりません。レベルの高いテニスの試合では、相手がリターンできないような「ウィナー」ショットを打たないと勝てません。強力なショットで、かつライン際かネットぎりぎりに打ち、相手の「凡ミス」を誘うわけです。しかしそうする能力に欠けていれば成功しないでしょう。つまり、それを試みること自体が賢明でないのです。一方、必要な能力を備えた人であれば、「ウィナーを狙う試合で闘う」際にそれを試みるだけの資格があります (過去のメモ"What's Your Game Plan"をご参照のこと)。







投資家が自信を持つのはすばらしいことですし、そのおかげで大胆に振舞えるのもすばらしいことです。ただし、その自信に裏付けがあるときにかぎります。最後に示したこの条件は、投資家は冷徹かつ率直に自分自身を評価しなければならないことを意味します。自信不足やそれゆえに大胆な行動に及び腰でいるよりも、傲慢さや自己過信のほうが危険だからです。「なにが危ないのかわかっていないのは問題ではない。危なくないと信じきっていることが問題になるのだ」、マーク・トウェインがそう発言した時、彼の胸中も同じだったでしょう。そしてノバク・ジョコビッチが「紙一重だ」と言ったのも、同じことを示していたに違いないと思います。(p. 8)

The Victor's Mindset

It often seems that just as I'm completing a memo, a final inspiration pops up. This past weekend, the Financial Times carried an interesting interview with Novak Djokovic, the number one tennis player in the world today. What caught my eye was what he said about the winner's mental state.

I believe that half of any victory in a tennis match is in place before you step on the court. If you don't have that self belief, then fear takes over. And then it will get too much for you to handle. It's a fine line.

Djokovic's statement reminded me of a conversation I had earlier this month, on a subject I've written about rarely if ever self-confidence. It ranks high among the attributes that must be present if one is to achieve superior results.

To be above average, an athlete has to separate from the pack. To win at high-level tennis, a player has to hit "winners"-shots his opponents can't return. They're hit so hard, so close to the lines or so low over the net that they have the potential to end up as "unforced errors." In the absence of skill, they're unlikely to be executed successfully, meaning it's unwise to try them. But people who possess the requisite skill are right in attempting them in order to "play the winner's game" (see "What's Your Game Plan").

These may be analogous to investment actions that Yale's David Swensen would describe as "uncomfortably idiosyncratic." The truth is, most great investments begin in discomfort - or, perhaps better said, they involve doing things with which most people are uncomfortable. To achieve great performance you have to believe in value that isn't apparent to everyone else (or else it would already be reflected in the price); buy things that others think are risky and uncertain; and buy them in amounts large enough that if they don't work out they can lead to embarrassment. What are examples of actions that require self-confidence?

・Buying something at $50 and continuing to hold it - or maybe even buying more - when the price falls to $25 and "the market" is telling you you're wrong.

・After you've bought something at $50 (thinking it's worth $200), refusing to "prudently take some chips off the table" when it gets to $100.

・Going against conventional wisdom and daring to "catch a falling knife" when a company defaults and the price of its debt plummets.

・Buying much more of something you like than it represents in the index you're measured against, or entirely excluding an index component you dislike.

In each of these cases, the first-level thinker does that which is conventional and easy - and which doesn't require much self-confidence. The second-level thinker views things differently and, as a consequence, is willing to take actions like those described above. But they're unlikely to be done in the absence of conviction. The great investors I Know are confident second-level thinkers and entirely comfortable diverging from the herd.

It's great for investors to have self-confidence, and it's great that it permits them to behave boldly, but only when that self-confidence is warranted. This final qualification means that investors must engage in brutally candid self-assessment. Hubris or over-confidence is far more dangerous than a shortage of confidence and a resultant unwillingness to act boldly. That must be what Mark Twain had in mind when he said, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." And it also has to be what Novak Djokovic meant when he said, "It's a fine line."



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Inspiration from the World of Sports [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)

ナシーム・ニコラス・タレブは著書の中で、「起こり得た数々の歴史」について触れています。私はこれを「十分起こり得たが、そうならなかった別の事態」と表現しています。たしかに[今年のスーパーボウルで]シーホークスは負けました。しかし彼らが勝利し、[コーチのピート・]キャロルの下した判断がその違いをもたらしていたかもしれないのです。そうであれば彼はやり玉にはあげられず、ヒーローとなっていたでしょう。ですから、下した判断の良否を評価するには結果にもとづくだけでは足りず、以下の点も考慮しなければなりません。第一にその判断を下したプロセスの品質、第二にその判断が当たる先験的確率(当たるかどうかを問うこととは大きく異なります)、第三に下されたかもしれなかった他の諸判断、第四に起こり得る可能性が十分にあった全ての事象、第五に最も成功する確率が高かったのはどの判断か、です。(p. 8)

In his book, Taleb talks about “alternative histories,” which I describe as “the other things that reasonably could have happened but didn't.” Sure, the Seahawks lost the game. But they could have won, and Carroll’s decision would have made the difference in that case, too, making him the hero instead of the goat. So rather than judge a decision solely on the basis of the outcome, you have to consider (a) the quality of the process that led to the decision, (b) the a priori probability that the decision would work (which is very different from the question of whether it did work), (c) the other decisions that could have been made, (d) all of the events that reasonably could have unfolded, and thus (e) which of the decisions had the highest probability of success.




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When everyone believes something is risky, their unwillingness to buy usually reduces its price to the point where it’s not risky at all. Broadly negative opinion can make it the least risky thing, since all optimism has been driven out of its price.



In good times - perhaps emulating Warren Buffett – investors talk about how much they’d like to see the stocks they own decline in price, since it would allow them to add to positions at lower levels. But when prices collapse, the chance to average down is usually a lot less welcome ... and a lot harder to act on.

Investors can be tempted to sell during corrections like this one. Oftentimes emotional behavior is cloaked in intelligent-sounding rationalizations like “it’s important to sell down to your comfort level.” But the valid reasons to sell are principally because you feel fundamentals have deteriorated or because the price has risen enough. Selling to get more comfortable as prices fall (just like buying for that purpose in a rising market) has nothing to do with the relationship between price and value.


It’s desirable that everything in a well-diversified portfolio performs well - The truth is, if all the holdings were to perform well in one scenario, they could all perform poorly in another. That means the benefits of diversification wouldn’t be enjoyed. It shouldn’t be surprising - or totally disappointing - to have some laggards in a portfolio that’s truly well-diversified.



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It's Not Easy [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)










The most outstanding characteristic of first-level thinkers - and of the investing herd - is that they like things with obvious appeal. These are the things that are easy to understand and easy to buy. But that's unlikely to be the path to investment success. Here's how I put it in "Everyone Knows" (April 2007):

What's clear to the broad consensus of investors is almost always wrong.

First, most people don't understand the process through which something comes to have outstanding moneymaking potential. And second, the very coalescing of popular opinion behind an investment tends to eliminate its profit potential.

Take, for example, the investment that "everyone" believes to be a great idea. In my view by definition it simply cannot be so.

* If everyone likes it, it's probably because it has been doing well. Most people seem to think outstanding performance to date presages outstanding future performance. Actually, it's more likely that outstanding performance to date has borrowed from the future and thus presages sub-par performance from here on out.

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the price has risen to reflect a level of adulation from which relatively little further appreciation is likely. (Sure it's possible for something to move from "overvalued" to "more overvalued," but I wouldn't want to count on it happening.)

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the area has been mined too thoroughly - and has seen too much capital flow in - for many bargains to remain.

* If everyone likes it, there's significant risk that prices will fall if the crowd changes its collective mind and moves for the exit.

Superior investors know - and buy - when the price of something is lower than it should be. And the price of an investment can be lower than it should be only when most people don't see its merit. Yogi Berra is famous for having said, "Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore; it's too crowded." It's just as nonsensical to say, "Everyone realizes that investment's a bargain." If everyone realizes it, they'll have bought, in which case the price will no longer be low.



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オークツリーの会長ハワード・マークスが少し前にレターを公開していました。今回の題名は"Risk Revisited Again"です。今回は書下ろしではなく、何回か前に発表した文章を改訂した文章(過去記事など)になっています。投資におけるリスク管理の手引きとしていっそう質を高めたエッセイだと思います。また基本的に同じ文章をくりかえしたことは、彼が自分の見解を強調したいゆえにとった手段だとうけとめました。今回は、改訂元のレターに対して追加された部分から一部を引用します。(日本語は拙訳)

Risk Revisited Again [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


Risk exists only in the future, and it's impossible to know for sure what the future holds. Expectations are often formulated on the basis of what happened in the past, but the events of the past must be taken with a substantial grain of salt. No ambiguity is evident when we view the past. Only the things that happened happened. But that definiteness doesn't mean the process that creates outcomes is clear-cut and dependable. Many things could have happened in each case in the past, and the fact that only one did happen understates the potential for variability that existed. What I mean to say (inspired by Nicolas Nassim Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness) is that the history that took place is only one version of what it could have been. If you accept this, then the relevance of history to the future is much more limited than many believe to be the case. [Along these same lines, Peter Bernstein wrote the following in his November 2001 newsletter: We like to rely on history to justify our forecasts of the long run, but history tells us over and over again that the unexpected and the unthinkable are the norm, not an anomaly. That is the real lesson of history.]


People overestimate their ability to gauge risk and understand mechanisms they've never before seen in operation. In theory, one thing that distinguishes humans from other species is that we can figure out that something's dangerous without experiencing it. We don’t have to burn ourselves to know we shouldn't sit on a hot stove. But in bullish times, people tend not to perform this function. Rather than recognize risk ahead, they tend to overestimate their ability to understand how new financial inventions will work.



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Liquidity [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)


Usually, just as a holder's desire to sell an asset increases (because he has become afraid to hold it), his ability to sell it decreases (because everyone has also become afraid to hold it). Thus (a) things tend to be liquid when you don't need liquidity, and (b) just when you need liquidity most, it tends not to be there. (In the 2014 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Letter, released early this month, Warren Buffett expresses his dislike for "substitutes for cash that are claimed to deliver liquidity and actually do so, except when it is truly needed.") The truth is, things often seem more liquid when you buy than when you go to sell.






But it may not be a good idea to always sit with a large amount of cash so as to be able to provide liquidity and scoop up bargains in a once-a-decade crash. This may equate to sub-optimizing. It would have paid off in 1990-91, 2001-02 and 2008-09, but what about the other 19 years in the last 25?

A high degree of concern over illiquidity can push investors to avoid it to excess. For example, institutions whose realities could permit a long-term investment approach sometimes decide to invest only in things they can get out of quickly. Is this prudence, or merely sub-optimizing? Is it done in response to a threat that has a reasonable likelihood of materializing, or to a crisis while it is fresh in memory ("fighting the last war")? Is it realistic, or the result of an irrational desire to be able to turn the whole portfolio into cash in short order? Or is it done in orders to always be able to comply with a sell order from the boss or the investment committee? Liquidity is a good thing (everything else being equal). But is it smart to require that a portfolio be able to provide more liquidity than is ever likely to be called on? Let's remember that liquidity isn't free. There's usually a cost, and it comes in the form of return forgone.

I think the best way to deal with the issue of liquidity is to think of the portfolio in terms of layers ranging from highly liquid to totally illiquid. The appropriate size for each layer at a given point in time is a function of each investor's specific situation, as well as the position of the market in its cycle.

In sizing those layers, it's clear that no investor should shoulder more illiquidity than its realities permit, as happened in 2008 with serious consequences for some endowments. Portfolios may be required to (a) meet their owners' needs for current cash with which to operate, (b) fund capital drawdowns at a time when lock-up funds aren't making distributions, or (c) enable the owners to avoid having to sell assets at depressed prices. Thus portfolio liquidity should be set so these needs can be met in bad times.

But how bad is bad? Should the portfolio have to respond to the last bad year, the average of the last five bad years, the worst year ever... or something worse? These decisions require judgment.



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The Lessons of Oil (Oaktree Capital Management) [PDF]


Turning to the second aspect of "the failure of imagination" and going beyond the inability of most people to imagine extreme outcomes, the current situation with oil also illustrates how difficult it is to understand the full range of potential ramifications. Most people easily grasp the immediate impact of developments, but few understand the "second-order" consequences . . . as well as the third and fourth. When these latter factors come to be reflected in asset prices, this is often referred to as "contagion." Everyone knew in 2007 that the sub-prime crisis would affect mortgage-backed securities and homebuilders, but it took until 2008 for them to worry equally about banks and the rest of the economy.

